Today was the day I met the midwife again. Steve had a work appointment and couldn't come with me, and knowing there would be a blood letting, I took my Mum along for company instead!
It began well enough. My blood pressure was fine, my urine was fine, the heartbeat was strong and healthy, she measured my bump and said it was all on track, and that the baby was sitting on my left side. There was a head or bottom just under my ribs but there's still a lot of room for him to move around in at the moment. I'm going with a head there, as I'm sure it's feet I can feel kicking my inside nether regions, as feet would be stronger than hands I reckon.
Then came the bad bit. The blood tests.
The midwife had a go first. She was calm, and I explained I'm not good at it, and cry, but she was to ignore the tears and just keep going. Except that she couldn't get a vein. I was prodded and poked but the veins were not giving up my blood. Then came tears.
So then she called in the practise phlebotomist who asked me to lie on the bed the wrong way round with my feet in the air as she attempted my left arm. Nothing. I was asked to turn around the right way up to stab at my right arm. Nothing. Then I was asked to turn around again to put my feet up to have another go at my left arm. Nothing. Then the dreaded moment. She asked if she could have a go at a vein in my hand! Urgh. This turned my stomach and I said 'ok' but inside, agh. It hurt and I was trying to breathe and stay calm.
Eventually, she gave up too and I'm to see the phlobotomists at the hospital instead. They said I have 'difficult veins' and my Mum says my Grandma was the same. It's nice to think it's maybe a family thing and not just me. I can't go today to do it as my veins have been attacked enough apparently. I shall attempt to go on Friday and get it over and done with. Likely with tears too. :(
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