Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Our First Part Time Day

So, yesterday was my first day as a part timer!

It was nice to wake up and not have to rush to get ready, so we had a leisurely start with just toast for breakfast after our weekend of poorliness.

We took Izzy for a walk in the fresh air and sunshine and to play with her ball launcher round the woods nearby, and then walked her home again to carry onto a toddler group which takes place in the church hall near me.  We've not visited this one before, mainly because when I was on maternity leave, we were out every day, except Monday, and that was our lazy day!

However, now that Monday is a special Mummy and Joel day, we want to make the most of it, so off we went.  It started at 10, and we got there to see lots of Mums and toddlers.  There were lots of toys out so after a bout of initial shyness, Joel toddled off to play.  He loved the coupe car, and kept just sitting in it, and waving and then getting out.  He didn't quite get the concept of moving his feet to go forwards.

There was a craft activity of making a firework picture, so we glued shapes onto black paper and used chalk to make fireworks. We had a snack time.  Parents are all asked to bring a piece of fruit to share, which is then chopped up, and parents have tea and biscuits.  Then it was story and singing time by which time Joel was getting very sleepy indeed, and his head began to loll on my shoulder as he'd wanted to be picked up.

We got home and I sat him on the sofa and within five minutes, the second I looked away to serve up his spaghetti on toast (with beaten egg and grated cheese mixed in, yummy and nutritious!!) he was asleep!!  So up he went to his cot for a good 2 hour nap, and I ate his lunch, and saved him some for when he woke, tided the kitchen, did a load of laundry and caught up with the finale of Downton Abbey, and had a general relax.

After lunch we visited the town library and tried going to the park, but he was a bit too tired, I guess not fully over his sickness bug, so we headed home and played with his toys instead, piling them up into colours.  I don't think he gets colours yet.  But he can walk backwards now!!  And at one point, he pointed up to a shelf where we have a pot of bubbles and shouted 'burb', 'burb' so I got them down, he laughed his socks off, and ran to the front room shouting 'zeeee', 'zeeee', which was him calling the dog in to play as well, because Izzy loves bubbles too!  In  fact, he just watched her bounce and catch them all in her mouth, and that entertained him more than trying to pop them himself!

After tea which was rice, with chicken and brocolli and fully rejected, we had cuddles on the sofa reading our new library books before Daddy got in.  Then after a short play time, Daddy had to go out, which reduced Joel to inconsolable sobs.  Mummy just wasn't the same as Daddy and it took him a while to go to sleep.  Joel loves his Daddy time, so Daddy won't be going out tonight, and will be on bedtime duty, to wrestle, and play and read stories!  Which will be a nice break for Mummy too!!

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