Saturday, 15 January 2011

Restful Weekend....

Hurray!  It's the weekend again :)  I am loving weekends at the moment.  Just not having to go into work is almost blissfull, even though I'm not able to have a lie in due to bladder, hunger, thinking about things to do, but just pottering around in my pj's is far more preferable to sitting in the office!

Yesterday I felt absolutely shattered.  It was my first full week back at work after Christmas, and Steve was working in Birmingham so I was a bit silly and decided as I'd sat all afternoon, I'd walk the mile home for some exercise.  It wasn't too bad, I didn't rush or anything, but I certainly was rather tired out when I got back.

Steve then rang to say he was nearly home and I said how tired I was and would he sort dinner out.  His answer - going out for an Indian.  I get that he thinks that's a solution for everything including world peace, but the last thing I wanted was to go out!!  I wanted to sit on the sofa, be brought food and possibly given a foot rub.

Anyway, the compromise was a McDonalds and whilst he was getting that (Big Mac meals all round!) I had a grapefruit for healthiness!!

After dinner we built the changing unit we bought (albeit without the actual changing shelf bit due to Ikea not having any in yet) and being tired I went to bed at 9.30!

This morning I was up at 2am for a bowl of cereal, then 6am for a toilet trip and finally conceded to get up at 8am.  I've had more grapefruit and may have some toast later, but for once don't feel like eating cereal!!

This morning's mission?  Get Steve's work boxes in the shed out of the nursery and building the wardrobe and daybed so it's going to be time to wake Steve up shortly.  That'll need a game plan!  Then tomorrow we can put the cot together if Sarah brings the bolts along :)   Then we'll have a pretty much finished and ready room!  I can't wait to put photos on here :)

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