My antibiotics have finished now, and his tongue tie cut is healing nicely.
Hopefully this next week we will start to see the semblance of a form of routine.
We're not (well, I'm not!) trying to be too rigorous but I'm encouraging him to start a bit of a routine as babies feel more secure with it. So at the moment we're struggling with early mornings as he's up and feeding a bit irregularly but through the night we're feeding every three hours and depending on how long he takes to settle back down he's sleeping quite regularly too.
He has a bath at 7pm at the moment and then we dry off and put a sleepsuit on and a clean vest and go upstairs to his nursery and sit with the curtains drawn (to try and teach him night from day) and then we sit in the rocking chair and feed. There's normally a nappy change required due to the tablets so this should get better and hell be fuller for longer and then sleep for longer periods, at least that's our hope!
We try to settle him down between 8-9 depending on his feeds and nappies and then he'll go for about 3 hours at the moment. In fact the past three nights he's had a feed at 9pm, 12, 3am and 6am so he is falling into a routine of sorts. It's jst the 3am one he takes longer, I know ones milk flow is less at that time so he can get frustrated before just zonking out after an hour!!
We've tried him with a dummy the past couple if days and he's taken it a couple of times which seems to me he has been using my nipples to soothe himself to sleep as at lunchtime today he sent himself to sleep, from being awake sucking on a dummy!! It is a dentist approved one by the way, and he is a very sucky baby and we'd prefer the dummy which can be removed at some point rather than a thumb which can't be and is likely to affect his mouth in some way.
He's also enjoying nappy off time a couple of times a day!! It's resulted in a couple of icky pooey messes but Daddy and Grandad were on hand to sort those out!! We'll be trying tummy time on his play mat next week!! This week we've enjoyed flexing and gripping with his fingers, sticking our tongues out at each other (his tongue is a lot more visable now) looking at dark picture frames, staring at some black and white toy building blocks, looking at windows and light sources and getting to know each others faces including Mummy making different sound shapes with her mouth (Ba ba ba, bee, bee, bee, bo, bo, bo etc...) and smiling encouragingly at Joel to smile back!!
Heres 3 cute pics from this week....
what cute pictures! wonderful baby joel!