Sunday, 9 January 2011

27 Weeks

How far along: 27 Weeks.

Total Weight Gained: Am still ignoring scales after 1 and a half stone scare.  And the fact it's after Christmas and I've eaten lots and lots.

Maternity Clothes: Yes, all the way now.

Stretch Marks: Sigh - yes, under my tummy I now have stretch marks. 

Sleep:  Is getting less now.  I'm ok falling asleep for a bit but am waking up in the early hours for a toilet visit which then wakes baby up and makes him very lively which means I'm finding it hard to get back to sleep afterwards so have had a few 5.00am starts.  Being back at work after Christmas also means I can't really have naps of an afternoon either!!!

Best Moment of the Week:  Not sure really, I did have a good night sleep which was refreshing on Friday night!!!

Movement: Lots.  and lots.   And lots.  Squirming, kicking and wriggling.

Food Cravings:  Just liking food in general!

Gender: He's a baby BOY!!!

Belly Button:  Still in but very stretched.  I've said this for weeks now, and can't believe how stretched it is without coming out yet!  It's sort of a funny brown colour now.  Although my friend Carly says that's the colour of a tummy button when it's in, and it's now stretched to the point of inside out although not sticking out which is why it's darker.

What I miss:  Better bladder control.  At Church this morning I had to go 3 times during the sermon.  3 times!!  and 7 times in total whilst I was there (we did stay for lunch as well).  And I'm finding my ribs ever so painful, it feels a bit bruised under my right breast and I wonder whether it's due to having the chest infection and coughing so much.  A nurse at church has advised asking the midwife so I may do that in the morning.

Milestones: This is now the third trimester (I think, at least some places say this week and others say next week.  I'm going to say this week)!

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