After feeding on my right breast sometimes I'm aware that he's not latching on totally properly, but the past couple of days he's left my nipple white on the ends!! Having had his tongue tie sorted out, I know he has to learn how to latch properly, but having had a baby who's done it his way since the beginning, I don't know how to teach him the right way!! I can take him off and try to attach him the right way, but his mouth seems to slip and then it's doing the same thing again!
Back to breastfeeding club I think for advice!! I wonder if they're meeting on Thursday or if half term means they have the week off? We can walk along to find out! I'm walking quite a bit this week with the pram. It gets me out and about and he has a sleep or enjoys looking at the world around him. And the trousers I bought last week fasten up now! Hurrah!!
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow
My little dark baby who arrived on the 20th April isn't the same anymore!! Nearly 6 weeks on he's quite, quite changed!!
His hair has been falling out a lot these past couple of weeks, and I'm now wondering whether he's going a bit blonde?!!
So we're waiting with eager anticipation to see what happens with it next! With a dark daddy and a blonde mummy anything could happen!! His eyes are still blue, and have gone paler around the irises so he may be taking after my genes which would counteract Steve's argument that dark genes are dominant!!
His hair has been falling out a lot these past couple of weeks, and I'm now wondering whether he's going a bit blonde?!!
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He had olive skin and dark spikes of hair!! |
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Here's a better pic of the hair and there was lots of it! |
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Then it seemed to go fairer... |
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And now there's not a lot there at all!! |
Sunday, 29 May 2011
Moby Time
He's really taken to his Moby sling. Yesterday we had a house viewing and I was able to pop him in it and do a bit of tidying whilst he slept. I have to have it on ready though as putting him down to tie it around me to then pop him back can disturb him but on the whole, it's doing quite nicely!
This is me wearing 'him' at my parents on Thursday. How cosy does he look?!
This is me wearing 'him' at my parents on Thursday. How cosy does he look?!
Sleeping Joel
He sleeps a lot! He's great at night, I just pop him in his basket now and he sends himself to sleep without cuddles or rocking (and at 5 weeks that's impressive methinks) but in the day, he just wants to lie in your arms and will wake up on being laid down anywhere!!
Still, holding a sleeping baby is no hardship really, housework will wait!!
Still, holding a sleeping baby is no hardship really, housework will wait!!
Since his tongue tie operation, we've been seeing a lot more of it!!
This is Grandma bathing him. He loves his baths and screams when we take him out, but for some reason, he doesn't seem to like me bathing him. I really should have another go and not let him dictate who does what, but he really does cry!! Maybe he's distracted at the thought of feeding? He does enjoy a warm wallow and we've now introduced some mild baby bubbles which have been fine so far!
Here's looking at you Grandma!!
This is Grandma bathing him. He loves his baths and screams when we take him out, but for some reason, he doesn't seem to like me bathing him. I really should have another go and not let him dictate who does what, but he really does cry!! Maybe he's distracted at the thought of feeding? He does enjoy a warm wallow and we've now introduced some mild baby bubbles which have been fine so far!
Here's looking at you Grandma!!
Is this a smile for Mummy?
I think so!!!
Good Morning!! He's so gorgeous in the mornings and pleased to see me!
Ta da!!!
I think so!!!
Good Morning!! He's so gorgeous in the mornings and pleased to see me!
Ta da!!!
Thursday, 26 May 2011
I wish I had the soundtrack to 'The Sound of Music' so I could sing along with Julie Andrews to the song 'I Have Confidence In Me' where she's on her way to the Von Trapps to meet the seven children and she's swinging her guitar around and taking bus rides to get there through Vienna!
Having a baby plays havoc with your confidence in so many ways.
It take time to build your confidence up to the point where you think you're doing a good job. So that you feel capable of getting out of the house with everything you need by a certain deadline. That you will ever look remotely slim or lose the saggy tummy and fit into your old jeans! (This one hit home after spending my birthday money on a new outfit in Next and trousers having to be a 16 to get over the saggy tummy bit. My waist is back, but it's just the under tummy button bit which is still hanging about and I can't envisage how it will ever go back up to look normal without plastic surgery?!)
And yesterday I felt something of a bit of lack of confidence. I know I'm sleep deprived and that makes everything feel worse but we'd been to Wales for the day to see my sister and my nephews and it had been a lovely sunny day where I had a nap and we ate cream cake in the garden. I just felt a bit lost as we didn't get home till after 9.00pm and I think I realised that the routine I've put in place for Joel, is more for me so I have things to aim for to feel as though I'm doing ok and if he's down at this hour, then I've achieved something.
Yesterday was the first day in a while I didn't have this and although I now realise it's probably a bit early to instill a strict routine, I still was rather stressed.
I need to give myself things to do and go to to help me feel that I can do things. I've not done a lot by myself yet, circumstances haven't allowed me to, but I am relying heavily on my parents for help at the moment. I need to try and do little things more on my own and I know it's still early days, but like I say, it's all about building my confidence that I can cope with this little chap!!
Still, here's a couple of pictures to round the post off:
Theo, Isaac and Baby Joel!
Joel in his car seat when we took a little stroll out in the sunshine:
Having watched some big vehicle chop down the grass for silage the boys got on their tractors to 'help'!
Having a baby plays havoc with your confidence in so many ways.
It take time to build your confidence up to the point where you think you're doing a good job. So that you feel capable of getting out of the house with everything you need by a certain deadline. That you will ever look remotely slim or lose the saggy tummy and fit into your old jeans! (This one hit home after spending my birthday money on a new outfit in Next and trousers having to be a 16 to get over the saggy tummy bit. My waist is back, but it's just the under tummy button bit which is still hanging about and I can't envisage how it will ever go back up to look normal without plastic surgery?!)
And yesterday I felt something of a bit of lack of confidence. I know I'm sleep deprived and that makes everything feel worse but we'd been to Wales for the day to see my sister and my nephews and it had been a lovely sunny day where I had a nap and we ate cream cake in the garden. I just felt a bit lost as we didn't get home till after 9.00pm and I think I realised that the routine I've put in place for Joel, is more for me so I have things to aim for to feel as though I'm doing ok and if he's down at this hour, then I've achieved something.
Yesterday was the first day in a while I didn't have this and although I now realise it's probably a bit early to instill a strict routine, I still was rather stressed.
I need to give myself things to do and go to to help me feel that I can do things. I've not done a lot by myself yet, circumstances haven't allowed me to, but I am relying heavily on my parents for help at the moment. I need to try and do little things more on my own and I know it's still early days, but like I say, it's all about building my confidence that I can cope with this little chap!!
Still, here's a couple of pictures to round the post off:
Theo, Isaac and Baby Joel!
Joel in his car seat when we took a little stroll out in the sunshine:
Having watched some big vehicle chop down the grass for silage the boys got on their tractors to 'help'!
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
Oh my goodness!!
Last night Joel settled down with a feed at 8.00pm which was good. He's got the snuffles and a bit of a blocked nose which we're treating with a drop of saline solution in each nostril (advised by a pharmasist) which makes him sneeze and clears his passages and means he can feed as before he was getting frustrated and panicky that he couldn't breathe and latch on at once.
So one sleeping baby and being back at Mum and Dad's for a couple of nights to rest up means I got to go to bed early as well.
He then awoke at 1.00am for his next feed which Grandma took on, although he did wake me, and I offered him a breast as it's also the cuddles that help send him to sleep and the comfort of the breast and he did drink a little before zonking out!
Then, he didn't stir until 5.00am which was my shift (although we were expecting him at 3.00am but all the sleeps have lasted longer than normal!!) so up I got and wondered why he felt damp as I was feeding him (on the same side as at 1.00pm as it felt heavier than my right side).
Dad then got up and offered to cuddle him off so I could get back to bed and it was then I noticed....
Leakage!! How embarassing in front of one's Dad!!
My right breast had leaked and I had soaked my sleep bra and nightie and had a big wet circle patch.
Well, that's a first. It must have been whilst I was feeding on the left, the right one needing emptying as well so chose to just push the milk out of it's own accord.
I've been down to express instead of go back to bed now, and got 5 oz in a matter of minutes. That's crazy stuff!!! I also got 2oz from the left one as well and feeling drained (in a milk way, not tired way!!) I shall go back to bed to see whether I can get anymore sleep although having had roughly 8 hours with just one 15 minutes stint in the middle, that's the best night sleep I've had in a long time even with a 5.00am awakening!!
Last night Joel settled down with a feed at 8.00pm which was good. He's got the snuffles and a bit of a blocked nose which we're treating with a drop of saline solution in each nostril (advised by a pharmasist) which makes him sneeze and clears his passages and means he can feed as before he was getting frustrated and panicky that he couldn't breathe and latch on at once.
So one sleeping baby and being back at Mum and Dad's for a couple of nights to rest up means I got to go to bed early as well.
He then awoke at 1.00am for his next feed which Grandma took on, although he did wake me, and I offered him a breast as it's also the cuddles that help send him to sleep and the comfort of the breast and he did drink a little before zonking out!
Then, he didn't stir until 5.00am which was my shift (although we were expecting him at 3.00am but all the sleeps have lasted longer than normal!!) so up I got and wondered why he felt damp as I was feeding him (on the same side as at 1.00pm as it felt heavier than my right side).
Dad then got up and offered to cuddle him off so I could get back to bed and it was then I noticed....
Leakage!! How embarassing in front of one's Dad!!
My right breast had leaked and I had soaked my sleep bra and nightie and had a big wet circle patch.
Well, that's a first. It must have been whilst I was feeding on the left, the right one needing emptying as well so chose to just push the milk out of it's own accord.
I've been down to express instead of go back to bed now, and got 5 oz in a matter of minutes. That's crazy stuff!!! I also got 2oz from the left one as well and feeling drained (in a milk way, not tired way!!) I shall go back to bed to see whether I can get anymore sleep although having had roughly 8 hours with just one 15 minutes stint in the middle, that's the best night sleep I've had in a long time even with a 5.00am awakening!!
Monday, 23 May 2011
Moby Wrap II
Today is the first day Joel has gone comfortably in the wrap!
I have two hands free and he's warm, comfy and cosy and sleeping!
It's a bit like having a bump back to be honest!!
I think it's because he's not hungry all the time, he's happy to be cuddled without pummeling me for milk which is nice so I'll have to get a picture of him.
i do feel a bit 'earth mothery' in it, but in a good way!!
Unfortunately, I cannot locate my camera which I definatly had in the nursery as I was looking at the pictures on it Saturday night after the BBQ. I can't bend down to check under the rocking chair avec le bebe, so will wait for him to with Grandad and run and check then!!
We're off to the Grandparents for the afternoon and night again as Steve has his very early meeting tomorrow and would like a good night sleep, and my parents do the 10pm feed and the 7am feed leaving me the 3am which means I sleep from 8-3 and then 3.30-whenever which is lovely!!
I have two hands free and he's warm, comfy and cosy and sleeping!
It's a bit like having a bump back to be honest!!
I think it's because he's not hungry all the time, he's happy to be cuddled without pummeling me for milk which is nice so I'll have to get a picture of him.
i do feel a bit 'earth mothery' in it, but in a good way!!
Unfortunately, I cannot locate my camera which I definatly had in the nursery as I was looking at the pictures on it Saturday night after the BBQ. I can't bend down to check under the rocking chair avec le bebe, so will wait for him to with Grandad and run and check then!!
We're off to the Grandparents for the afternoon and night again as Steve has his very early meeting tomorrow and would like a good night sleep, and my parents do the 10pm feed and the 7am feed leaving me the 3am which means I sleep from 8-3 and then 3.30-whenever which is lovely!!
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Dum Dum
In that Joel is quite a booby boy, he takes comfort from sucking which is quite natural. Therefore, it's either me (ouch!), his thumb/fingers or a dummy.
After weighing up the options, we felt a dummy was preferable to a thumb as we can remove the dummy later one far more easily than one can remove a digit!! So here he is, with his 'dum dum'!
Too cute for words!!!
Out and About
Today was a day for firsts. Steve, Joel and I made it to Church and stayed for the whole service and communion although I was so overtired I felt very weepy and Joel, Wendy and I headed off in the last hymn so as to avoid all the folk afterwards as I wasn't feeling quite up to that level of integration. I hope they all understood that.
I really enjoyed seeing my friends and being able to sing worship and feel that I'd made it out even if for a little while. Worship does cheer one up! and the team were very good today.
Joel was impeccable, and slept throughout the worship, had a little cry for a feed, did a big poop and then dozed off again and slept until the end.
Afterwards we went for lunch with the Cranstons to a local carvery. Having left Church and walked to my parents to meet up after the service had ended Joel conveniently fed his fill so we decided to try taking him with us for a meal, and to his credit he stayed asleep throughout the meal until the last knife and fork had been put down! The Cranston's then took Izzy for a walk whereupon she fell in the canal, (stinky wet), and I fed Joel again in the car as he was due for another.
And we made it home without any issues or complaints!!
Another challenge successfully done!
His eyes have gone really blue today, pale like mine which is lovely!! Sorry Steve! And his hair still seems more fair than yesterday!!
He was a lot happier today and having pooped at 7am, 11am and 5pm seems more settled so we'll have to see whether he seeps easier tonight or not. Another 3am start would be my undoing I'm sure!!
I really enjoyed seeing my friends and being able to sing worship and feel that I'd made it out even if for a little while. Worship does cheer one up! and the team were very good today.
Joel was impeccable, and slept throughout the worship, had a little cry for a feed, did a big poop and then dozed off again and slept until the end.
Afterwards we went for lunch with the Cranstons to a local carvery. Having left Church and walked to my parents to meet up after the service had ended Joel conveniently fed his fill so we decided to try taking him with us for a meal, and to his credit he stayed asleep throughout the meal until the last knife and fork had been put down! The Cranston's then took Izzy for a walk whereupon she fell in the canal, (stinky wet), and I fed Joel again in the car as he was due for another.
And we made it home without any issues or complaints!!
Another challenge successfully done!
His eyes have gone really blue today, pale like mine which is lovely!! Sorry Steve! And his hair still seems more fair than yesterday!!
He was a lot happier today and having pooped at 7am, 11am and 5pm seems more settled so we'll have to see whether he seeps easier tonight or not. Another 3am start would be my undoing I'm sure!!
Saturday, 21 May 2011
Wetting the Baby's Head
Tonight we have finally cracked open the champagne and raised a toast to our little Joel. It's taken this long as I wanted to have the grandparents here all together, a bit of a celebration and I've been on antibiotics that often, I couldn't really participate, plus with the breast feeding I have a narrow window to fit it in!!
So, as on our wedding day, it was cold and grey, and as we're rather British and had trusted the weather man who forsaw sunshine, we sat in the garden in our jumpers, and Dad tended to the barbeque (and did very well) and we sat on the lawn eating hotdogs, burgers, chicken skewers, pork ribs and lamb burgers with trifle for pudding (thanks Mum!)
We then cracked open the champagne, and all raised a glass. I tried my hand at a speech which wasn't the greatest, just thanking them all for their support as I truly don't think I could have done much without them over the past four weeks and we sipped our champagne at which point Joel woke up!
He'd been sleeping on his Grandpa for the duration of the meal and as I began to enjoy my champagne (which Steve bought the day he was born, and it was delicious too!!) I had to put it aside and go to feed my hungry boy!
We've absteined from the bath tonight, he's been grizzly all day with the poop issues mentioned in the previous post (solved by 4.30pm!!! Hooray!!) and hasn't slept so is down and out for the count by 8.00pm which is sticking to his schedule so good for him! (I'm being naughty typing this out as I should be sleeping too but I wanted to write this quickly).
We also discussed his dedication plans, we're thinking of the 25th June, and just inviting close family along as most of our friends are part of the church anyhow and then organising a bring and share lunch afterwards to celebrate with everyone. Maybe we could do an afternoon tea at Mum's for 'special guests' around 5pm before folk head off? That could work.
Anyhow, it's been a nice day and not too busy and finished off nicely with a mini celebration which although belated, was enjoyed!
I've noticed today that Joels' eyelashes have grown lots in the past couple of days, and his hair which was a shock of dark spikes when born is falling out and being replaced a fairer colour more like mine!! His eyes are also turning a paler blue like mine from the dark indigo blue they were four weeks ago.
He is holding his head and shoulders unbelievably well for a newborn, and is a most determined soul when it comes to feeding time. He really tries to dictate what goes on and control the latching on with his hands in the way!!! It's too cute really. He headbuts at me as I prepare myself, I try to think glass of water, muslin cloth, remote, good cushions but most of the time I have nothing around me, and spend the time looking at him, stroking his face and wondering at this little man who is demonstrating such personality already!
Last night was terribly funny. Mum came round to help me bath him as he seems to not like me doing it and screams a lot, and I was holding him in his bath (quite securely) and I was resting on the edge of the tub with my boobs sort of over the edge and he quietend down, and was fixated on them. he knows what his food source looks like for sure, and after staring and realising he was so close, but in the horrid bath, well, he showed Grandma what one of his shouting fits was like! She's not seen that before and we couldn't help being amused at the cause of it.
He is so precious and I'm enjoying every day of it so far, even grizzly ones like today!
So, as on our wedding day, it was cold and grey, and as we're rather British and had trusted the weather man who forsaw sunshine, we sat in the garden in our jumpers, and Dad tended to the barbeque (and did very well) and we sat on the lawn eating hotdogs, burgers, chicken skewers, pork ribs and lamb burgers with trifle for pudding (thanks Mum!)
We then cracked open the champagne, and all raised a glass. I tried my hand at a speech which wasn't the greatest, just thanking them all for their support as I truly don't think I could have done much without them over the past four weeks and we sipped our champagne at which point Joel woke up!
He'd been sleeping on his Grandpa for the duration of the meal and as I began to enjoy my champagne (which Steve bought the day he was born, and it was delicious too!!) I had to put it aside and go to feed my hungry boy!
We've absteined from the bath tonight, he's been grizzly all day with the poop issues mentioned in the previous post (solved by 4.30pm!!! Hooray!!) and hasn't slept so is down and out for the count by 8.00pm which is sticking to his schedule so good for him! (I'm being naughty typing this out as I should be sleeping too but I wanted to write this quickly).
We also discussed his dedication plans, we're thinking of the 25th June, and just inviting close family along as most of our friends are part of the church anyhow and then organising a bring and share lunch afterwards to celebrate with everyone. Maybe we could do an afternoon tea at Mum's for 'special guests' around 5pm before folk head off? That could work.
Anyhow, it's been a nice day and not too busy and finished off nicely with a mini celebration which although belated, was enjoyed!
I've noticed today that Joels' eyelashes have grown lots in the past couple of days, and his hair which was a shock of dark spikes when born is falling out and being replaced a fairer colour more like mine!! His eyes are also turning a paler blue like mine from the dark indigo blue they were four weeks ago.
He is holding his head and shoulders unbelievably well for a newborn, and is a most determined soul when it comes to feeding time. He really tries to dictate what goes on and control the latching on with his hands in the way!!! It's too cute really. He headbuts at me as I prepare myself, I try to think glass of water, muslin cloth, remote, good cushions but most of the time I have nothing around me, and spend the time looking at him, stroking his face and wondering at this little man who is demonstrating such personality already!
Last night was terribly funny. Mum came round to help me bath him as he seems to not like me doing it and screams a lot, and I was holding him in his bath (quite securely) and I was resting on the edge of the tub with my boobs sort of over the edge and he quietend down, and was fixated on them. he knows what his food source looks like for sure, and after staring and realising he was so close, but in the horrid bath, well, he showed Grandma what one of his shouting fits was like! She's not seen that before and we couldn't help being amused at the cause of it.
He is so precious and I'm enjoying every day of it so far, even grizzly ones like today!
I never realised the importance of poop. And how it can affect your life.
I never intended to become someone who would discuss it so casually, and make it the focus of a day, but today is a day when my baby has not been able to produce a poop yet, and it's bothering him. He's having trouble, and pains, and drawing his legs up and crying. It's not pleasant and I can't really do anything but comfort him and try him in different positions to see whether that helps or not.
I think it's due to the Nyastin stuff the doctor has prescribed him for oral thrush. It's affected him, or it could be my Fluconazole although that's so mild it's not meant to affect babies.
I hope he's able to sort it soon else we won't have a good night at all. It's bothered him since about 6am this morning and now it's 3.30pm. And no poop.
When it arrives we'll all be most pleased!! And I'll probably let you know about it too!!
Poop poop!
I never intended to become someone who would discuss it so casually, and make it the focus of a day, but today is a day when my baby has not been able to produce a poop yet, and it's bothering him. He's having trouble, and pains, and drawing his legs up and crying. It's not pleasant and I can't really do anything but comfort him and try him in different positions to see whether that helps or not.
I think it's due to the Nyastin stuff the doctor has prescribed him for oral thrush. It's affected him, or it could be my Fluconazole although that's so mild it's not meant to affect babies.
I hope he's able to sort it soon else we won't have a good night at all. It's bothered him since about 6am this morning and now it's 3.30pm. And no poop.
When it arrives we'll all be most pleased!! And I'll probably let you know about it too!!
Poop poop!
Sleep is precious. I never realised how much I loved and needed it before Joel. Long gone are the days where I'd go to bed at 10pm, my head would hit the pillow and I'd know no more until 6.30am and wake naturally!! The two or three toilet breaks during pregnancy are nothing to prepare you for the feeds and attention during the night required for a newborn.
However, we had a little breakthrough last night. After pretty regular 1-2-3 hour feeds every 1-2-3 hours through the night since birth, last night he slept from 10 - 3!! That was a five hour stint and the first at night! I however, did not sleep the five hours as woke at midnight on the old schedule and went to check on him as having not slept well for a couple of nights due to his grunts, clicks, whistles and hoots we decided to place his moses basket in his cot to prepare him for the move into his nursery and he was brilliant! To be honest, I don't think he knew any different! I know it's early for him to be in his own room but we slept so much better and he was fine and I could still hear him for the main sounds but the snuffles meant our sleep was deeper.
The night before he'd been up since 3am with a feed, then awake time, then he seemed to have poop issues and strained and groaned until 9am until he was able to produce his nappy full of runny poop. Seriously, how can a baby on a liquid diet seem to take so long and so much effort to go?
I cannot wait until we have a 10-6 night. That would be heaven! Here's hoping it's soon!!
The other night I'd gone to bed at nine and was hoping to get three hours and was so very cross when Steve woke me up at 11.30 by playing sound on his computer too loudly having 'not thought'.
Anyway, sleep. Precious, lovely sleep. So near yet so far! Not a problem for him though!!
Here he is at 1 month old! Looking quite changed every day at the moment since he began losing that hair!
And looking almost blonde here :) And very wise!
However, we had a little breakthrough last night. After pretty regular 1-2-3 hour feeds every 1-2-3 hours through the night since birth, last night he slept from 10 - 3!! That was a five hour stint and the first at night! I however, did not sleep the five hours as woke at midnight on the old schedule and went to check on him as having not slept well for a couple of nights due to his grunts, clicks, whistles and hoots we decided to place his moses basket in his cot to prepare him for the move into his nursery and he was brilliant! To be honest, I don't think he knew any different! I know it's early for him to be in his own room but we slept so much better and he was fine and I could still hear him for the main sounds but the snuffles meant our sleep was deeper.
The night before he'd been up since 3am with a feed, then awake time, then he seemed to have poop issues and strained and groaned until 9am until he was able to produce his nappy full of runny poop. Seriously, how can a baby on a liquid diet seem to take so long and so much effort to go?
I cannot wait until we have a 10-6 night. That would be heaven! Here's hoping it's soon!!
The other night I'd gone to bed at nine and was hoping to get three hours and was so very cross when Steve woke me up at 11.30 by playing sound on his computer too loudly having 'not thought'.
Anyway, sleep. Precious, lovely sleep. So near yet so far! Not a problem for him though!!
Here he is at 1 month old! Looking quite changed every day at the moment since he began losing that hair!
And looking almost blonde here :) And very wise!
Friday, 20 May 2011
More Doctor's!!!! Grrrr!
I just can't believe it.
The appointment I originally made to have our thrush seen to was for today (Friday) but then ended up with an emergency one to get it sorted on Wednesday and I decided to leave the appointment rather than cancel in case I wanted it.
Well I do!
Another stitch has emerged and has oozing and bleeding. I had remnants on my pants this morning and felt a twinge yesterday when getting up off the sofa. I am feeling really low today to have got to week four and not be feeling ok. I know a c-section takes a while to heal but I just feel as though I'm getting so many problems and issues and it's all going to take me longer to feel ok again.
It's all very well the doctors and nurses saying rest up, but how can you? I want to push my baby in his pram whilst he's small enough to fit before the buggy stage but they tell me not too! I need to put washing on so he has clean clothes. I have to sort out meals else I'd starve or be fed junk food every day!
The phrase 'why me' is coming to mind more and more frequently.
The appointment I originally made to have our thrush seen to was for today (Friday) but then ended up with an emergency one to get it sorted on Wednesday and I decided to leave the appointment rather than cancel in case I wanted it.
Well I do!
Another stitch has emerged and has oozing and bleeding. I had remnants on my pants this morning and felt a twinge yesterday when getting up off the sofa. I am feeling really low today to have got to week four and not be feeling ok. I know a c-section takes a while to heal but I just feel as though I'm getting so many problems and issues and it's all going to take me longer to feel ok again.
It's all very well the doctors and nurses saying rest up, but how can you? I want to push my baby in his pram whilst he's small enough to fit before the buggy stage but they tell me not too! I need to put washing on so he has clean clothes. I have to sort out meals else I'd starve or be fed junk food every day!
The phrase 'why me' is coming to mind more and more frequently.
Thursday, 19 May 2011
More Meds...
We saw the doctors yesterday. He was very nice and read my breast thrush leaflet and prescribed me Fluconazole tablets which are meant to sort the thrush in me quickly, nyastin cream for my nipples that needs wiping off before a feed, and nyastin drops for him. So I'm confident we'll beat this one this time as well!
I just can't believe how many issues I've had with everything.
At least the sun is shining today.
Oh and the Dr we saw yesterday said: (and I quote...)
"He's a very good looking baby isn't he! I don't normally comment on babies appearence because I think they all look like wrinkly little sods but he's got a lovely face and a well shaped head"!!
And as a Dr I think he meant it!
Proud Mama here!!
p.s. the health visitor came round to weigh him again and the result, another 14oz which takes him to a staggering 10lbs 4oz!! No wonder I'm getting pins and needles during the feeds and dead arms!! I can't believe he's doing so well! As he's thriving he doesn't need a weekly check and we won't see her again for two weeks! My little chunky monkey is just that!! It's lovely that he's gaining so much despite all my health issues at the moment :)
I just can't believe how many issues I've had with everything.
At least the sun is shining today.
Oh and the Dr we saw yesterday said: (and I quote...)
"He's a very good looking baby isn't he! I don't normally comment on babies appearence because I think they all look like wrinkly little sods but he's got a lovely face and a well shaped head"!!
And as a Dr I think he meant it!
Proud Mama here!!
p.s. the health visitor came round to weigh him again and the result, another 14oz which takes him to a staggering 10lbs 4oz!! No wonder I'm getting pins and needles during the feeds and dead arms!! I can't believe he's doing so well! As he's thriving he doesn't need a weekly check and we won't see her again for two weeks! My little chunky monkey is just that!! It's lovely that he's gaining so much despite all my health issues at the moment :)
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
Gutted...... I'm a walking infection
I got to the breastfeeding clinic this morning to ask about the pains I've been getting in my breasts after a feed but feeling positive as they don't hurt to latch on at the moment or during the feed.
It seems that I may have another bout of thrush :( On my nipples :(
I seem to tick all the susceptibility checks such as being a sufferer during pregnancy - erm, yep...., being on a recent course of antibiotics - yep... and others too so we're both off to the doctors on Friday to see whether we can confirm it and get some medication.
If it is thrush its in the early stages as it sounds like it gets a lot worse but like one Mum I met this morning who had this last year, she said you worry about your baby getting ill and you don't think about the post pregnancy things that can go wrong with yourself.
So in the last four weeks I've had...
An emergency c-section
An infected c-section wound
and now possible Thrush.
It seems I've been given a lovely and patient baby as I'm now getting every infection under the sun.
And today is my birthday.
It seems that I may have another bout of thrush :( On my nipples :(
I seem to tick all the susceptibility checks such as being a sufferer during pregnancy - erm, yep...., being on a recent course of antibiotics - yep... and others too so we're both off to the doctors on Friday to see whether we can confirm it and get some medication.
If it is thrush its in the early stages as it sounds like it gets a lot worse but like one Mum I met this morning who had this last year, she said you worry about your baby getting ill and you don't think about the post pregnancy things that can go wrong with yourself.
So in the last four weeks I've had...
An emergency c-section
An infected c-section wound
and now possible Thrush.
It seems I've been given a lovely and patient baby as I'm now getting every infection under the sun.
And today is my birthday.
Sunday, 15 May 2011
A New Week
My antibiotics have finished now, and his tongue tie cut is healing nicely.
Hopefully this next week we will start to see the semblance of a form of routine.
We're not (well, I'm not!) trying to be too rigorous but I'm encouraging him to start a bit of a routine as babies feel more secure with it. So at the moment we're struggling with early mornings as he's up and feeding a bit irregularly but through the night we're feeding every three hours and depending on how long he takes to settle back down he's sleeping quite regularly too.
He has a bath at 7pm at the moment and then we dry off and put a sleepsuit on and a clean vest and go upstairs to his nursery and sit with the curtains drawn (to try and teach him night from day) and then we sit in the rocking chair and feed. There's normally a nappy change required due to the tablets so this should get better and hell be fuller for longer and then sleep for longer periods, at least that's our hope!
We try to settle him down between 8-9 depending on his feeds and nappies and then he'll go for about 3 hours at the moment. In fact the past three nights he's had a feed at 9pm, 12, 3am and 6am so he is falling into a routine of sorts. It's jst the 3am one he takes longer, I know ones milk flow is less at that time so he can get frustrated before just zonking out after an hour!!
We've tried him with a dummy the past couple if days and he's taken it a couple of times which seems to me he has been using my nipples to soothe himself to sleep as at lunchtime today he sent himself to sleep, from being awake sucking on a dummy!! It is a dentist approved one by the way, and he is a very sucky baby and we'd prefer the dummy which can be removed at some point rather than a thumb which can't be and is likely to affect his mouth in some way.
He's also enjoying nappy off time a couple of times a day!! It's resulted in a couple of icky pooey messes but Daddy and Grandad were on hand to sort those out!! We'll be trying tummy time on his play mat next week!! This week we've enjoyed flexing and gripping with his fingers, sticking our tongues out at each other (his tongue is a lot more visable now) looking at dark picture frames, staring at some black and white toy building blocks, looking at windows and light sources and getting to know each others faces including Mummy making different sound shapes with her mouth (Ba ba ba, bee, bee, bee, bo, bo, bo etc...) and smiling encouragingly at Joel to smile back!!
Heres 3 cute pics from this week....
Hopefully this next week we will start to see the semblance of a form of routine.
We're not (well, I'm not!) trying to be too rigorous but I'm encouraging him to start a bit of a routine as babies feel more secure with it. So at the moment we're struggling with early mornings as he's up and feeding a bit irregularly but through the night we're feeding every three hours and depending on how long he takes to settle back down he's sleeping quite regularly too.
He has a bath at 7pm at the moment and then we dry off and put a sleepsuit on and a clean vest and go upstairs to his nursery and sit with the curtains drawn (to try and teach him night from day) and then we sit in the rocking chair and feed. There's normally a nappy change required due to the tablets so this should get better and hell be fuller for longer and then sleep for longer periods, at least that's our hope!
We try to settle him down between 8-9 depending on his feeds and nappies and then he'll go for about 3 hours at the moment. In fact the past three nights he's had a feed at 9pm, 12, 3am and 6am so he is falling into a routine of sorts. It's jst the 3am one he takes longer, I know ones milk flow is less at that time so he can get frustrated before just zonking out after an hour!!
We've tried him with a dummy the past couple if days and he's taken it a couple of times which seems to me he has been using my nipples to soothe himself to sleep as at lunchtime today he sent himself to sleep, from being awake sucking on a dummy!! It is a dentist approved one by the way, and he is a very sucky baby and we'd prefer the dummy which can be removed at some point rather than a thumb which can't be and is likely to affect his mouth in some way.
He's also enjoying nappy off time a couple of times a day!! It's resulted in a couple of icky pooey messes but Daddy and Grandad were on hand to sort those out!! We'll be trying tummy time on his play mat next week!! This week we've enjoyed flexing and gripping with his fingers, sticking our tongues out at each other (his tongue is a lot more visable now) looking at dark picture frames, staring at some black and white toy building blocks, looking at windows and light sources and getting to know each others faces including Mummy making different sound shapes with her mouth (Ba ba ba, bee, bee, bee, bo, bo, bo etc...) and smiling encouragingly at Joel to smile back!!
Heres 3 cute pics from this week....
Friday, 13 May 2011
Big Baby!!
He was weighed yesterday by the health visitor and has put on an amazing 18oz since the last weigh in!! He's now 3 weeks old and 9lbs 5oz 1/2!!
Considering all our issues of the initial weeks we think that's pretty good going!!
He's not fitting in some newborn vests and sleepsuits now!! He's growing up too fast!! :(
Little man that he is!!
Considering all our issues of the initial weeks we think that's pretty good going!!
He's not fitting in some newborn vests and sleepsuits now!! He's growing up too fast!! :(
Little man that he is!!
Thursday, 12 May 2011
What To Wear...
Is a question that was driving me crazy every morning....
My old clothes don't fit. :(
My maternity clothes are now too big :(
My wardrobe was quite, quite bare.
I now have giant boobs and a rounded tum, and with my legs back to normal I look like an apple on little sticks!! But being able to dress nicely would help my mood of a morning, and I was a bit down about wearing Sarah's old jogging bottoms and the same top pretty much day in day out for the past week.
So an emergency shop was scheduled and having fed and settled Joel (on the changing mat on the dining table of all places - he likes it - honest!) Mum and I made a mad dash for the New Look store (as it's cheap and cheerful). (Please don't judge me for leaving Joel, I felt awful but trust my Dad implicitly!!)
I ran in, grabbed a maxi skirt, three tops and four cheap vests and decided it was worth trying on a 14 and a 16 for the skirt (the 16 won 'sad face') and paid and we were home again within half an hour and he was still fast asleep on the dining table. (Joel that is, not my Dad!!)
I went and had a nap as well as was weary and then changed into a top, vest and the skirt for dinner and felt so much better.
Yes, so I won't be back in my size 12 jeans anytime soon but I was expecting that. I just needed something nice to wear in a larger size that made me feel better about myself.
And then Steve came round for dinner (he's always had strange names for my clothes, a pink striped dress he said I looked like a lollipop and a colourful dress was my parrot dress!) and he complimented me on looking beautiful in my 'old timey outfit'!!! Oh well, I'm sure he does mean these things as compliments somehow!!
I'm just looking forward to building up my fitness again once I'm signed off after 6 weeks at the doctors and can start a bit of an exercise regime! Well, walking with the pram every day at least! Diets I've never really bothered with and won't likely be able to keep up as I enjoy food too much, but I enjoy food in moderation which is the healthy way to do so!!
So for now I'm a 16 but give me time and I'll work the extra pounds off a sensible way. I've already lost 2 stones from my pregancy weight (granted that's mainly baby, water and placenta etc.... but it's all good!)
My old clothes don't fit. :(
My maternity clothes are now too big :(
My wardrobe was quite, quite bare.
I now have giant boobs and a rounded tum, and with my legs back to normal I look like an apple on little sticks!! But being able to dress nicely would help my mood of a morning, and I was a bit down about wearing Sarah's old jogging bottoms and the same top pretty much day in day out for the past week.
So an emergency shop was scheduled and having fed and settled Joel (on the changing mat on the dining table of all places - he likes it - honest!) Mum and I made a mad dash for the New Look store (as it's cheap and cheerful). (Please don't judge me for leaving Joel, I felt awful but trust my Dad implicitly!!)
I ran in, grabbed a maxi skirt, three tops and four cheap vests and decided it was worth trying on a 14 and a 16 for the skirt (the 16 won 'sad face') and paid and we were home again within half an hour and he was still fast asleep on the dining table. (Joel that is, not my Dad!!)
I went and had a nap as well as was weary and then changed into a top, vest and the skirt for dinner and felt so much better.
Yes, so I won't be back in my size 12 jeans anytime soon but I was expecting that. I just needed something nice to wear in a larger size that made me feel better about myself.
And then Steve came round for dinner (he's always had strange names for my clothes, a pink striped dress he said I looked like a lollipop and a colourful dress was my parrot dress!) and he complimented me on looking beautiful in my 'old timey outfit'!!! Oh well, I'm sure he does mean these things as compliments somehow!!
I'm just looking forward to building up my fitness again once I'm signed off after 6 weeks at the doctors and can start a bit of an exercise regime! Well, walking with the pram every day at least! Diets I've never really bothered with and won't likely be able to keep up as I enjoy food too much, but I enjoy food in moderation which is the healthy way to do so!!
So for now I'm a 16 but give me time and I'll work the extra pounds off a sensible way. I've already lost 2 stones from my pregancy weight (granted that's mainly baby, water and placenta etc.... but it's all good!)
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
The Tongue Tie Day
Having checked all the details (postcode, department area, time to be there etc...) we decided Dad could drive both Steve and I as the note said to leave 1/2 hr to find parking and Dad could just come back for us at a moment's notice which would alleviate any stress in that area!!
So off we went, Joel slept all the way there in his car seat (this was his longest journey yet!) and we found our way to the Childrens outpatient ward were another girl and her mum were sat with a baby of a similar age. Turns out they were there for the tongue tie procedure as well! At the same time! It seems that the midwife had double booked herself and thought she'd re-arranged us for 1pm!!! I showed her the email that she'd sent me to say 3pm as I'd have been there bang on 1pm had we been informed!
Anyway, she didn't seem to mind too much and after asking us some general questions she asked Steve whether he'd like to hold Joel whilst the cut was made. He went a bit pale and said he felt it was something a health professional would be better doing!! She asked if I wanted to and I was feeling a bit emotional and said I didn't want to be a wimp but I wasn't sure I'd be ok to do it, so a nurse came in.
She held Joel and the Midwife (Jenny) bent over him and it was all very quick, I heard a snip snip and a 'waaaah' which wasn't a normal cry, it was a pained and bewildered cry and she handed him over to me dabbing inside his mouth where I could see a little well of blood emerging.
I then had to pop a boob out and get him to latch on and straight away I could see his jaw dropping a lot more than it ever had before. He was obviously able to get much longer sucks out now whereas as before he was just getting a little and taking ages to take his fill. I hadn't realised what a difference it would/could make!
It was a bit gross though as I could see his milk dribbles were pink having mixed with his blood but it didn't bleed for very long and we transferred into a breastfeeding room so he could finish his mid afternoon snack!! (He had been asleep for a good couple of hours so was a hungry boy!)
We then drove home and he whimpered once on the journey but slept the rest of the way like a good baby and has been fine since.
We've seen the tongue coming in and out a lot! It's like he's learning he can do more with it now and it must have been quite restricted before.
I'm going to try and get to a breastfeeding class in town on Tuesday to enquire about his latch. I feel that sometimes he's struggling now and especially on my right breast, that one seems to hurt quite a bit after a feed and gets very twingy so it'd be good to see a breastfeeding support worker again. I really want to give it a good go and there's so much support available it's silly to not approach it.
So that's that. He just has a white ulcer looking thing under his tongue now which will heal away shortly and he's none the wiser, just a lot freer to feed properly so lets hope we see a difference very soon! :)
So off we went, Joel slept all the way there in his car seat (this was his longest journey yet!) and we found our way to the Childrens outpatient ward were another girl and her mum were sat with a baby of a similar age. Turns out they were there for the tongue tie procedure as well! At the same time! It seems that the midwife had double booked herself and thought she'd re-arranged us for 1pm!!! I showed her the email that she'd sent me to say 3pm as I'd have been there bang on 1pm had we been informed!
Anyway, she didn't seem to mind too much and after asking us some general questions she asked Steve whether he'd like to hold Joel whilst the cut was made. He went a bit pale and said he felt it was something a health professional would be better doing!! She asked if I wanted to and I was feeling a bit emotional and said I didn't want to be a wimp but I wasn't sure I'd be ok to do it, so a nurse came in.
She held Joel and the Midwife (Jenny) bent over him and it was all very quick, I heard a snip snip and a 'waaaah' which wasn't a normal cry, it was a pained and bewildered cry and she handed him over to me dabbing inside his mouth where I could see a little well of blood emerging.
I then had to pop a boob out and get him to latch on and straight away I could see his jaw dropping a lot more than it ever had before. He was obviously able to get much longer sucks out now whereas as before he was just getting a little and taking ages to take his fill. I hadn't realised what a difference it would/could make!
It was a bit gross though as I could see his milk dribbles were pink having mixed with his blood but it didn't bleed for very long and we transferred into a breastfeeding room so he could finish his mid afternoon snack!! (He had been asleep for a good couple of hours so was a hungry boy!)
We then drove home and he whimpered once on the journey but slept the rest of the way like a good baby and has been fine since.
We've seen the tongue coming in and out a lot! It's like he's learning he can do more with it now and it must have been quite restricted before.
I'm going to try and get to a breastfeeding class in town on Tuesday to enquire about his latch. I feel that sometimes he's struggling now and especially on my right breast, that one seems to hurt quite a bit after a feed and gets very twingy so it'd be good to see a breastfeeding support worker again. I really want to give it a good go and there's so much support available it's silly to not approach it.
So that's that. He just has a white ulcer looking thing under his tongue now which will heal away shortly and he's none the wiser, just a lot freer to feed properly so lets hope we see a difference very soon! :)
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
This post isn't meant to offend. I know some people feel that boobs are not for discussion and pictures, well, how shocking! But when you're breastfeeding there's nothing remotely sexual about them whatsoever. They are the nourishment for your baby. It's a very natural thing and God given so if the following pictures are likely to offend please don't read on.
However for those folk who find breast feeding a beautiful and natural thing to do, hopefully you'll understand the charm that the little baby latched has for a mother. Looking down at the little face, with hands holding you, gaining sustenance and at peace with the world, it's like no other feeling in the world. I love being able to cradle him in my arms and have these precious moments with him.
I didn't think I would, but I'm loving it. Yes it's painful, yes my nipples have been sore as anything but I've got such determination that this is what I want to do I'm breaking through and things are starting to get better. I'm not blistering as much and it's easier every day and once his tongue tie is sorted I'm hoping that'll be a break through!!
So these are my pics which are the intimate moments between a mother and baby and make my heart melt!...
However for those folk who find breast feeding a beautiful and natural thing to do, hopefully you'll understand the charm that the little baby latched has for a mother. Looking down at the little face, with hands holding you, gaining sustenance and at peace with the world, it's like no other feeling in the world. I love being able to cradle him in my arms and have these precious moments with him.
I didn't think I would, but I'm loving it. Yes it's painful, yes my nipples have been sore as anything but I've got such determination that this is what I want to do I'm breaking through and things are starting to get better. I'm not blistering as much and it's easier every day and once his tongue tie is sorted I'm hoping that'll be a break through!!
So these are my pics which are the intimate moments between a mother and baby and make my heart melt!...
Monday, 9 May 2011
A Little Round Up...
I'm writing this from my parent's house as I'm here for a couple of days to rest up. I wasn't able to fully rest at home and my c-section wound has got infected. Saturday was a blue day as it was sore and i was back to the emergency doctor's. He said that i f I'd left it until Monday it'd be much worse but I was still gutted as I've showered and carefully cleaned and dried it daily and can only assume I've over exerted myself, rubbed it on a pair of trousers or the heat and humidity we've had hasn't helped.
At home its too easy to forget that you've had an operation and take longer to heal than a regular birth. There was always too much to do and Steve being busy with work didn't have time to prepare all the meals or do the washing or all the household things that need to be done so In was doing a lot of that in between looking after Joel in a sleep deprived state and irs too much and as a result I'm feeling more tired than before and am realising to look after Joel well I have to be fit and thus am back at the parents for proper nursing.
The mastitis I've managed to keep at bay with massage, hot showers and expressing so it was a blow to know that Joel will have a funny tummy for yet another week.
Steve's parents have been up again for the weekend and enjoyed Joel cuddles. \He's having more 'awake and alert' time every day and he's changed so much in the last two weeks that they've seen him.
Joel did make it to Church yesterday! We didn't go to the service, just the lunch afterwards and it felt good to see my friends and be in a different place. I tired out pretty quickly though so was home again within a couple of hours.
Joel is such a contented baby most of the time. He seems to cry when he's frustrated over the simple checklist - hungry? nappy? sleepy? or windy? So if he does cry we run through the list (although hungry does come last as he'll always eat and if it was nappy that was the issue it's best to sort that first as he takes such a long time over it!!) And most of the time he just sleeps, eats and gazes.
He focuses on dark objects, we have a black photo frame on a cream wall and he looks at it for a long while, and our mirror is silver and he enjoys gazing at that as well. Oh, and the light, he'll look towards our south facing window with dark purple curtains too.
He will look at our faces and study them intently. If we stick our tongue out at him, he will stick his back out at us in reply! We are practising using his hand grip, so when we put a finger into his little hand, his fingers grip around ours quite tightly.
We met the health visitor last week and he had his hearing checked and all is ok there. She's coming again on Thursday to weigh him and check him over after his tongue tie procedure which is Wednesday. I'm not looking forward to that whatsoever, but it has to be done for his own benefit in the long run but to see my baby hurting will be rather agonising I'm sure.
But I'm sure it will all be well and next week he'll have no anti-biotics in his system, his toungue will be free and we'll see what will happen. If he just feeds and sleeps and is fuller and feeds for less time, he'll be a perfect baby! To be honest, he's perfect to me regardless! I even don't mind that he peed all over my hands last night when changing his nappy at 2.30am!!
Here's some pics downloaded form my camera...
Anyway, it's a sunny day today, Joel is being pushed around by Grandad and Grandma is out buying more nipple cream for me! Elizabeth (a friend from church and antenatal classes) is called round shortly with Trudy (who was due after Joel but arrived first!!) so it'll be lovely for them to meet!
At home its too easy to forget that you've had an operation and take longer to heal than a regular birth. There was always too much to do and Steve being busy with work didn't have time to prepare all the meals or do the washing or all the household things that need to be done so In was doing a lot of that in between looking after Joel in a sleep deprived state and irs too much and as a result I'm feeling more tired than before and am realising to look after Joel well I have to be fit and thus am back at the parents for proper nursing.
The mastitis I've managed to keep at bay with massage, hot showers and expressing so it was a blow to know that Joel will have a funny tummy for yet another week.
Steve's parents have been up again for the weekend and enjoyed Joel cuddles. \He's having more 'awake and alert' time every day and he's changed so much in the last two weeks that they've seen him.
Joel did make it to Church yesterday! We didn't go to the service, just the lunch afterwards and it felt good to see my friends and be in a different place. I tired out pretty quickly though so was home again within a couple of hours.
Joel is such a contented baby most of the time. He seems to cry when he's frustrated over the simple checklist - hungry? nappy? sleepy? or windy? So if he does cry we run through the list (although hungry does come last as he'll always eat and if it was nappy that was the issue it's best to sort that first as he takes such a long time over it!!) And most of the time he just sleeps, eats and gazes.
He focuses on dark objects, we have a black photo frame on a cream wall and he looks at it for a long while, and our mirror is silver and he enjoys gazing at that as well. Oh, and the light, he'll look towards our south facing window with dark purple curtains too.
He will look at our faces and study them intently. If we stick our tongue out at him, he will stick his back out at us in reply! We are practising using his hand grip, so when we put a finger into his little hand, his fingers grip around ours quite tightly.
We met the health visitor last week and he had his hearing checked and all is ok there. She's coming again on Thursday to weigh him and check him over after his tongue tie procedure which is Wednesday. I'm not looking forward to that whatsoever, but it has to be done for his own benefit in the long run but to see my baby hurting will be rather agonising I'm sure.
But I'm sure it will all be well and next week he'll have no anti-biotics in his system, his toungue will be free and we'll see what will happen. If he just feeds and sleeps and is fuller and feeds for less time, he'll be a perfect baby! To be honest, he's perfect to me regardless! I even don't mind that he peed all over my hands last night when changing his nappy at 2.30am!!
Here's some pics downloaded form my camera...
Anyway, it's a sunny day today, Joel is being pushed around by Grandad and Grandma is out buying more nipple cream for me! Elizabeth (a friend from church and antenatal classes) is called round shortly with Trudy (who was due after Joel but arrived first!!) so it'll be lovely for them to meet!
Friday, 6 May 2011
Is such a weird thing. So glad I bought a pump in advance in the sale, I've been using it twice a day for 20 minutes to combat my mastitis. And with Joel having a tongue tie, my right nipple is so tender and painful someimes I just express off it rather than let him feed as he does seem to chew that one rather.
His appointment has come through for 3pm on Wednesday via email from the consultant. She also said not to look at Youtube :( Oh dear. It's going to be grim.
His appointment has come through for 3pm on Wednesday via email from the consultant. She also said not to look at Youtube :( Oh dear. It's going to be grim.
Thursday, 5 May 2011
The Naked Truth
One's body is not what it used to be!!
The day I went for that first shower in hospital I was rather shocked at the jelly like stomach complete with overhang which actually has to be lifted up and cleaned underneath! :( It also has to be carefully dried else will smell bad! (the midwife used the phrase 'offensive' but she meant stinky.
The stretchmarks are puckered and although I can't see underneath without lifting it (which I'm avoiding as it feels weird) to touch it makes me think of Jabba the Hutt. Saying that, it's going down every day and my tummy button is slowly sinking inwards again so breastfeeding is working wonders there.
The boobs are massive, heavy and require some good scaffolding so I've bought two decent bras from Bravissimo which are doing a good job.
My ankles are back to normal, it took two weeks after the birth and they kept going up and down like yo-yo's in the meantime.
Clothes don't fit, maternity trousers are literally falling off me so joggers it is and I've never been a joggers person. And I have no tops to go with joggers, or to fit my giant boobs into so every morning is a dilema at the moment with a baby needing me and me dithering about what to wear!
So wasn't prepared for any of this.
The day I went for that first shower in hospital I was rather shocked at the jelly like stomach complete with overhang which actually has to be lifted up and cleaned underneath! :( It also has to be carefully dried else will smell bad! (the midwife used the phrase 'offensive' but she meant stinky.
The stretchmarks are puckered and although I can't see underneath without lifting it (which I'm avoiding as it feels weird) to touch it makes me think of Jabba the Hutt. Saying that, it's going down every day and my tummy button is slowly sinking inwards again so breastfeeding is working wonders there.
The boobs are massive, heavy and require some good scaffolding so I've bought two decent bras from Bravissimo which are doing a good job.
My ankles are back to normal, it took two weeks after the birth and they kept going up and down like yo-yo's in the meantime.
Clothes don't fit, maternity trousers are literally falling off me so joggers it is and I've never been a joggers person. And I have no tops to go with joggers, or to fit my giant boobs into so every morning is a dilema at the moment with a baby needing me and me dithering about what to wear!
So wasn't prepared for any of this.
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
This Morning...
I loved him just that little bit more if at possible...
How peaceful baby cuddles can be!! I'll have to post some of his shouting pics at some point!! He really looks like he's yeling at the world in them.
Had a leisurely morning of cuddles, feeding and expressing (yes at the same time!!) got showered and dressed then Mum came round to walk him so I could nap which I did until the phone rang and even made it to the shops for milk and posted a card to Australia so a good day today.
First day without antibiotics so hoping his tummy will sort, he'll be fuller for longer, the massage, hot water and expressing will keep mastitis at bay and the tongue tie appointment comes round quickly without taking any precios newborn time away! Quite a tall order so prayers to this end would be welcome.
Right Joel is sleeping which means I should be too!!
How peaceful baby cuddles can be!! I'll have to post some of his shouting pics at some point!! He really looks like he's yeling at the world in them.
Had a leisurely morning of cuddles, feeding and expressing (yes at the same time!!) got showered and dressed then Mum came round to walk him so I could nap which I did until the phone rang and even made it to the shops for milk and posted a card to Australia so a good day today.
First day without antibiotics so hoping his tummy will sort, he'll be fuller for longer, the massage, hot water and expressing will keep mastitis at bay and the tongue tie appointment comes round quickly without taking any precios newborn time away! Quite a tall order so prayers to this end would be welcome.
Right Joel is sleeping which means I should be too!!
Monday, 2 May 2011
2nd May
1st anniversary.
One takeaway.
One baby feeding on left breast.
One balanced plate of food to right.
One early night in sync with baby.
We were more romantic in the morning though! I even got a lovely ''forever' Chamilia bead from Steve! He got computer games!!
One takeaway.
One baby feeding on left breast.
One balanced plate of food to right.
One early night in sync with baby.
We were more romantic in the morning though! I even got a lovely ''forever' Chamilia bead from Steve! He got computer games!!
First Week At Home Pictures
Watching the Royal Wedding at Grandma's house on Friday 29th April 2011. Here he is being 'blessed' by the Royal couple! |
Just hanging about looking cute. |
His thinking pose. Deep in thought in Aunty Hilary's arms. |
Meeting Great Aunty Joan. |
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Night time feeding faces. Peaceful. |
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Milk happy face!! |
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His hands are up a lot. |
La Commode
I can't believe I've forgotten to mention this so far! It's too funny and clever to allow to disappear without a mention.
Pretty much on the first night I was home we realised I was going to have difficulties getting up and down my stairs. My house was built in 1901 and is a Victorian mid terrace and the stairs are pretty steep to say the least and the bathroom is a downstairs one added onto the end of the kitchen, so far away.
Steve had to help me sobbing up the stairs as I was frustrated at being so helpless and I was in pain and I called my Mum up to say I didn't know what I was going to do about going to the loo. She said 'leave it with us' and 30 minutes later she and Dad came around with a 'commode' that Dad had assembled from a chair frame, a toilet seat, a lidded old nappy bucket, a grow tall step and a British atlas! It has to be seen to be believed but it saved me this first week at home!!
Another unknown element to afterbirth is the incessant need to wee, a lot!! The bucket was pretty much full the next day and to think of the agony of getting to the bathroom and back 8 or 9 times that first night whilst feeding and trying to settle a newborn baby was too much to think about.
I shall try to get a picture up before it goes. My Dad is so resourceful!!
Pretty much on the first night I was home we realised I was going to have difficulties getting up and down my stairs. My house was built in 1901 and is a Victorian mid terrace and the stairs are pretty steep to say the least and the bathroom is a downstairs one added onto the end of the kitchen, so far away.
Steve had to help me sobbing up the stairs as I was frustrated at being so helpless and I was in pain and I called my Mum up to say I didn't know what I was going to do about going to the loo. She said 'leave it with us' and 30 minutes later she and Dad came around with a 'commode' that Dad had assembled from a chair frame, a toilet seat, a lidded old nappy bucket, a grow tall step and a British atlas! It has to be seen to be believed but it saved me this first week at home!!
Another unknown element to afterbirth is the incessant need to wee, a lot!! The bucket was pretty much full the next day and to think of the agony of getting to the bathroom and back 8 or 9 times that first night whilst feeding and trying to settle a newborn baby was too much to think about.
I shall try to get a picture up before it goes. My Dad is so resourceful!!
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