Sunday, 27 February 2011

34 Weeks

How far along: 34 Weeks

Total Weight Gained: *tumbleweed* **again**

Maternity Clothes: Indeed.  Although if I do attempt to wear something non-maternity I look so ridiculous and stretched it's very funny!!

Stretch Marks: Just the under the bump ones. Still rubbing in lotions and potions twice daily though!  They're a bit itchy at present now.

Sleep:  I've been missing sleep although my after work naps are helping me get through.  I'm wandering around from about 2am  - 4am wide awake and easing my aches and pains most nights!

Best Moment of the Week:  Getting a new sofa.  Sorry it's not baby related but it'll mean I can feel more comfortable during my remaining pregnancy!!

Movement:   Lots and lots.  Although on Friday evening I had a bath and didn't feel any movement which worried me for a while until Steve got home and just put his hands on the bump and baby sprang into activity!!

Gender: He's a baby BOY!!!

Belly Button:  Still in and out as baby feels he wants it at the moment!

Milestones: One week of work to go so going on maternity leave will be a huge milestone for me!  Not sure how I'll feel about it at the moment!  Change you know!!

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