Sunday 31 October 2010

17 Weeks

How far along: 17 Weeks.

Total Weight Gained:  *tumbleweed drifting along*

Maternity Clothes: The baby bump bands worked well this week, and my maternity hoody was comfy!!  Other than that none.

Stretch Marks: Still none I can see yet!

Sleep: Not great!!  Good to have nap times this past week though.

Best Moment of the Week: Deciding that it was baby I could feel fluttering around in there!!  Quite a strange realisation.

Movement: Yes, I believe so!!  Just a faint little tickle on the inside and it's a bit like a rumbling tummy with the fluttery feeling.

Food Cravings:  This week I've just been having porridge and milky things as seems normal for me, but enjoyed a couple of bags of Haribo.

Gender: Three weeks to find out!!

Belly Button: Not too much change from last week.

What I miss: Still missing sleep.

What I'm looking forward to:  3rd November I get my 16 week check up and we'll hear the baby's heartbeat!!

Milestones: Three weeks from half way along!!

Wednesday 27 October 2010

On a barge, not sure this'll work!!

Well, I managed to get a title on here, but not an actual post, so now I'm cosy at home again today catching up with Strictly Come Dancing with Izzy next to me, and able to update.

Pretty much last week was a week's holiday with Steve's family on a canal barge!  I was a bit cautious about carrying stuff and worried about slipping about off the boat, but everything went ok and we had a nice week away.

The only downside was sleeping, which was the fault of the pregnancy more than anything really, still very tired and my hips are still hurting.  As a result I managed to get Steve to bring an extra duvet out to lie on which helped, but he was extra tired too as I tossed and turned a lot in the night!  It didn't help having an Izzy dog on our feet either!!  But I was able to nap in the morning and afternoon if needed so it was quite relaxing.

I also think I've felt the baby quicken!  It was most strange, and certainly something you could put down to wind, but it's been two days now, and in different places, so I'm guessing that it's kicking about and it really feels like a little flutter in there!!  Most strange but fascinating at the same time.

Sunday 24 October 2010

16 Weeks

How far along: 16 weeks!!

Total Weight Gained: Erm.... still not sure!

Maternity Clothes: I'm in baby bump bands and really like them! 

Stretch Marks: Haven't seen any yet.  Am using Palmers cocoa butter now.

Sleep: Sleeping ok apart from having to fidget due to hurting joints.

Best Moment of the Week: Possibly buying the baby bump bands!!

Movement: Not quite yet.

Food Cravings:  Still nothing out of the ordinary!  Just tasty food and needing to add salt to stuff for flavour.

Gender: Looking forward to finding out!  Still not sure on boys names ata ll yet.

Belly Button: Certainly not as deep as before!

What I miss:  A good night's sleep!!

What I'm looking forward to:  A week away of relaxing and napping!

Milestones: Four months in this week!

Saturday 23 October 2010

Bump Bands

I've read a bit about these and saw then in a 3-pack from New Look for £10 and on finding out they're meant to help prolong the time you can wear your regular clothes, went and bought some today.

With the maternity jeans donated by friends, I've found all but one pair too big, and with going away tomorrow for a week, didn't want to buy lots of pairs of jeans I'm not really going to need.  So I thought I'd try these bump bands and see if I can fit in my old jeans.

Out came the suitcase, and I was a bit nervous, as I went to the vets with Izzy last night to have her neuturing stitches out, and stood on their scales!!  And admittedly I was wearing my shoes, a heavy waterproof jacket and had my bag on my shoulder (lots of excuses here) and I have put weight on, not quite a stone, probably about 1/2 stone, so today I was wondering whether my jeans would even fit me.

But on they went, and although they wouldn't do up due to the bump, they fit everywhere else!!!  Hurray!!  So I can take my old jeans and these bump bands and see how long I can do without purchasing more jeans!

I am most chuffed today :)

Plus, had a little wander around Mothercare with Steve looking at newborn baby outfits.  They are most lovely, but quite wintery, so probably not the best time to purchase.  I'm itching to start stocking up though, but don't really know where to begin!

Aches and Pains!

This pregnancy is causing lots of different feelings at the moment.

I'm learning to love my bump, I'm getting more excited by the day at imagining the moment I get to greet the baby.  I can't wait to start painting the nursery.

But at night, I'm having trouble sleeping and it seems very early for such things!

It is said that being pregnant, one shouldn't sleep on one's back.  Well, that was my sleeping position of comfort and I'd quite happily drift off to sleep, lying on my back, breathing quietly through my nose.  Steve found it disturbing as he said I looked dead (!) but I liked it.

It may have been psychological, but on finding out I was pregnant sleeping on my back felt uncomfortable, like I could feel something pressing on my spine (although apparently this isn't too bad until 16 weeks).

Anyway, on my side it has been for the last couple of months, but now, my hips are killing me.   I'm awake in the night having to turn from side to side as the ache is waking me up!!  I've not had a good night's sleep for about four nights and yesterday people were alarmed at my right eye looking so bloodshot due to tiredness!!   I just wish I knew what I could do to ease it a little.  Apparently a pillow between the legs is meant to help I've done that but will try it again.  I find it a pain turning over and taking a pillow with me! 

I didn't know you got this sort of ache, but on googling it this morning, yep, another matter that causes pregnancy grief women in general seem unaware of!  I can feel it now, my bones are feeling a bit tender.  The thought of another five months of this is rather alarming. 

And next week I'll be on a canal boat in a very narrow little bed!  I'm taking extra pillows and blankets for comfort though.  Oh for a good night's sleep!

Friday 22 October 2010

15 week bump pic.

This is actually a really unflattering picture, but it does show a bit of the bump.  I'm very tired this morning, I didn't sleep well so my eyes are little puffy things (and bloodshot to boot) and my hair is having a bad day, but it shows the important bit.  And yes, I'm at work!!  This is 15+6 today.

And just to remind myself I looked better not so long ago, here's a pic of me on my wedding day!  I felt thin and pretty!!

Aah, happy memories!!  Hard to believe that within about 2 months of this day, I was already pregnant!!

Thursday 21 October 2010

What a Shopping List!

Here's A List Of Things A New Baby Needs - Taken directly from the internet!!

When you know you're pregnant, it's hard to think of a list of things a new baby needs. You will start really well, and then there will always be something you forget. So to get you started, have a look at this...

What to buy for a new baby

Baby Clothes

Baby vests and sleep suits. I would be tempted to buy at least half a dozen of each, unless you want to be continually washing - I may start looking around to stock up so it's not all in one go.
A few basic baby clothes.
Cardigans or light jackets for extra warmth.
Scratch mitts and socks.
Hats for trips outside.
If it's winter then maybe you will need one of those all in one snow suits.
Nappies, either terry or disposables, if you're using terry then don't forget those plastic top pants.
Bibs and burp cloths. These will save your clothes and his clothes, from the need to be changed every couple of hours!

Baby care items - Things a new baby needs for bath times!

Lets have a quick look at what you need for a baby toiletry wise.
No tears bubble bath
No tears shampoo, I just love the Johnsons range of baby care products, that's how a baby should smell :-)
Sudocrem or nappy cream, for those sore little botties!
Baby wipes.
Cotton wool.
Baby lotion or some form of baby moisturiser. After your baby is first born he may get very dry skin.
Baby nail clippers.
Soothers, dummies, pacifiers.
Gripe water although this can't be used until after one month of age.
Infacol, just in case your baby has colic (you don't want to be racing down to Tesco's at midnight like my poor hubby had to!)
Nappy sacks, preferably fragranced ;-)
Baby power, use sparingly you don't want your baby inhaling powder. Some professionals recommend not to use powder.
Changing mat, one of those wipe clean plastic ones.

What You Need For a New Baby - The Big Stuff!

Let's see what furniture you'll need for your new baby. Some of these are optional so don't think you have to go out and buy it all.

Moses basket, crib, swinging crib - there's the 'Cranston cradle' we may be borrowing?!
Cot or cot bed - Sarah is giving us a cot
A mobile or toy to hang over the cot, maybe musical to help baby drift off to sleep.
Sheets and blankets, please check the size that you will need and buy accordingly.
A baby monitor if you intend to put baby in another room, you'll be able to hear if he needs you.
Soft Towels or a baby robe.
Baby bath.
High chair.
Pram, pushchair, stroller - Mum and Dad are buying us this as a present
Bouncy chair (helps to soothe and relax a niggly baby, vibrating ones are even better!)  - coming from Sarah I think.
Car seat  - comes in buggy set.

Things a New Baby Needs for Feeding Time

These things depend on whether you are breastfeeding or not, but most of them are still handy to have around incase you can't breastfeed at any time.

Bottles, there are a vast variety available, have a good look around and ask the store people advice on which are the best.
Spare teats.
Bottle warmer, much safer than the microwave which can leave 'hotspots' in the milk.
Breast pump, if you intend to breastfeed this will come in handy if baby stays with the grandparents for the night.
Sterilizer, either steam or cold water. If you choose cold water sterilizing then you'll need sterilizing fluid.
Bottle brush, buy a few because in my experience they don't last for long.
Formula milk, either powder or ready made.

And for when baby gets a little older you will need:

Feeding bowls, plastic ones of course, he may spend more time throwing them than eating from them!
Weaning spoons, plastic again.
Drinking cups with spouts, or beakers.

What About Mum?

Ok, that takes care of the things a new baby needs, but what do you need to buy for yourself.

Maternity clothes - got a few, some new, some from Ebay.  Expensive business getting pregnant!
Nursing bra's - just invested in a couple of maternity bras for now.
Tens machine if you intend to use one for the birth. These can be purchased or rented. Just get it in plenty of time incase baby arrives early!
Disposable briefs for the birth. - ewwww, no, I'll just throw my regular pants away thanks.
Sanitary towels for after the birth, plenty of them and super absorbent are best.
Breast pads (they do tend to leak at the worst possible times!)

Oh and just one last tip for the things a new baby needs... Lots of love, plenty of hugs and a little TLC :-)


It seems there may be some form of tradition to say grandparents buy the buggy for a baby, or maybe it's just my parents!  Anyway, as they bought Sarah and Aaron's buggy for Theo and Isaac, they've said they'll buy us one too.

Mum's been internet browsing and has found this one, of which I prefer the 'lollipop turquoise' to the orange, red and black versions and it has lots of different bits to see baby through to toddlerhood.

It's a newish make, Mum thinks it's taken over from another company, I've forgotten the name, but the reviews I've seen have been positive. 

I like the pram for newborn, carry cot for the car etc.. and then the buggy for older baby, and there's a nice compartment underneath for shopping, and a bag for bits and bobs.

Mum also says four wheels are better than three (practical rather than trendy!) and a solid handle rather than seperate ones are easier if you need to use one hand eg:  when walking with the dog.

Hmm, I wonder how Izzy will get on with walking nicely beside a pushchair!!  She's learning how to walk to heel at the moment, and she knows it, she'd just rather do her own thing.  We're keeping on with the training though :)

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Test Results

This is a quick extra post to say that I had a letter from the hospital when I got home.

The results of the nuchal test scan, to see whether baby has a liklihood of a chromosome disorder, such as Down's Syndrome.  The results was fine, they recommend no further testing, and the chances of baby having Down's are 1 in a 1000.  Which I think is normal.

So that seems all ok.

It just makes you wonder what would have happened if it said anything else.

Everyone hopes for a 'perfect' baby, but I don't think I could honestly go through with a termination, or possibly even second tests at this point, it would be too awful.  And people adapt to whatever their situation, and there would be no less love.

I don't know whether Steve would share that view or not.  He's worked with people with Down's Syndrome as part of a film he did, and he readily admits they can have a good quality of life.

But we don't have to have that conversation now.

Monday 18 October 2010

Bump Vision

I got to work this morning, and took my coat off and the girls in the office all exclaimed, ' look at your bump!  It's really grown!' 

One weekend and it's properly there now.  I ought to take a picture of it.  I don't know whether it's neat or not, it seems bumpy lower down, but above, I wonder whether that's my stomach all pushed up?!

Anyway, it is now prominent, and they assure me I look normal from the back, and not too wide!! 

There was a girl at our church, and she didn't really start showing until about 6 months, and even then, it was the neatest little bump you could ever imagine!  Mine already looks about the same as hers when her little Ruby was delivered!!  Or maybe I'm exaggerating, but still, I look down and theres the bump rather than my feet. 

I've also noticed I can't bend down as easily now.  I dropped  a piece of paper on the floor, and normally, would just reach down and grab it, and that would be it.  Now it's a bit of a mission, I have to get off my chair, crouch down to pick it up and use my legs to push myself back up!  And it's only week 15!  25 more to go!

Sunday 17 October 2010

15 Weeks

I'm going to try to make this blog a bit more pregnancy orientated, and since the US bloggers seem to do it so well, I found a lovely blog yesterday called:-  Third Time's The Charm which is by a girl called Katie who is about 21 weeks along!

So I hope she doesn't mind but I've blatantly plagiarised this post that she does every month as I think it's a nice way to keep track of everything.

So here goes...
How far along: 15 weeks today!!

Total Weight Gained: I'm afraid I don't know as I don't have any scales (as previously mentioned) and I keep forgetting to get on Mum's when I'm round at her house.  I must must must make a concerted effort to today.  Must.

Maternity Clothes: I'm sort of in a real inbetween stage at the moment.  My own jeans haven't done up for weeks but maternity are too big round the middle so I'm pulling them up all the time.  For work I've been getting away with a pair of larger sized black trousers and regular tops, although last week I did wear a maternity one and I looked a bit drowned.  Probably because it was my sisters and she stretched it out with the twins being in her bump!!

Stretch Marks: None as yet.  My Mum didn't seem to get them, but Sarah did.  I've used bio-oil a bit but have been worried by a report I read on it that said mineral oils aren't that good for skin and Palmers lotion is better although nothing will combat stretch marks if you're going to get them so it's all a bit hit and miss really.

Sleep: In spite of the cold at present (my head cold, not the dropping temperature!) I'm sleeping well, and only getting up once a night around 2-3am to nip to the loo.  Some nights I find it hard to get back to sleep as my brain starts chattering away, but I always seem to wake at the 6.30 alarm so I guess I do drop off again.

Best Moment of the Week: Erm.... well, I had two days where I wondered if I'd found my 'bloom' last week as I felt a lot more energised, wasn't falling asleep at 8.30 and could get more done, but with the onset of a cold, I'm a bit bleurgh again!!

Movement: I've not really felt anything I'd think was a movement.  I've heard it feels a bit like wind or bubbles inside, and if I've felt anything (sorry to be graphic here) it's tended to just be wind!!  I'm still getting shooting pains if I move too suddenly or roll over in bed to sharply which is the ligaments stretching to make room for baby.  Some ladies on the Babycentre forum think they've felt it, but I've also read it's a 20 week thing for a first timer like me.

Food Cravings:  I wouldn't say I've had outright cravings except for the first few weeks where I really wanted water melon.  I'm really into fruit, plums especially but then I've always liked fruit and plums, it's just that I can eat four large plums in one sitting now!  I find myself ravenous not long after breakfast and needing food around 10.30 - usually something sweet and filling, and then my appetite dwindles over the lunchtime and afternoon period.  Then if I've not eaten enough I get dizzy and feel ill.  I'm liking jelly sweets though too.  Mmmmm Haribo!

Gender: We don't yet know.   I've played with the old wives tales and tried to fathom it out but it's so random.  I did have an inkling to start with that it was a girl, not sure why, but I don't have that inkling anymore.

Belly Button: It's still normal, although when I was rubbing oil in yesterday it could have been my imagination, but it didn't feel quite so deep!!

What I miss: I'm not really missing anything at the moment, I'm fortunate to have everything I need and everyone comes around regularly.  I'm seeing my middle sister this weekend, it'd be nice to see the younger sister too!!

What I'm looking forward to:  I've got my 16 week midwife appointment booked, but in week 17 because we're away for the week during 16 so we'll get the blood test results back then.  Then it's not long till the 20 week scan on the 26th November where we see baby again and find out the sex.  Maybe.  I don't know!  Part of me would like a surprise, but most of me wants to know!  I hope I can decide!!

Milestones: Well, I'm only 5 weeks away from being half way through this pregnancy.  It's flown by, but then I guess the first eight weeks were spent in blissful ignorance!  I'm starting to think that was a good thing as I missed all the early stresses really!!

Pain in the .....

I don't like to worry.  I really don't, but when  you wake up with a pain in your middle, it makes you wonder and worry about all manner of things.

It may not even be baby related, I could have had indigestion,  or whatever, but because it's centred around my middle, I instantly think, ooh, what did I do?

'Did I carry something too heavy, I should not have carried that shopping bag', 'I think I drank a little milk that had turned because I couldn't smell it due to the cold', 'was it the fact I ate some chilli crispy beef from the Chinese for tea'?

Am I being a bad mother even before baby gets here?  Am I not taking enough care of myself?

But I have got some pains going round me, I think they're too high up to  be baby related, but wowser, I'll have to just go and browse the baby forums to see what it could be today I guess.  If I'm still worried, I'll be going to the doctors to enquire.  I'm sure it's nothing.  Nothing has actually happened to make me suspect otherwise.  I just feel all safe and secure for about a week after a scan, then stress for the remainder of the time until the next appointment which is two weeks on Wednesday.  Ages in fact :(

Friday 15 October 2010

The Name Game

And, having been sharing ideas of other boys names with Steve, he's said he prefers my original name to the new ones I've come up with!!

Maybe I can win him over after all by giving him worse names!!  =D  Hee hee!

My Pregnancy Ticker!!

Lilypie - (gkx9)

Look what I've made!  Apparently I have 177 days to go.  Seems like more than it actually is.  I remember when I had 100 days before the wedding and it flew by so fast.  I've also added it to the bottom of the blog to help me count down.

I've been thinking about when to leave this lunch time.  I'll have holiday to use up before I go, so could technically (if I save my remaining 20 days) have about 3 weeks holiday before the maternity kicks in and go at the start of March which would be nice. 

From reading the BabyCentre forums, it seems you get quite a few babies coming early, and it would be nice to be able to relax for a couple of weeks before our lives change forever!  Mmm, holiday!!

Thursday 14 October 2010

Unsympathetic Husband

I feel a bit miffed to say the least at the moment. 

I'm a bit under the weather again.  I'm nearly 15 weeks pregnant, had bronchitis, diagnosed with bronchial asthma which is brought on by cold weather, and it's jolly cold outside, and I've caught a cold and the past three days I've walked to work as Steve has been out at early meetings.

This morning, he was in, and at 7.50 I asked him for a lift to work as I was feeling rather tired, I've not been sleeping well, and the cold was exacerbating my chest. 

'Can't you walk' he said, 'it's not that far',

'Can't you walk and let me have the car today' I said.  'I've walked every day so far this week, and today I'm tired and not feeling great'.

'Have a sick day then' he replied turning over and ignoring me.

'I'll take the car and you can walk Izzy up to then drive her home again'

'I don't want to walk that far, and I need the car for this morning, you'll have to walk'

Honestly.  He thinks I'm all fit and well and should be doing more than normal because 'it's good for me'.  Well, I'll be the judge of what's good for me thank you.  So he made me wait, and got up slowly (he is infuriatingly lazy in a morning) and then by 8.15 he was ready to drive up with me.  I drove, because frankly I'm a better driver and he seems to make a car lurch too much which makes me nauseous and I got to work for 8.25 which is later than I'd hoped.

And on the way he grumbled I was ignoring him.  And then he made a comment that he'd never known a pregnant woman to be so tired in pregnancy!!  I asked what pregnant women he'd ever known.  The answer - his mum.   He was 14 at the time and she was having her fourth pregnancy.  I think that's a bit different to having a first baby.

The bottom line is, he thinks I'm faking the way I feel.  He's being unsupportive and thinks that I should be fine walking to and from work every day, cleaning the house, doing the laundery, cooking the meals without complaining that I'm weary!  He hasn't even run the vacuum round in the 6 months he's lived there. 

How can he not understand that I'm exhausted, my body is growing another being, my energy is used up very quickly, my emotions are all over the place and I'm feeling the most unloved and unappreciated that I've ever felt.  And when I've tried to tell him how I feel he brushes it off as 'pregnancy brain'.  I think that if we're going be friendly at all during the next 5-6 months, he's going to have to come to a sharp realisation that he's going to have to grow up, be a man, and understand that I'm not myself, I need more support and nothing is going to be the same as it was ever again! 

And then he wonders why I'm not feeling the mood for anything when he decides to be nice and make a move.

EDIT: - Ok, to be fair to him, I am as grumpy before bed as he is in a morning, and he rang up just after nine to apologise for being grumpy with me this morning.  So we have made friends again.  I still feel we have issues about his lack of understanding to how I'm feeling being pregnant, but I wouldn't folk to worry that we have an unhappy marriage because that really isn't true!  We are happy 85% of the time, and 15% we argue and get cross before making up, and that's what makes me rant on these blogs!!! 

I feel better now though.  And he apologised first :)

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Supernumerary Nipple!!!

I had a bit of a shock yesterday. 

Many years ago, when I was a University student, I had a couple of skin tags removed, one from my thigh, and one from my stomach because they rubbed and got infected.  I found what I thought was a third one, under my left breast and on querying it with a doctor, was told it was an under developed nipple, and that one in ten women have this!

So I left it.  It didn't bother me, and I didn't bother it.

Until pregnancy struck! 

I looked at it yesterday, and where it used to be a flat pink moley type this, it now is darker in colour, and has a point to it!!  It's like a mini version of my regular nipples!

Ingrigued, I looked up on the internet, and it seems it's an extra nipple if it's on a 'milk line' and it's likely to lactate as well when the milk comes in!!  It's not advised to breast feed from it, as it can cause permament enlargement, but seriously!  Can you imagine milk coming from a non-regular nipple! 

Steve thinks it's weird, but he can't talk, he's got webbed toes!!

Tuesday 12 October 2010

What Is In A Name?

A lot apparently.  There's less than six months to go and we've not really thought too much about it. 

I know what I'd like and I think they're lovely names for a boy or girl, but Steve although he likes the girl's name is not liking my boy's name idea.

There's a lot of pressure on getting it right, not causing bullying, funny initials etc.... 

And not to mention once you've got a name, hoping someone else doesn't 'bag' it first!  Cousin Nicola has already told me her name ideas so I'm safe there, but cousin Joanna is having a baby after Christmas so I'm hoping she doesn't go down my name road.  I'd be gutted.

It's hard as well with me wanting to keep the names a secret.  Steve's already told his parents, which he told my parents, so we then told them our ideas, but as they're only ideas at this stage I guess it's ok.

Sunday 10 October 2010

14 Weeks!!

How far along: 14 weeks

Total Weight Gained: I wish I knew!  Forgot to weigh myself.  Again.  :(

Maternity Clothes: Some, but I can get away with larger regular items.  Just wish it weren't so chilly at the moment.  Friends and sister have lent me their's but they had summer pregnancies, so there's not really anything thick and woolly and warm!!

Stretch Marks: None as yet.  Little tummy itches though.

Sleep: Not too bad.  Its getting better, although I seem to wake at 2.00am needing to wee, and then I fall back asleep and wake at 4.00am absolutley busting!  I actually worried about wetting the bed the other night!!  I didn't mind!

Best Moment of the Week:I really feel that I have a genuine bit of a bump now, and it's not just fat.  Of course when dressed it could be fat, but I wore a wrap cardigan and Steve saw me and commented on the baby bump and felt it.  I think it's there!

Movement: Nothing concrete as yet.

Food Cravings: Nothing new.  A guy from work keeps asking if I fancy coal and anchovies yet.  No David, the answer is no.  Many times no.  Ooh, except I am drinking a lot of milk this week.
Gender: No idea yet. Most friends and family are betting on a girl though.

Belly Button: Still in there.

What I miss: Being able to roll over easily in bed without twinging.

What I'm looking forward to: Feeling some movement soon I hope.

Milestones:  We've made it to the second trimester.  Hurrah.

Saturday 9 October 2010

Maternity Bras

Well, I got measured today in Mothercare and on hearing how many women go up loads of sizes, I wasn't sure what to expect. I've not had a lot of problems with my current bras to be honest, but on reading that if intending to breast feed you shouldn't be in underwired, I thought it time to get maternity ones without wire in.

Ordinarily, I'm a 34F, and on being measured I'm a 36F!! No huge jump there! Just an expanding rib cage! Hee hee! I guess it's still early days, and it may go up again, apparently the biggest weight gain is around weeks 24 to 30 but I think I'm not doing too badly so far. So they didn't have my size in, but it's ordered and I'll be in them by the end of the week.

Of course, I've not weighed myself as I don't own scales, but I shall step on my Mum's scales tomorrow and have a little check. If cousin Nicola has put a stone on already, I wonder what I've put on.

Ooh, and I got my second Bounty pack today. They'd had a new delivery at Boots, (stock seems a bit hit and miss a lot of the time apparently) so this one had a newborn nappy in - so tiny, some wipes, sudocream, other bits and bobs and lots of leaflets, vouchers and a galaxy chocolate bar! Shame I'm still a bit bleurgh about chocolate.

I've spent this evening signing up for baby clubs to get more freebies and offers and it's felt most productive! Less than 6 months to go now!!

Friday 8 October 2010


And no, not me. At least not yet. I was rather horrified to read on a baby forum, a women 15 and 1/2 weeks pregnant had experienced leaking nipples with 'a watery juice' coming out and she was querying whether this was normal or not.

Eeeek. I asked Zoe, who works in the next office about it, and she said that didn't happen with her first baby until 30 weeks, and not at all with her second, although then on recollection, she did say she had all sorts of milky accidents where one time she was preparing to breast feed Ella, and she realised Ella was covered in milk, all over her face and it took a moment for her to realise the milk was pouring out of her! As in proper squirting out into the face of her baby!!
Another time she said that she was doing a nappy and felt that her feet were wet, and wasn't sure why, until she realised both breasts were projectile squirting milk downwards.

She was laughing about it, saying she'd forgotten that until now, and I was laughing too as it seemed so very extreme, but in all seriousness, 'seriously'? Boobs with no control? That sounds terrible :( She's advised I get some breast pads in case it starts with me soon. Moooo.

Thursday 7 October 2010

13 weeks and 3-4 days

This one looks rather skeletal!!
And here it is looking a bit more baby like and cosy!

I know it's Steve's baby as it was all curled up and happy asleep and didn't want to be disturbed. It flailed it's little fists as us as the sonographer poked at it with the wand thing, and was not wanting to play at all. Just like Steve in a morning! Gosh, imagine if it's like a little Steve :( I'll have to train it from the start and not let Steve have too much input!!
So then we had to head out and go for a walk with some jumping, drink a cup of tea and go back after 30 minutes. The baby was more cooperative at this point and they were able to get the measurements they wanted.
Then - duh duh duh - it was time for the ominous blood tests. I made quite a scene. We were heading down a corridor which was taking us closer and Steve was teasing me about junkies which I didn't want to hear, so I began to cry. I made it down the corridor to the waiting room and we got a number to put us in the queue and it was on 14 and we were 21 :( So we waited and I was ok, and Steve was actually managing to be supportive, but when it was our turn, as I stepped into the room and saw the chair with arm stirrups I began to cry again. Not noisily, just tears, pouring down my face!
The nurses were lovely, both came to help and look after me, they tilted me back, gave me extra pillows, but my left arm veins weren't playing either, so it was the right arm, and even that one was dubious for the amount of blood they wanted. But it was all done, with lots of tears, and apologies from me but I couldn't have contained my tears if I'd tried. It's just a reaction from me when in that situation. I'm not even afraid of blood, cuts, scrapes, grazes, I can deal with, but a needle in my vein sucking it out of me, that's where the terror lies. Veins. Urgh. Can't bear them!
So it was back to work and normality. I have an appointment with the midwife at 16 weeks at the Dr's, then a 20 week scan on the 27th November, then more bloods at 28 weeks. It makes it all seem nearer somehow pacing things out like that!
Still not thought about much else practical. Although I am now feeling more sorted in myself. I think I just needed the 12 week confirmation and I can look to the future a bit more now.

Sunday 3 October 2010

"Well Done"

This is what a lot of people are saying to us at the moment. It's an odd thing to say really, I think congratulations is more appropriate!! It seems that 'well done' is sort of saying, well done on managing the whole consummating thing, or well done on bits all being in working order, or well done on nature doing it's thing!

Hmm, anyway, even my Dad keeps saying 'well done' on seeing me! He patted my bump and said well done this morning. I had a few bump pats. It's getting more obvious.

Scan on Thursday. It's nice to think I can check everything's ok there. We're going to have a nuchal scan as well, which will give a risk of down's syndrome, and I have to have my bloods taken. Bloods, plural! Eek.

Roll on Thursday.

Friday 1 October 2010


I'm really loving milk at the moment. I bought a pint from the student shop, and am just drinking it like it were water.
It's weird to think I may start producing my own soon. Mooo.
Hm, I still say 'may' and 'maybe' rather than will. I will be more positive after the 13 week scan.