Friday, 7 October 2011

Ill Mummy

I've felt like a terrible mummy today.  I've had a headache all day, needed a lot more sleep than normal and had to run to the bathroom a lot leaving Joel to his own devices on his play mat.  I've not eaten at all (well, except for 2 biscuits!) and just sipped water.

Lucky for me though Joel is a happy healthy baby who is jolly and keeps himself entertained as long as he knows mummy is watching him from the sofa.  So whereas we'd normally go out a couple of times a day, the past couple of days we've only been out to say hello to the guinea-pigs so the poor little lad has probably been bored having just me for company.

He's been so good all day and napped three times which meant I could nap too, and fed well although he didn't like his cheesy leek and cauliflower for lunch so I gave him courgette, carrot and pear which he ate lots of.  I've also tried him with a couple of bought pots of fruity puddings from cow and gate, but he's not been enamoured of them.  I just feel that I only have apples, pears and bananas for him that are seasonal and the puddings were a bit different but I guess he likes what he likes.

Our day is now getting more packed with baby orientated things.  i do think him being a new born and just popping him on a boob was far easier than these days where he needs entertainment, giggles, breakfast, lunch and dinner and outings, stimulation, nail trimmings, watching as he moves and to be put down for nap times!  I'm sure I sound awful but I do miss the quiet sleepy baby who'd sleep in my arms for hours!!  Not that my current energetic and funny and cute baby isn't wonderful at the same time.  It's just time goes so fast and there's so much that's new happening all the time!

We're hopefully in for a quiet weekend of rest and recuperation.  And I'm starving, having not eaten for 24 hours now.  Hopefully that's killed off the lurgy bug.  And hopefully Joel will stay healthy.

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