Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Feeling Large Today

I had another bad night sleep last night.  I don't know why my throat tickles and makes me cough at night!  I got up about 5am and dozed on the sofa and when Steve got up to go out, went back to bed and slept solidly until 11.30am.  Maybe I'm allergic to him?!  I hope not!

Anyway, I'm feeling HUGE today.  I have quite the achey bump from the coughing, it's even feeling a bit in the way for typing this.  There's really  not a lot of room in there at all, and my appetite is swiftly dwindling.  I'm trying to keep drinking lots of water and juice though but it's filling me up!  Plus, I'm a bit breathless again, maybe baby's come up out of my pelvis and turned around or something.

I have been out with Steve and Izzy, we drove up to the castle, and Steve threw the ball for Izzy whilst I sat and watched and laughed so it was nice to be out and about but this afternoon I have sat and rested as I don't feel up to much else.  Lethargy does indeed induce lethargy.  I ought to start laying out clothes for my hospital bag as I took some clothing items out after deciding I ought to be wearing them a bit more whilst I can!  I just am not feeling as though I want to do anything this week :(

I don't know, it just doesn't feel as though I'm due to give birth in 5 days time.  Am I being too silly by  not getting stressed?  I don't know.  It just doesn't feel real!  That's surely a bad sign from me!  Swimming pool, deep end, feet first.  Hmm.

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