Monday, 18 April 2011

41+1 and Still Here and Still Waiting....

I had a text last night to say that another couple from our ante-natal class have also had their baby!  5 weeks early.  Girls do seem to come earlier than boys do.

I had what could be my worst night's sleep ever last night.  I've woken up with hands like puffy claws and throbbing feet and ankles.  And sorry for too much information, damp pants.  I think when I'm sleeping, baby is wriggling on the bladder and causing a little issue.  At least it's not terrible and panty liners can control it but that had better stop once baby is out!  I'm terrible at remembering the pelvic floor exercises. 

I asked Steve to do a weekly shop as we had (have) no food in at all, but he made excuses to not go on his own, and I'm not in a position to be able to wander around a supermarket pushing a trolley at the moment so in the end I just registered with Tesco's online and it's being delivered this afternoon.  He really does not understand how achey and in pain my joints are, and comes out with helpful suggestions like going to the cinema in Newcastle to see Scream 4.  I don't want to go in a car, far away to watch a scary horror film when overdue and heavily pregnant?!  Why can't he understand that?  Honestly.

As a result of no food, we actually have no bread and no cereal so I was suffering hunger pangs on waking up this morning wondering what to eat for breakfast when I remembered a bag of oats in the cupboard - result!!!  Real porridge it is!  And tasty it is too.

I had a lovely restful day yesterday.  I went to Mum and Dad's and sat in the garden all morning reading quietly whilst Steve and his family went to Church.  He then went to their cottage whilst I stayed at Mum's for the afternoon and then on going home had a little nap.  All I need and want at the moment is peace, quiet and rest.  Saturday with all of Steve's family coming round was a bit much for me and I felt quite overwhelmed at the number of people crammed into my little lounge, all tall, and broad with lots of legs everywhere and getting Izzy all worked up and playful. 

No, quiet and peaceful is the way forward for me.  I hope Steve can enforce that once baby is here else I'm just going to have to take myself away from the chaos and hide away somewhere....

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