Thursday, 1 November 2012

Christmas is Coming......

I may be getting carried away with Christmas presents for Joel!!

Last night, I was searching on Ebay for a toy guitar for Joel.  I think he'd like one.  I found a couple, but with bids already on things, and postage, I'd be looking at about £8 all in all.  Not too bad.  Then I looked on the ELC website to compare and they have a 50% sale.  So a brand new one, with free postage was £10.  So I went for that.  £2 is ok extra for brand new, and it'll come in a box and I also added on a little keyboard for £7.50.  Mainly because I play the piano and Steve plays the guitar and Joel wants to join in so with his own little instruments he can!!  I'll certainly encourage the piano when he's older.

Then I came into work today to find this on my desk:

It's 26 original Thomas the Tank Engine books, in a special box case from a lecturer who had it as spare and wondered whether Joel would like it!!  I know I was dubious about Thomas, being a bit old fashioned, and potentially could encourage naughtiness, but I was so touched.  It's almost £100 to buy, and it's not been read at all.  So that will be wrapped up and put under the tree as well.

He's going to be spoilt this year I think.  He wasn't overly spoilt last year, as there wasn't any point, but he certainly does like new toys this year, and I can't wait for Christmas Day to see him open all these presents!

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