Monday, 3 October 2011

A New Week

Things feel a bit difficult at the moment.  Joel is still the happy, healthy wonderful baby he's always been, but he's been happy and awake in the night again and I'm finding it quite draining!  Last night he was up at 1.30 for a feed and 5.30.  I must have dozed off next to him on the spare bed where I feed him in the night as I woke up at 6.50 and went back to my bed after putting him back in his cot, and he then slept onto 7.30 this morning.

I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with weaning this week.  We've been on purees for three weeks now, and he's eaten sweet potato, carrot, pear, apple, butternut squash, potato, peas, mango, avacado, banana, baby rice, baby porridge and baby muesli.  We've been mixing flavours as well and yesterday he had peas, potatos and pear for pudding.  Today is carrot and courgette but again he's been sleepy at lunchtime so he had a mouthful and decided to go to bed.  (Wish he'd save his sleepiness for bedtime and sleep through the night!)

He's 24 weeks on Wednesday and I'm not sure whether that means he can start on the next stage of weaning of six months or if I have to wait until October 20th.  I don't know whether he's getting a bit bored of the same flavours every day as there's only so many ways of serving the above fruit and veg!

I want him to try cheese, and cauliflower, broccoli and beans and pasta and might try something like it later this week.  I also am planning on introducing some finger foods to see how he gets on with those, maybe some steamed carrot fingers and pear slices.  Things he's liked in puree form so will be familiar.

Things all seem to be changing in him so fast at the moment and I'm worried I'll miss out on things!  He's rolled from his back to his tummy twice and we missed both times!!  Firstly I was looking away for a moment and there he was on his tummy, and secondly Steve found him squawking in his cot on his tummy!!  He's getting better at sitting up on his own and can manage a few seconds before toppling, but my nursing cushion is helping keep him steady which means he plays better with his toys.  His hair has suddenly grown into a cute quiff, and he's getting grumpy about having mummy milk in a morning as he just wants his porridge!  I don't know whether I have the determination any more to continue with breast milk if he'd prefer a bottle as pumping is a bit of a chore, although i love the breast feeding and I feel all these things are all happening at once.  And being tired it's hard to make serious decisions.

And Steve is away in Scotland until tomorrow so I'm on my own for two days.  And one night.  Not that it'll feel any different as I'm the one up in the night on my own anyway, but still, the house will seem emptier.

Time seems to be flying by.

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