I felt that I'd been quite good this week, with mainly boring diet foods so I was a it bleurgh to find i'd not lost any weight at all this week. So in two weeks I've still only lost 1 pound. Maybe this dieting lark isn't for me if I can't actually lose weight through dieting and eating less.
So Steve's parents have come up this weekend and we went for an Indian with Joel after seeing the Christmas lights in town. (well, dieting hasn't worked so far soi felt i deserved a treat!) He loved sitting with us, eating poppadoms and rice with pasanda sauce. He had a late night as we didn't get back till after his bedtime but he coped very well.
He loved the lights and Christmas trees, and he looked so adorable in his winter pramsuit.
Pictures to follow.
Friday, 30 November 2012
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Slimming World
I've been trying to be good this week with staying on 'The Plan'.
I can see why I didn't try dieting before. I don't like feeling restricted. I am suddenly craving food I didn't use to crave as much as this. I am looking forward to Christmas and feeling that I will eat what I want for one week, and never mind the consequences. I'm not someone who overeats for the sake of it at Christmas, but I'm longing for pate, and brie, and mince pies.
This week I've eaten about 4 melons. (that's right, I said 4!!!)
I'm trying to stuff myself with vegetables, salad and fruit before going onto free food.
After the weekend's upset with too much fat laden food, I've reigned it in, and have been nibbling ryvita, extra light philly and red grapes for lunch (surprisingly tasty and nice and crunchy), salad bits, ham for snacking, fat free potato wedges, poached eggs and baked beans. Stir fry with noodles, and slow cooker beef stew with mash and fat free fromage frais stirred through for moisture. Mullerlight yoghurts, and more mullerlight yoghurts. I will probably make another curry this friday night and pretend it's a takeaway in my head. I will probably try the lamb rogan josh recipe this time. And something with chicken tomorrow.
It's a bit exhausting thinking about food all the time. I didn't used to think about it this much, and it's hard thinking of what to make night after night. It's more expensive as well, as I'm buying a lot more fresh fruit and vegetables and seasonal stuff I find boring! Apples and oranges. And melons. So many melons. I used to like melons!!
I hope to see more of a difference this week. Come on 2lb loss!!
I can see why I didn't try dieting before. I don't like feeling restricted. I am suddenly craving food I didn't use to crave as much as this. I am looking forward to Christmas and feeling that I will eat what I want for one week, and never mind the consequences. I'm not someone who overeats for the sake of it at Christmas, but I'm longing for pate, and brie, and mince pies.
This week I've eaten about 4 melons. (that's right, I said 4!!!)
I'm trying to stuff myself with vegetables, salad and fruit before going onto free food.
After the weekend's upset with too much fat laden food, I've reigned it in, and have been nibbling ryvita, extra light philly and red grapes for lunch (surprisingly tasty and nice and crunchy), salad bits, ham for snacking, fat free potato wedges, poached eggs and baked beans. Stir fry with noodles, and slow cooker beef stew with mash and fat free fromage frais stirred through for moisture. Mullerlight yoghurts, and more mullerlight yoghurts. I will probably make another curry this friday night and pretend it's a takeaway in my head. I will probably try the lamb rogan josh recipe this time. And something with chicken tomorrow.
It's a bit exhausting thinking about food all the time. I didn't used to think about it this much, and it's hard thinking of what to make night after night. It's more expensive as well, as I'm buying a lot more fresh fruit and vegetables and seasonal stuff I find boring! Apples and oranges. And melons. So many melons. I used to like melons!!
I hope to see more of a difference this week. Come on 2lb loss!!
This is the first month I've been trying ovulation prediction tests.
I bought some cheaply off Amazon, not the smiley face sort, but sticks on which two lines appear when one's LH hormone levels surge which demonstrates ovulation is about to take place.
I'd given up with them really, having dutifully tested every day from day 10 of my cycle but to no avail. I began to think that I didn't have any eggs, my hormones were not around, and things looked a bit hopeless.
Then on day 22 of my cycle I got a postive test! Two very strong lines meaning ovulation was imminent! A week later than is normal for a 31 day cycle, but with mine alternating between 31 and 38 days for the last 6 months (weird isn't it) I guess it's not too crazy.
So I'm sure you can guess what happened next without me going into too much detail (!) and I'm now in the two week waiting period, which is crazy times where your hopes slowly rise, and your search yourself for symptoms every day until finally, you allow yourself to take a test when you presume you're 10 days past ovulation. Obviously, I'm really hoping that Aunt Flo doesn't show this month.
Lets wait and see. At least I'm reassured that I do have the relevant hormones, even if they're a bit like my husband, always late!!! :)
I bought some cheaply off Amazon, not the smiley face sort, but sticks on which two lines appear when one's LH hormone levels surge which demonstrates ovulation is about to take place.
I'd given up with them really, having dutifully tested every day from day 10 of my cycle but to no avail. I began to think that I didn't have any eggs, my hormones were not around, and things looked a bit hopeless.
Then on day 22 of my cycle I got a postive test! Two very strong lines meaning ovulation was imminent! A week later than is normal for a 31 day cycle, but with mine alternating between 31 and 38 days for the last 6 months (weird isn't it) I guess it's not too crazy.
So I'm sure you can guess what happened next without me going into too much detail (!) and I'm now in the two week waiting period, which is crazy times where your hopes slowly rise, and your search yourself for symptoms every day until finally, you allow yourself to take a test when you presume you're 10 days past ovulation. Obviously, I'm really hoping that Aunt Flo doesn't show this month.
Lets wait and see. At least I'm reassured that I do have the relevant hormones, even if they're a bit like my husband, always late!!! :)
Sunday, 25 November 2012
What to Blog?
We've had a nice weekend despite the rather glumifying weather. (Is that even a word?!)
We had a quietish Friday once back from the slimming group. We had some lunch, then Joel napped (I love that quiet two hours to do what I want to!) then we played lots and had a trip to the post office, and then an important visit! We went to a craft shop and bought some fabric and trims to make an outfit for Joel to wear to our Church nativity morning.
We got him some purple material, and some gold and red ribbons and sequins. That makes two sewing projects as I'm still trying to finish his advent calendar.
We've decided to have a real tree this year, but where it will go I have no idea. We'll have to rearrange the room utterly to make room. And I've no doubt it'll get rather decimated by Joel before too long.
Yesterday we went along to Joels' nursery Christmas Fayre. I won back some stuff I donated to the tombola. I bought some cakes that were a bit strange, and we froze on the walk there and back. But it was nice to dress Joel up in his snow suit.
All the kids there got totally hyper and were all running around a lot yelling for most of the morning!! Joel loved joining in and racing about. I got him a little tattoo on his arm which he didn't like and he cried every time his sleeve was pulled up and he could see it!! I had one too to see whether that helped but no, he didn't like seeing me with one either. He's so funny!!
We've been to church this morning and Steve let him take his ukelele with him. He wandered about with it strumming and singing, but also in the quiet bits so it was a relief for him to go through to creche! I was playing keyboard this morning so couldn't be on hand for him. He was not willing to share it with anyone else either. Luckily, Grandad kept him entertained.
And he didn't go down for a nap until 1.30 with us getting back late, so whilst he slept, we watched a film together. It was a nice change to have a quiet time in the day together. I guess this is our first weekend together at home in about a month!
We'll have to see what next week brings but there will be a visit from Steve's family which warrants a good house tidy!!
We had a quietish Friday once back from the slimming group. We had some lunch, then Joel napped (I love that quiet two hours to do what I want to!) then we played lots and had a trip to the post office, and then an important visit! We went to a craft shop and bought some fabric and trims to make an outfit for Joel to wear to our Church nativity morning.
We got him some purple material, and some gold and red ribbons and sequins. That makes two sewing projects as I'm still trying to finish his advent calendar.
We've decided to have a real tree this year, but where it will go I have no idea. We'll have to rearrange the room utterly to make room. And I've no doubt it'll get rather decimated by Joel before too long.
Yesterday we went along to Joels' nursery Christmas Fayre. I won back some stuff I donated to the tombola. I bought some cakes that were a bit strange, and we froze on the walk there and back. But it was nice to dress Joel up in his snow suit.
All the kids there got totally hyper and were all running around a lot yelling for most of the morning!! Joel loved joining in and racing about. I got him a little tattoo on his arm which he didn't like and he cried every time his sleeve was pulled up and he could see it!! I had one too to see whether that helped but no, he didn't like seeing me with one either. He's so funny!!
We've been to church this morning and Steve let him take his ukelele with him. He wandered about with it strumming and singing, but also in the quiet bits so it was a relief for him to go through to creche! I was playing keyboard this morning so couldn't be on hand for him. He was not willing to share it with anyone else either. Luckily, Grandad kept him entertained.
And he didn't go down for a nap until 1.30 with us getting back late, so whilst he slept, we watched a film together. It was a nice change to have a quiet time in the day together. I guess this is our first weekend together at home in about a month!
We'll have to see what next week brings but there will be a visit from Steve's family which warrants a good house tidy!!
Friday, 23 November 2012
First Weigh In
Well today I got on the scales again. I have to say I didn't know what to expect but hoped to get to under 11 stones. I even didn't sleep well last night feeling anxious about it! I never thought I'd worry about it!
Anyway, I lost 1lb. Not a great start in my mind but still a loss. I've put down to lose 2lbs for next week so am going to have to try to be better.
On the plus side, I tried a pair of size 12 jeans on they fitted!! So that made me happy! I'm almost back to what I was :)
Anyway, I lost 1lb. Not a great start in my mind but still a loss. I've put down to lose 2lbs for next week so am going to have to try to be better.
On the plus side, I tried a pair of size 12 jeans on they fitted!! So that made me happy! I'm almost back to what I was :)
Thursday, 22 November 2012
This is Joel's favourite new word. He says it as he hits us, as though it adds extra hittiness. Saying that, the hitting levels have dropped a little, and he is starting to look a bit abashed when he does it. He really doesn't like not getting his own way at all. And if we take something away, or say no, we get a 'bop'.
He's going into nursery so beautifully at the moment and the staff have commented on it, and put a sticker on the wall for him! There is a note there saying 'this morning Joel had his coat off, took off his shoes and put them in the pot, walked back into the baby room, waved goodbye to Mummy and blew her a kiss before sitting himself down for breakfast'!!!
And in the evening on collection, I can tell him to get his slippers or shoes and he brings them back to me to be put on. Now, that is good, and I'm proud of him!!
His words are coming on. He says a very nice 'yes please' when offered more of something he likes, like egg, or cheerios!! Other than that, we still get Muh-Ma, and 'Zeeeee' (for Izzy) and what is funny is 'Teve' for Steve, although when he looks at photos he calls him Dada now. But if he calls him from a distance, it's 'Teve' every time. I guess that's my fault. I sometimes forget to call Steve Dada around Joel.
He's very into his colouring and drawing at the moment. He loves sticking things on paper if I give him a shape and a glue dot. Books are a firm favourite as well now. The bedtime story has become a necessity and he knows what he wants to hear. We got some from the library and he loves one called 'Counting Dragons' and he likes it three times. He'll push the book he doesn't want away and point to that one every evening.
Slimming has gone well this week. I hope. I have a weigh in tomorrow morning so will see whether it's done anything. I've not really felt hungry so can't really tell whether I've lost anything or not. I will be surprised if I have. I did eat a wispa yesterday! I'm not someone to withold food from myself if I want it that badly to the point of binge eating. I'm not even sure I quite like the group therapy session after weigh in as I'm not really someone who is that way inclined. But I guess it's all good in the end. And all I want to do is lose a few remaining pounds and feel trimmer in time for Christmas. I looked fat on our family photo last year and would like to feel pretty on this years. But as for eating issues, I wouldn't say I have any and am healthy in my approach to it.
And today is my last day of the week at work. I'm starting to get into the swing of these three day weeks, and I have to say, I recommend them!!
And that's my news for today :)
He's going into nursery so beautifully at the moment and the staff have commented on it, and put a sticker on the wall for him! There is a note there saying 'this morning Joel had his coat off, took off his shoes and put them in the pot, walked back into the baby room, waved goodbye to Mummy and blew her a kiss before sitting himself down for breakfast'!!!
And in the evening on collection, I can tell him to get his slippers or shoes and he brings them back to me to be put on. Now, that is good, and I'm proud of him!!
His words are coming on. He says a very nice 'yes please' when offered more of something he likes, like egg, or cheerios!! Other than that, we still get Muh-Ma, and 'Zeeeee' (for Izzy) and what is funny is 'Teve' for Steve, although when he looks at photos he calls him Dada now. But if he calls him from a distance, it's 'Teve' every time. I guess that's my fault. I sometimes forget to call Steve Dada around Joel.
He's very into his colouring and drawing at the moment. He loves sticking things on paper if I give him a shape and a glue dot. Books are a firm favourite as well now. The bedtime story has become a necessity and he knows what he wants to hear. We got some from the library and he loves one called 'Counting Dragons' and he likes it three times. He'll push the book he doesn't want away and point to that one every evening.
Slimming has gone well this week. I hope. I have a weigh in tomorrow morning so will see whether it's done anything. I've not really felt hungry so can't really tell whether I've lost anything or not. I will be surprised if I have. I did eat a wispa yesterday! I'm not someone to withold food from myself if I want it that badly to the point of binge eating. I'm not even sure I quite like the group therapy session after weigh in as I'm not really someone who is that way inclined. But I guess it's all good in the end. And all I want to do is lose a few remaining pounds and feel trimmer in time for Christmas. I looked fat on our family photo last year and would like to feel pretty on this years. But as for eating issues, I wouldn't say I have any and am healthy in my approach to it.
And today is my last day of the week at work. I'm starting to get into the swing of these three day weeks, and I have to say, I recommend them!!
And that's my news for today :)
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
First Slimming Meeting
Well, I went along on Friday as planned, and I was glad I did.
I got weighed and it was what I'd expected. I think I have about a stone and a half to lose to get back to pre-pregnancy weight.
So, we've been having slimming world recipes for dinner, and I'm monitoring my breakfast and lunches more closely.
Breakfasts are consisting of a couple of weetabix with milk (which I used to do anyway to be fair). Lunches have been homemade vegetable soup, or jacket potatoes, and dinners have been quite varied. We had noodles with beef and broccoli stir fry (tasty), chicken tikka masala (tasty) and carbonara (just ok).
Of course going for a weekend away to a B&B when commencing a diet isn't a great plan, but I just tried to make good choices. I opted for poached eggs, rather than fried, with tomatoes and baked beans. I went for wholemeal toast rather than white. I had a jacket potato with my steak, instead of chips.
As I'm not really a binger or snacker between meals, I'm not finding it too hard, it's just changing the way I cook food, and ingredients I use. The fat elements I used have gone and low fat is the way foward. So far, I don't feel that it's compromised on taste too much. But I am missing crisps. They're a no no now.
I will be interested to see what happens on Friday for my second weigh in!!
I got weighed and it was what I'd expected. I think I have about a stone and a half to lose to get back to pre-pregnancy weight.
So, we've been having slimming world recipes for dinner, and I'm monitoring my breakfast and lunches more closely.
Breakfasts are consisting of a couple of weetabix with milk (which I used to do anyway to be fair). Lunches have been homemade vegetable soup, or jacket potatoes, and dinners have been quite varied. We had noodles with beef and broccoli stir fry (tasty), chicken tikka masala (tasty) and carbonara (just ok).
Of course going for a weekend away to a B&B when commencing a diet isn't a great plan, but I just tried to make good choices. I opted for poached eggs, rather than fried, with tomatoes and baked beans. I went for wholemeal toast rather than white. I had a jacket potato with my steak, instead of chips.
As I'm not really a binger or snacker between meals, I'm not finding it too hard, it's just changing the way I cook food, and ingredients I use. The fat elements I used have gone and low fat is the way foward. So far, I don't feel that it's compromised on taste too much. But I am missing crisps. They're a no no now.
I will be interested to see what happens on Friday for my second weigh in!!
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Mummy Time
As you may be aware, trying for baby number is taking its time. Maybe thats a good thing. It's not the close age gap I thought I wanted, but we're taking things easy in the run up to Christmas and I've got two new projects on the horizon.
Firstly, I'm signing up to join a Slimming World group. I don't think I'm overly huge, and I've managed to slim down and lose most of my baby weight, but I'm not someone who weighs herself every day. In fact, I don't even own a set of scales!
The group I've found meet on a Friday morning, and have other mums who take toddlers and babies, so it seems perfect for me. I've had a copy of the Slimming World magazine this month, and have done an online shop to stock up on the basic essentials, such as low fat spread, low fat yoghurts and ingredients for recipes.
Steve has moaned at the prospect of healthy eating and has promised to visit McDonalds every day, but I think he quite liked our noodles and stir fried beef last night. I'm hoping that tonight's Chicken Tikka Masala goes down as well. The chicken is currently marinating in spices and low fat natural yoghurt at the moment and smelt lovely when I put it together last night!
Steve and I are away this weekend so that won't be a good start as I won't exactly be sticking to jacket potatoes but I still think being a little bit good in between will be better than not doing anything at all.
My other plan is to take part in the County Chorus Oratorio after Christmas. I used to be an active member of our local youth choir until I was 18, then on returning from University, there wasn't really a choir for me to join, but once a year, after Christmas lots of folk get together to perform this Oratorio. This year, it will be Verdi's Requiem, so I will enjoy that. It's a big committment with rehearsals every Sunday afternoon for three months but Steve has assured me that he will manage with Joel on his own!!
So slimming and singing will be my two new hobbies, and we'll just see what happens with babymaking, but I'm not stressing about it this month. And I will look forward to Christmas as well.
Firstly, I'm signing up to join a Slimming World group. I don't think I'm overly huge, and I've managed to slim down and lose most of my baby weight, but I'm not someone who weighs herself every day. In fact, I don't even own a set of scales!
The group I've found meet on a Friday morning, and have other mums who take toddlers and babies, so it seems perfect for me. I've had a copy of the Slimming World magazine this month, and have done an online shop to stock up on the basic essentials, such as low fat spread, low fat yoghurts and ingredients for recipes.
Steve has moaned at the prospect of healthy eating and has promised to visit McDonalds every day, but I think he quite liked our noodles and stir fried beef last night. I'm hoping that tonight's Chicken Tikka Masala goes down as well. The chicken is currently marinating in spices and low fat natural yoghurt at the moment and smelt lovely when I put it together last night!
Steve and I are away this weekend so that won't be a good start as I won't exactly be sticking to jacket potatoes but I still think being a little bit good in between will be better than not doing anything at all.
My other plan is to take part in the County Chorus Oratorio after Christmas. I used to be an active member of our local youth choir until I was 18, then on returning from University, there wasn't really a choir for me to join, but once a year, after Christmas lots of folk get together to perform this Oratorio. This year, it will be Verdi's Requiem, so I will enjoy that. It's a big committment with rehearsals every Sunday afternoon for three months but Steve has assured me that he will manage with Joel on his own!!
So slimming and singing will be my two new hobbies, and we'll just see what happens with babymaking, but I'm not stressing about it this month. And I will look forward to Christmas as well.
600 Posts Today!
This is my 600th post and it will be about hitting.
And more to the point, Joel hitting. He is suddenly into slapping people in the face. Me, Steve and other children when I take him to a toddler group on a Monday.
I was really taken aback on Monday as he just wandered around the room full of playing children, and would go up a group and just start hitting on faces. I reacted as I hope is normal, and grabbed him, told him 'no' very firmly, and sat him in a quiet corner to sit on his own for a minute. Which he did. I then tried to get him to say sorry to the other children, but they weren't that interested. And then the sitting down in the time out area didn't make the least bit of difference.
It's awful though, as I'd be horrified if Joel were being smacked by others, but to have him as the smackee, is almost worse. I don't know if he wanted the toys the others were playing with, but sometimes they didn't have anything! They were just standing there!
Ironically, he went to toddler group wtih my Mum on Tuesday and didn't even try hitting anyone. He was the one being pushed about by a bigger toddler.
And at nursery, when I told them what he'd been doing, they were shocked as he doesn't hit at nursery at all. At least he didn't. When I went to collect him he smacked me hard in the face, and the staff were very surprised at it, and I was almost relieved that they could see it, and that it was something reserved for me. He seems to use it as a tool to get my attention. At least he's not taking it out on his nursery friends.
So this is where I come over all Jane Austen and say 'Dear Reader', please tell me I'm not too alone in all this, and any ways you might have to encourage him to stop smacking faces! Is he too little for time out, or naughty step? What other method do I have to encourage good behaviour?
My Mum says he may have felt a bit too new and not knowing these other children being new to the group he could be asserting himself.
I'm a bit lost at the moment, and don't want to be a horribly strict mum, but want him to learn right from wrong. Any pointers or suggestions would be gratefully received.
And more to the point, Joel hitting. He is suddenly into slapping people in the face. Me, Steve and other children when I take him to a toddler group on a Monday.
I was really taken aback on Monday as he just wandered around the room full of playing children, and would go up a group and just start hitting on faces. I reacted as I hope is normal, and grabbed him, told him 'no' very firmly, and sat him in a quiet corner to sit on his own for a minute. Which he did. I then tried to get him to say sorry to the other children, but they weren't that interested. And then the sitting down in the time out area didn't make the least bit of difference.
It's awful though, as I'd be horrified if Joel were being smacked by others, but to have him as the smackee, is almost worse. I don't know if he wanted the toys the others were playing with, but sometimes they didn't have anything! They were just standing there!
Ironically, he went to toddler group wtih my Mum on Tuesday and didn't even try hitting anyone. He was the one being pushed about by a bigger toddler.
And at nursery, when I told them what he'd been doing, they were shocked as he doesn't hit at nursery at all. At least he didn't. When I went to collect him he smacked me hard in the face, and the staff were very surprised at it, and I was almost relieved that they could see it, and that it was something reserved for me. He seems to use it as a tool to get my attention. At least he's not taking it out on his nursery friends.
So this is where I come over all Jane Austen and say 'Dear Reader', please tell me I'm not too alone in all this, and any ways you might have to encourage him to stop smacking faces! Is he too little for time out, or naughty step? What other method do I have to encourage good behaviour?
My Mum says he may have felt a bit too new and not knowing these other children being new to the group he could be asserting himself.
I'm a bit lost at the moment, and don't want to be a horribly strict mum, but want him to learn right from wrong. Any pointers or suggestions would be gratefully received.
Thursday, 8 November 2012
A New Page.....
It's so nice to think that today is like my Friday. It's my last day of the week and tomorrow will be a funday rather than a Friday with Joel! I feel as though I'm ready for a weekend and it's only been three days so how I've managed full time for six months being so tired I don't know.
This will be month 10 of trying for baby number two, so I've ordered some ovulation tests to see whether I am. It'll be interesting at any rate. I'm also ensuring I take folic acid daily. I wonder whether I can get Steve to take vitamins?! Probably not!
I've also decided to think about going along to a Slimming World meeting. If conceiving isn't working, I need something to take my mind off it, and dieting would be a suitable hobby!! I've contacted a group and will go along on Monday. I've had a look at their website, and since I'm at home 4 days out of 7 now, I feel their menus are more manageable for me. I don't feel happy with my appearence at the moment, and I've never really tried to diet before. I know lots of folk who've done well on this one, and it appeals more than calorie counting approaches, so I feel it's more for me. So I'll record my progress and food here in case anyone is interested, and apologies if it's not interesting, please skip the diet focussed updates!
And since being ill last weekend I've been put off having take aways so that's a bonus!!
Oh, and I've pretty much done all my Christmas shopping now. Yay me!! In fact, all I have to get now is one online shopping voucher for my sister for Emma Bridgewater and we're done! Thank you and goodnight!!!
p.s. I've ordered myself the Michael Buble Christmas album as a treat, and will listen to it whilst wrapping presents and writing cards with a glass of mulled wine. Steve will have to be kicked out of course! He won't enjoy that as an evening!! Is mulled wine allowed on slimming world? I hope so!!!
This will be month 10 of trying for baby number two, so I've ordered some ovulation tests to see whether I am. It'll be interesting at any rate. I'm also ensuring I take folic acid daily. I wonder whether I can get Steve to take vitamins?! Probably not!
I've also decided to think about going along to a Slimming World meeting. If conceiving isn't working, I need something to take my mind off it, and dieting would be a suitable hobby!! I've contacted a group and will go along on Monday. I've had a look at their website, and since I'm at home 4 days out of 7 now, I feel their menus are more manageable for me. I don't feel happy with my appearence at the moment, and I've never really tried to diet before. I know lots of folk who've done well on this one, and it appeals more than calorie counting approaches, so I feel it's more for me. So I'll record my progress and food here in case anyone is interested, and apologies if it's not interesting, please skip the diet focussed updates!
And since being ill last weekend I've been put off having take aways so that's a bonus!!
Oh, and I've pretty much done all my Christmas shopping now. Yay me!! In fact, all I have to get now is one online shopping voucher for my sister for Emma Bridgewater and we're done! Thank you and goodnight!!!
p.s. I've ordered myself the Michael Buble Christmas album as a treat, and will listen to it whilst wrapping presents and writing cards with a glass of mulled wine. Steve will have to be kicked out of course! He won't enjoy that as an evening!! Is mulled wine allowed on slimming world? I hope so!!!
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Our Musical Prodigy...
Joel loves music, and guitars, and strumming and singing, just like Daddy.
Last night they had a good sing song, and I thought my heart might burst it got so full of love!!!! Especially in his pyjamas, there's just the extra factor of cuteness!!
And he doesn't mime, he really sings! Well, tries to! He's like his Daddy in that respect, as it's a bit more of a shouty yell but he goes 'baaa, baaa, baaa'!!!
It was a nicer evening before bed, and after two bedtime stories and a good drink of warm milk, he tucked himself up for the night. He nearly made it for 12 hours sleep, not quite, but it was a good enough effort!!
Last night they had a good sing song, and I thought my heart might burst it got so full of love!!!! Especially in his pyjamas, there's just the extra factor of cuteness!!
And he doesn't mime, he really sings! Well, tries to! He's like his Daddy in that respect, as it's a bit more of a shouty yell but he goes 'baaa, baaa, baaa'!!!
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A Wandering Minstrel I...... |
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Rocking Out!! |
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He loves his Ukulele |
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Our First Part Time Day
So, yesterday was my first day as a part timer!
It was nice to wake up and not have to rush to get ready, so we had a leisurely start with just toast for breakfast after our weekend of poorliness.
We took Izzy for a walk in the fresh air and sunshine and to play with her ball launcher round the woods nearby, and then walked her home again to carry onto a toddler group which takes place in the church hall near me. We've not visited this one before, mainly because when I was on maternity leave, we were out every day, except Monday, and that was our lazy day!
However, now that Monday is a special Mummy and Joel day, we want to make the most of it, so off we went. It started at 10, and we got there to see lots of Mums and toddlers. There were lots of toys out so after a bout of initial shyness, Joel toddled off to play. He loved the coupe car, and kept just sitting in it, and waving and then getting out. He didn't quite get the concept of moving his feet to go forwards.
There was a craft activity of making a firework picture, so we glued shapes onto black paper and used chalk to make fireworks. We had a snack time. Parents are all asked to bring a piece of fruit to share, which is then chopped up, and parents have tea and biscuits. Then it was story and singing time by which time Joel was getting very sleepy indeed, and his head began to loll on my shoulder as he'd wanted to be picked up.
We got home and I sat him on the sofa and within five minutes, the second I looked away to serve up his spaghetti on toast (with beaten egg and grated cheese mixed in, yummy and nutritious!!) he was asleep!! So up he went to his cot for a good 2 hour nap, and I ate his lunch, and saved him some for when he woke, tided the kitchen, did a load of laundry and caught up with the finale of Downton Abbey, and had a general relax.
After lunch we visited the town library and tried going to the park, but he was a bit too tired, I guess not fully over his sickness bug, so we headed home and played with his toys instead, piling them up into colours. I don't think he gets colours yet. But he can walk backwards now!! And at one point, he pointed up to a shelf where we have a pot of bubbles and shouted 'burb', 'burb' so I got them down, he laughed his socks off, and ran to the front room shouting 'zeeee', 'zeeee', which was him calling the dog in to play as well, because Izzy loves bubbles too! In fact, he just watched her bounce and catch them all in her mouth, and that entertained him more than trying to pop them himself!
After tea which was rice, with chicken and brocolli and fully rejected, we had cuddles on the sofa reading our new library books before Daddy got in. Then after a short play time, Daddy had to go out, which reduced Joel to inconsolable sobs. Mummy just wasn't the same as Daddy and it took him a while to go to sleep. Joel loves his Daddy time, so Daddy won't be going out tonight, and will be on bedtime duty, to wrestle, and play and read stories! Which will be a nice break for Mummy too!!
It was nice to wake up and not have to rush to get ready, so we had a leisurely start with just toast for breakfast after our weekend of poorliness.
We took Izzy for a walk in the fresh air and sunshine and to play with her ball launcher round the woods nearby, and then walked her home again to carry onto a toddler group which takes place in the church hall near me. We've not visited this one before, mainly because when I was on maternity leave, we were out every day, except Monday, and that was our lazy day!
However, now that Monday is a special Mummy and Joel day, we want to make the most of it, so off we went. It started at 10, and we got there to see lots of Mums and toddlers. There were lots of toys out so after a bout of initial shyness, Joel toddled off to play. He loved the coupe car, and kept just sitting in it, and waving and then getting out. He didn't quite get the concept of moving his feet to go forwards.
There was a craft activity of making a firework picture, so we glued shapes onto black paper and used chalk to make fireworks. We had a snack time. Parents are all asked to bring a piece of fruit to share, which is then chopped up, and parents have tea and biscuits. Then it was story and singing time by which time Joel was getting very sleepy indeed, and his head began to loll on my shoulder as he'd wanted to be picked up.
We got home and I sat him on the sofa and within five minutes, the second I looked away to serve up his spaghetti on toast (with beaten egg and grated cheese mixed in, yummy and nutritious!!) he was asleep!! So up he went to his cot for a good 2 hour nap, and I ate his lunch, and saved him some for when he woke, tided the kitchen, did a load of laundry and caught up with the finale of Downton Abbey, and had a general relax.
After lunch we visited the town library and tried going to the park, but he was a bit too tired, I guess not fully over his sickness bug, so we headed home and played with his toys instead, piling them up into colours. I don't think he gets colours yet. But he can walk backwards now!! And at one point, he pointed up to a shelf where we have a pot of bubbles and shouted 'burb', 'burb' so I got them down, he laughed his socks off, and ran to the front room shouting 'zeeee', 'zeeee', which was him calling the dog in to play as well, because Izzy loves bubbles too! In fact, he just watched her bounce and catch them all in her mouth, and that entertained him more than trying to pop them himself!
After tea which was rice, with chicken and brocolli and fully rejected, we had cuddles on the sofa reading our new library books before Daddy got in. Then after a short play time, Daddy had to go out, which reduced Joel to inconsolable sobs. Mummy just wasn't the same as Daddy and it took him a while to go to sleep. Joel loves his Daddy time, so Daddy won't be going out tonight, and will be on bedtime duty, to wrestle, and play and read stories! Which will be a nice break for Mummy too!!
Monday, 5 November 2012
Lurgy Bug
This weekend started off ok. We had a fun walk to the field by the hospital with the dog and took some balls to play with. We explored along the path and climbed up and down some steps a few times and met some nice doggies to wave hello to!
But then at tea times I started feeling sick. By 8pm I was shut in the bathroom having put Joel to bed just in time.
I was then seriously struck down with vomiting and diarrhea all night. As our bathroom is downstairs I dozed on the sofa to be closer to the loo, and in the night heard Steve up and about and on checking found that Joel had too, been very sick. This is only the second time it's happened Steve had changed I'm and put him in our bed but left his cot full of vomit! So I cleared his cot, put new sheets on it and sorted that out and went back downstairs. I didn't think it was a good idea to have him I our bed and was proved right when he was sick again. Loads of washing! Poor baby was very good about it. He had another full change and seemed to be more awake so came down with me and we both dozed on the sofa till 7am. I was poorly most of Sunday as well and I think had it been the other way I'd manage things and leave Steve to get well. He did try, bless him, but his managing things still involved asking me to dress Joel, which I had no energy for, and sorting out lunch and such like! I napped in the morning and the afternoon from having such a little amount of sleep in the day and Steve seemed to resent that! Yes he was tired too but I'd had Joel from 4am and let him sleep till 9 and he wasn't ill!! S when I came down, they'd not been out for fresh air to walk the dog. They were sat in a dark room with the tv on and Joel was playing on the iPad. Not the most constructive of days.
And to top it all off, Aunt Flo arrived this morning which to be honest hasn't surprised me too much but it's still disappointing. Onto cycle 10 we go.
But then at tea times I started feeling sick. By 8pm I was shut in the bathroom having put Joel to bed just in time.
I was then seriously struck down with vomiting and diarrhea all night. As our bathroom is downstairs I dozed on the sofa to be closer to the loo, and in the night heard Steve up and about and on checking found that Joel had too, been very sick. This is only the second time it's happened Steve had changed I'm and put him in our bed but left his cot full of vomit! So I cleared his cot, put new sheets on it and sorted that out and went back downstairs. I didn't think it was a good idea to have him I our bed and was proved right when he was sick again. Loads of washing! Poor baby was very good about it. He had another full change and seemed to be more awake so came down with me and we both dozed on the sofa till 7am. I was poorly most of Sunday as well and I think had it been the other way I'd manage things and leave Steve to get well. He did try, bless him, but his managing things still involved asking me to dress Joel, which I had no energy for, and sorting out lunch and such like! I napped in the morning and the afternoon from having such a little amount of sleep in the day and Steve seemed to resent that! Yes he was tired too but I'd had Joel from 4am and let him sleep till 9 and he wasn't ill!! S when I came down, they'd not been out for fresh air to walk the dog. They were sat in a dark room with the tv on and Joel was playing on the iPad. Not the most constructive of days.
And to top it all off, Aunt Flo arrived this morning which to be honest hasn't surprised me too much but it's still disappointing. Onto cycle 10 we go.
Friday, 2 November 2012
Holiday Plans
Last year as a family of three (well, four including the dog!) we opted for a week in a tent in south Wales. And to be fair, we were extremely lucky with the week we chose. We had glorious sunshine pretty much every single day. Joel loved camping, and he loved the beach and we really enjoyed it. We cooked a few nights, and we went out one night, and had a take away another. It was relaxed and fabulous.
But Steve has been wanting an abroad holiday for ages. In all honesty, it worries me. I worry about flying with Joel, foreign foods, balconies, child abduction, swimming pools..... although part of me thinks a week abroad would be lovely.
So after much consideration, we've decided to go for it. A friend took her son (when he was much younger actually) to Majorca, and Menorca, and we've heard great things about Menorca being very family friendly, so when a collegue at work said they had an apartment to rent in a quiet village on the south of the island, 15 minutes from the airport, we booked it.
We've now booked and paid for flights so there's no going back! I just need to sort Joel's passport and E111 card thingy out. And write lists. Many many lists will be needed. And forums will need to be explored, and questions asked. I'm not sure about car seats, whether we need one on the plane. I'll have to enquire. And for the taxi or car at the other side. Would I even be happy with Steve driving over there on the wrong side of the road with a gear stick for a different hand?! I'm not sure!
But the apartment is cosy and looks lovely. It's in a block with a pool, and there's a water park nearby. We're walking distance to the beach and there's plenty of entertainment for a 2 year old.
So in about 6 months time, (we're going in Mid-May) we'll be attempting to have an abroad holiday! And I can't wait now!
But Steve has been wanting an abroad holiday for ages. In all honesty, it worries me. I worry about flying with Joel, foreign foods, balconies, child abduction, swimming pools..... although part of me thinks a week abroad would be lovely.
So after much consideration, we've decided to go for it. A friend took her son (when he was much younger actually) to Majorca, and Menorca, and we've heard great things about Menorca being very family friendly, so when a collegue at work said they had an apartment to rent in a quiet village on the south of the island, 15 minutes from the airport, we booked it.
We've now booked and paid for flights so there's no going back! I just need to sort Joel's passport and E111 card thingy out. And write lists. Many many lists will be needed. And forums will need to be explored, and questions asked. I'm not sure about car seats, whether we need one on the plane. I'll have to enquire. And for the taxi or car at the other side. Would I even be happy with Steve driving over there on the wrong side of the road with a gear stick for a different hand?! I'm not sure!
But the apartment is cosy and looks lovely. It's in a block with a pool, and there's a water park nearby. We're walking distance to the beach and there's plenty of entertainment for a 2 year old.
So in about 6 months time, (we're going in Mid-May) we'll be attempting to have an abroad holiday! And I can't wait now!
Grown Up Time
And no, that isn't meant to sound saucy.
It's just that I'm excited to be having people round for dinner!
We've invited Chris and Liz wth Trudy for dinner, so it isn't a baby free evening, but it's so nice to think we'll have grown up company for once!!
I was wondering what I could possibly make as to feed to toddlers as well it can't be too late, so this morning I had a wrestle with four lamb shanks and got them into my slow cooker after browning, I poured over some de-glazed red wine, some chicken stock, herbs and onions and have left it to cook on high for 8 hours!
I hope it works. Else we'll be eating beans on toast and have wasted some decent lamb.
We've got a bottle of red (remainder from cooking but decent) and a bottle of rose, and beers, and I'm making a banoffee pie for pudding.
We might get the buzz buzzers out as well!! It should be fun!
I've also asked Joel's nursery to not limit his nap, so he is able to stay up a bit longer. Trudy has a later bed time, so it would be nice for them to play together and sit round the table with us.
It's just that I'm excited to be having people round for dinner!
We've invited Chris and Liz wth Trudy for dinner, so it isn't a baby free evening, but it's so nice to think we'll have grown up company for once!!
I was wondering what I could possibly make as to feed to toddlers as well it can't be too late, so this morning I had a wrestle with four lamb shanks and got them into my slow cooker after browning, I poured over some de-glazed red wine, some chicken stock, herbs and onions and have left it to cook on high for 8 hours!
I hope it works. Else we'll be eating beans on toast and have wasted some decent lamb.
We've got a bottle of red (remainder from cooking but decent) and a bottle of rose, and beers, and I'm making a banoffee pie for pudding.
We might get the buzz buzzers out as well!! It should be fun!
I've also asked Joel's nursery to not limit his nap, so he is able to stay up a bit longer. Trudy has a later bed time, so it would be nice for them to play together and sit round the table with us.
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Feeding the Family
These past few weeks, Steve has been making a bit effort to come home at 5 and have a meal with us rather than at 6pm. It's been good, as he gets to play and entertain Joel, and I get to cook and then we all sit together as a family.
The only issue at the moment is what to eat!
When we get in from work, it needs to be not too long, something tasty that everybody likes and easy to cook.
I downloaded a menu planner from Netmums :- Link Here if Interested and it was really helpful. It wasn't too fathy, and having a plan at the start of the week meant I could do a big shop (or send Steve with a shopping list) and I was prepared for what to do every day.
We've used this for about two months, and although I've not always followed it religiously, we have had all the meals in different orders!!
Last night thought I attempted something different. I love corned beef hash, although Steve is slightly more picky about food. He likes burgers, hot dogs and generally just freezer junk food covered in reggae reggae sauce. He's no gourmet by any means of the word.
Anyway, he was grumbling about corned beef hash, which normally I fry into patties, and serve with a side of beans and a fried egg. (I know, not terribly gourmet either but tasty!!) and so I decided to make it into a pie.
Here's my version:
Corned Beef Hash Pie
Pastry - 8oz plain flour, 4oz butter, cold water to bind.
Hash - A bundle of potatos, peeled and chopped., 3 carrots, peeled and chopped, 1 onion, peeled and diced, 1 tin of decent corned beef, chopped into cubes, Baked beans (optional).
1 - Cook chopped potatoes, onions and carrots in a pan of water. When soft drain the veg, and add chopped corned beef.
2 - Line the baking dish with rolled out pasty, and leave a third for the top.
3 - Stir the hash all around, add some baked beans, and put it in the pastry, then add a top. I didn't bother with an egg wash because I was hungry, but if you want a nice shiny pastry lid I recommend it!! I made a cross in the top to let the steam out and whilst that was cooking, I made some gravy and cooked some cauliflower and broccoli.
4 - I then put it in the oven on 180 for 25 minutes, until it had cooked the pastry.
I thought it was tasty, and certainly Steve preferred to think he was eating a pie rather than corned beef hash. Joel was not so enamoured as he really has a thing against potatoes in any form!
Oh well. Back to the drawing board. At least I liked it.
The only issue at the moment is what to eat!
When we get in from work, it needs to be not too long, something tasty that everybody likes and easy to cook.
I downloaded a menu planner from Netmums :- Link Here if Interested and it was really helpful. It wasn't too fathy, and having a plan at the start of the week meant I could do a big shop (or send Steve with a shopping list) and I was prepared for what to do every day.
We've used this for about two months, and although I've not always followed it religiously, we have had all the meals in different orders!!
Last night thought I attempted something different. I love corned beef hash, although Steve is slightly more picky about food. He likes burgers, hot dogs and generally just freezer junk food covered in reggae reggae sauce. He's no gourmet by any means of the word.
Anyway, he was grumbling about corned beef hash, which normally I fry into patties, and serve with a side of beans and a fried egg. (I know, not terribly gourmet either but tasty!!) and so I decided to make it into a pie.
Here's my version:
Corned Beef Hash Pie
Pastry - 8oz plain flour, 4oz butter, cold water to bind.
Hash - A bundle of potatos, peeled and chopped., 3 carrots, peeled and chopped, 1 onion, peeled and diced, 1 tin of decent corned beef, chopped into cubes, Baked beans (optional).
1 - Cook chopped potatoes, onions and carrots in a pan of water. When soft drain the veg, and add chopped corned beef.
2 - Line the baking dish with rolled out pasty, and leave a third for the top.
3 - Stir the hash all around, add some baked beans, and put it in the pastry, then add a top. I didn't bother with an egg wash because I was hungry, but if you want a nice shiny pastry lid I recommend it!! I made a cross in the top to let the steam out and whilst that was cooking, I made some gravy and cooked some cauliflower and broccoli.
4 - I then put it in the oven on 180 for 25 minutes, until it had cooked the pastry.
I thought it was tasty, and certainly Steve preferred to think he was eating a pie rather than corned beef hash. Joel was not so enamoured as he really has a thing against potatoes in any form!
Oh well. Back to the drawing board. At least I liked it.
Christmas is Coming......
I may be getting carried away with Christmas presents for Joel!!
Last night, I was searching on Ebay for a toy guitar for Joel. I think he'd like one. I found a couple, but with bids already on things, and postage, I'd be looking at about £8 all in all. Not too bad. Then I looked on the ELC website to compare and they have a 50% sale. So a brand new one, with free postage was £10. So I went for that. £2 is ok extra for brand new, and it'll come in a box and I also added on a little keyboard for £7.50. Mainly because I play the piano and Steve plays the guitar and Joel wants to join in so with his own little instruments he can!! I'll certainly encourage the piano when he's older.
Then I came into work today to find this on my desk:
It's 26 original Thomas the Tank Engine books, in a special box case from a lecturer who had it as spare and wondered whether Joel would like it!! I know I was dubious about Thomas, being a bit old fashioned, and potentially could encourage naughtiness, but I was so touched. It's almost £100 to buy, and it's not been read at all. So that will be wrapped up and put under the tree as well.
He's going to be spoilt this year I think. He wasn't overly spoilt last year, as there wasn't any point, but he certainly does like new toys this year, and I can't wait for Christmas Day to see him open all these presents!
Last night, I was searching on Ebay for a toy guitar for Joel. I think he'd like one. I found a couple, but with bids already on things, and postage, I'd be looking at about £8 all in all. Not too bad. Then I looked on the ELC website to compare and they have a 50% sale. So a brand new one, with free postage was £10. So I went for that. £2 is ok extra for brand new, and it'll come in a box and I also added on a little keyboard for £7.50. Mainly because I play the piano and Steve plays the guitar and Joel wants to join in so with his own little instruments he can!! I'll certainly encourage the piano when he's older.
Then I came into work today to find this on my desk:
It's 26 original Thomas the Tank Engine books, in a special box case from a lecturer who had it as spare and wondered whether Joel would like it!! I know I was dubious about Thomas, being a bit old fashioned, and potentially could encourage naughtiness, but I was so touched. It's almost £100 to buy, and it's not been read at all. So that will be wrapped up and put under the tree as well.
He's going to be spoilt this year I think. He wasn't overly spoilt last year, as there wasn't any point, but he certainly does like new toys this year, and I can't wait for Christmas Day to see him open all these presents!
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