This is the first month I've been trying ovulation prediction tests.
I bought some cheaply off Amazon, not the smiley face sort, but sticks on which two lines appear when one's LH hormone levels surge which demonstrates ovulation is about to take place.
I'd given up with them really, having dutifully tested every day from day 10 of my cycle but to no avail. I began to think that I didn't have any eggs, my hormones were not around, and things looked a bit hopeless.
Then on day 22 of my cycle I got a postive test! Two very strong lines meaning ovulation was imminent! A week later than is normal for a 31 day cycle, but with mine alternating between 31 and 38 days for the last 6 months (weird isn't it) I guess it's not too crazy.
So I'm sure you can guess what happened next without me going into too much detail (!) and I'm now in the two week waiting period, which is crazy times where your hopes slowly rise, and your search yourself for symptoms every day until finally, you allow yourself to take a test when you presume you're 10 days past ovulation. Obviously, I'm really hoping that Aunt Flo doesn't show this month.
Lets wait and see. At least I'm reassured that I do have the relevant hormones, even if they're a bit like my husband, always late!!! :)
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