Monday, 31 January 2011

5 / 10

*to the tune of One Man Went To mow*

Five Weeks to Go!  Till I'm leaving work....
Five weeks to go!  Till I'm leaving work....

Ten weeks to go!  Till we meet our baby...
Ten weeks to go!  Till we meet our baby.... (provided he arrives on the due date of course!)

And boy oh boy, am I ready already.

My sleep this weekend has not been good people.  I physically hurt all over.  It's as though my bones just have a constant ache and at night my legs seize up and I have to turn over due to rib pain which I presume is due to baby pressing in places, and baby has been very active these past few nights, kicking away, but down low again so I can't see my tummy wiggle as much when it's below the tummy button as I just can't see down there anymore!!

Sunday, 30 January 2011

30 Weeks

How far along: 30 Weeks - (goodness me!)

Total Weight Gained:  Will find out.  I will.  I ought to.

Maternity Clothes:   Yep, lots.  Funny story though about the red and grey jumper I wore before Christmas on my 25 week bump pic, well, not so funny because I liked it, but it ripped at the seams around the neck after I'd only worn it twice.  So I took it back to New Look where they tried to tell me as it was in the sale so they'd only refund me £7 when I paid £18.  So I said that wasn't acceptable as the product was faulty and they had to either replace it like for like or refund me my money (without a receipt).  And the moment I said 'rights' they backed down and gave me £18 in vouchers!  Hurray.  Anyway, I went into get some new t-shirts and there my jumper was, in the faulty section and they were trying to sell it on. 

Stretch Marks: Just the ones under the bump for the time being.

Sleep:  This is getting less and less by night!  Last night I managed a couple of hours before having to turn over due to rib pain, and I just kept waking up and needing the loo.  I don't feel technically exhausted but I am a bit of a zombie.

Best Moment of the Week:  Getting to 30 weeks I think!  This is quite a turning point!  I'm still getting stuff done in the nursery too.  We're going to try cloth nappies, so ordered a bundle of TotsBots Bamboozles which arrived this week so I've had fun going through those.  I bought a matching Sleepy Owl nappy stacker to keep them in.

Movement:  Some real squirmy nudges have been going on this week.  Long gone are the gentle tickling flutterings!!  My tummy moves a lot and some really catch me by surprise.
Food Cravings:  As you'll know, I've not really thought I've had any cravings at all, but last night, I didn't fancy anything to eat except pancakes with lemon and sugar.  It felt like minus 5 outside and I still nipped round to the shop to get eggs and a lemon to make and eat 6 pancakes.  I guess that could count as a craving!

Gender: He's a baby BOY!!!

Belly Button:  It looks weird.  It's like my skin is flat around my tummy button and the top bit is almost overlapping my button because my tummy is hanging due to the weight.  If I lift the bump up it looks more normal!!
What I miss:  Turning over in bed.  It's becoming such an effort I'm breathless!  Being able to pick things up off the floor.  Being able to walk our exuberant puppy dog.  And this weekend I'm missing Steve as he's in Scarborough on a Church men's weekend away.

Milestones: 30 weeks.  10 weeks to go.  This is where apparently you're feeling ready to meet the baby and the prospect of another 10 weeks is a lot to bear!!  It does feel as though I've been pregnant for ages, and that's with not knowing for the first two months!  Ha ha!!  I'm glad there's only 5 weeks more of work though!

Friday, 28 January 2011

Questions, questions....

Do babies feel gravity in the womb??  Mine seems to sink onto the side I'm sleeping on, at least that's what I'm presuming causes my rib pain at night when I'm on my left or right side, but I just don't know?!

Does indigestion and wind affect the baby?  I sort of imagine that it would tickle him rather, but that could just be strange I guess?!  I had a terrible tummy last night after eating too much chilli con carne from a hot buffet.  My own fault I know but I was hungry and it was tasty.

Will Arnica tablets help my down there bits after the birth for any bruising or swelling, or are they a bit of a placebo??  My Grandma used to have arnica cream for bruises so I know the herb is good on that sort of thing but in tablet form?!

Does it matter that I've had any milk leaking yet?  Will this affect my ability to breast feed later on?

My Last Evening At Guides

 Here's my lovely gift box from the Guides!  It was huge!!  And Jill also got me a lovely charm for my Chamilia bracelet - a star because she said I was star!  Woo!

They'd all signed my card with little message....

 And it was filled with baby goodies!!
 Towels, bibs, socks, hats, wipes, lotions, bath bottles, more wipes, cotton wool, you name it, it was in there!  It was like a treasure trove with the fabulous bath at the bottom.

Who doesn't love presents, and even presents technically for someone else!  Of the baby variety!!  :)

Thursday, 27 January 2011

TMI - Naked Bump Pic!

If the sight of stretched naked flesh in mini pants offend you, look away now.  It is quite a sight.  I keep looking at it in the mirror now and wondering where my old figure has gone, it is so strange to see this distended stomach, all round and pink looking back at me.

They're not the greatest pictures admittedly, and I'm trying to hold my chest up out of the way, but it's nice to keep a record of it.

And no, I'm not doing matching underwear at the moment.  My maternity bras are either black or white two sets and my pants are whatever I pull out of the drawer!  I don't tend to co-ordinate unless it's a special occasion!

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

More Nursery Pics With Cot...

 Here you can see the lovely baby bath Guides bought me as a leaving gift, and all the useful bits they added to the hamper, ready stacked up!  Piles of wipes and baby bath, and lotion and and baby wash :)

His first toys!  My Mum bought the Miffy rabbit, and I got the monkey and lion from Mamas and Papas.  I think they're adorable!!

Monday, 24 January 2011

6 / 11 and 29+2

Oh my.

Six weeks of work left and eleven weeks until my due date.

Unfortunatley, I have a very busy time at work until then, so I will be trying very hard to not get stressed about it.  It doesn't help I waddle about, need to wee lots and keep forgetting things!!!

After saying on yesterday's post that I was quite taken aback at the elbow coming out and wanting it to happen again, it happened lots.  He was a very active fellow last night and kept on kicking, wriggling and generally keeping me awake.  And I've decided that his back is down my left side, his head and hands are down and tickling my pelvis and his feet are what are jabbing in my right side, a bit like an 'L'.  Of course that could be wrong, I'd love to know though!!

And it's been a while since I added one so here's a bump pic at 29+2!!

 I do think it's starting to stick out the front a lot more now.

And here is it in my lap.  It's not heavy on my legs, but when sitting, there's no gaps!!!
No funny feet sticking out when I took this one, although it does feel flat across the front!!

Sunday, 23 January 2011

29 Weeks

How far along: 29 Weeks.

Total Weight Gained:  I'm certainly feeing heavier this week.  When I walk I feel as though I'm 'plodding' rather than looking at all graceful.  Of course that could be to with the fact that about 65% of my time I'm walking to the loo as baby is on my bladder!!  Most weird and uncomfortable!

Maternity Clothes: Overbump are preferable, I find anything under bumpy can dig in a bit and I'm concious of draughts and a lack of support so have to add a bump band.

Stretch Marks: My under bump tummy marks seem to be slightly  more this week.  It's hard to see as they're below my tummy button and I have to try and bend backwards in the mirror to check them out and I'm not very bendy these days, but rather than long 'stripes' that I was expecting, they're just little short tadpoles.  If they stay underneath it won't be too bad.  I'll be cross at them if they try coming on up over the bump but I am resigned to the fact they probably will from what my cousin due in Feb has said about hers - hereditary and all :( 

Sleep:  I have been up for a couple of hours at around 4am this week leaving me pretty shattered for work!!  One night I was starving and got up to eat two weetabix.  Then being hungry ate a third!!  I never eat three weetabix, especially at that time.  I guess that could be a growth spurt occuring.

Best Moment of the Week:  We put the cot together yesterday and I added the changing part to the shelf so the nursery is all finished and ready for baby.  My Guide unit asked me back to give me a present, and there was a HUGE box all beautifully wrapped with a very posh baby bath inside and all the guides had brought things to make it a hamper as well.  I'm well stocked for wipes, bath wash and socks!!  Seriously, I was very touched. I've been a Guider for almost 15 years and it's strange to think I'm not at the moment.  But it's nice to rest on Friday nights rather than go out to be honest!!

We also had our 28 week appointment and it was good to hear all is well and progressing nicely, with a strong heartbeat.

Movement:  He's certainly gone more squirmy, I don't get as many kicky or jabby pokes, but last night in bed there was a squirm and push and something hard and pointy came out of my stomach on the right side!!  I rubbed it gently and it went back in again but it could have been an elbow I guess?!  I have no idea which way up he is and what poky part is what limb.  That was a first!!

Food Cravings:  I've just eaten loads of cereal.  In my head it's a good thing, as I tend to eat plainer, wheaty ones anyway (low fat!) and I'm trying to keep my fibre intake up to avoid unneccessary issues (if you know what I mean) and so far I'm pleased to report it's fine!!  So Crunchy Bran, Shreddies and Weetabix are my practical cereals and I always eat a bowl for breakfast and before bed, and I may treat myself with Rice Krispies (no sugar) or Special K Red Berries as a second bowl if still hungry.

Gender: He's a baby BOY!!!

Belly Button:  Still in but very stretched although it could now be described as almost flat?!
What I miss: Turning over in bed.  It's becoming such an effort I'm breathless!  Being able to pick things up off the floor.  Being able to walk our exuberant puppy dog.

Milestones: 29 weeks.  Wow.  One week until 30 weeks and then 5 weeks left of work.  It's all getting very close now.  I guess I'd say a milestone could be the elbow thing.  That was very new.  But strangely - and it surprises me to say it, I want it to happen again!

Friday, 21 January 2011

Blood Letting

Off I went to the hospital bright and early for my phlobotomist visit.  I was a little anxious but tried to stay relaxed, have an empty bladder, but be fully hydrated which apparently helps your veins.

The phlobotomist called me in, and I explained the Doctor's surgery hadn't had much luck with me and said I had difficult veins, and she scoffed, and just did it.  It was very quick, it did pinch and hurt but she got two bottles.

More importantly, I didn't have time to feel emotional and cry!  So I'm improving.

Unfortunately, she asked for my hemoglobin form, and I'd given her all the midwife had passed onto me, and it seems my iron levels may not get checked.  So with my next maternity appointment in three weeks time I'm forseeing that I may have to go back again for another one.

I guess it's good practise for me though.  I couldn't be a phlobotomist though.  Imagine doing that all day long!

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Holiday Thinking

This year my parents are both turning 60 and waaaay before I even suspected I may be pregnant, they reserved a gite in Normandy.  Yep, France!  The plan was to have all their nearest and dearest together for a week of sunshine, beaches and relaxing.  Sounds lovely indeed.

But now I'm pregnant, and the baby by that time will be about 4 months old!  And it's an 8 hour ferry crossing from Portsmouth to Le Havre. 

Steve was being a bit difficult with his work and not wanting to go at all, and said I should go for the whole two weeks.  I've since persuaded him that in marrying me, my family is his family and vice versa, and besides, I think he'll miss us being apart even if he doesn't think so yet.  So I think he's now going to come over in the second week for about 5 days and I'll travel back with him and baby.  Mum and Dad will take me with them when they go over in July.

So I'm trying to look at ferry bookings and thinking about all the paraphernalia that babies require.  But to think I could have two weeks in sunny France in a cottage with a pool is rather lovely.  And of course I'll be on maternity leave so can do anything I like at any time.

I'm also going to book a holiday for just Steve, baby and me in late September, possibly to the Lake District.  It'll be beautiful there at that time of year.  He did say I could, although has likely forgotten already but it's in his diary!!  We need to make sure we have time away just us, and our little family.  Ooh, and with Izzy as well of course, mustn't forget about our pooch!!  She'll love a family holiday too!

NB: please pray that my veins cooperate tomorrow!  I'm going in at 9.00 on my way to work to have my bloods done.  *sigh*  sucky sucky veins and blood.  Gah.

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

28 Week Appointment - Bad Veins

Today was the day I met the midwife again.  Steve had a work appointment and couldn't come with me, and knowing there would be a blood letting, I took my Mum along for company instead!

It began well enough.  My blood pressure was fine, my urine was fine, the heartbeat was strong and healthy, she measured my bump and said it was all on track, and that the baby was sitting on my left side.  There was a head or bottom just under my ribs but there's still a lot of room for him to move around in at the moment.  I'm going with a head there, as I'm sure it's feet I can feel kicking my inside nether regions, as feet would be stronger than hands I reckon.

Then came the bad bit.  The blood tests.

The midwife had a go first.  She was calm, and I explained I'm not good at it, and cry, but she was to ignore the tears and just keep going.  Except that she couldn't get a vein.  I was prodded and poked but the veins were not giving up my blood.  Then came tears.

So then she called in the practise phlebotomist who asked me to lie on the bed the wrong way round with my feet in the air as she attempted my left arm.  Nothing.  I was asked to turn around the right way up to stab at my right arm.  Nothing.  Then I was asked to turn around again to put my feet up to have another go at my left arm.  Nothing.  Then the dreaded moment.  She asked if she could have a go at a vein in my hand!  Urgh.  This turned my stomach and I said 'ok' but inside, agh.   It hurt and I was trying to breathe and stay calm. 

Eventually, she gave up too and I'm to see the phlobotomists at the hospital instead.  They said I have 'difficult veins' and my Mum says my Grandma was the same.  It's nice to think it's maybe a family thing and not just me.  I can't go today to do it as my veins have been attacked enough apparently.  I shall attempt to go on Friday and get it over and done with.  Likely with tears too.  :(

Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Maternity Planning

I go on maternity leave as of the 4th March.  That is seven weeks away.  I'm sure I'll get bored, so I'm trying to think of things to occupy my time.  So far these are my thoughts:

  • Wash and prepare clothes and nappies (NB must purchase nappies!!)
  • Cook meals to freeze for a few weeks - you know, stuff like lasagnes, shepherds pie, chilli and bolognaise.  All very beefy but convenient.
  • Buy a month's pass to the local swimming pool to bob around at quiet times.   This activity does require adequate swimwear and thus today I have ordered a swimsuit!!  I think maternity swimwear will make me look very dumpy so I shall parade it with trepidation but this is it below:
  • I shall invite people round for lunch and afternoon tea on occasion.   And ensure that I go to visit my great Aunty Joan who I've not seen for ages as she was poorly at Christmas and being at work when Mum goes round is a pain.  I must write her a note to say hello.
  • Sleep and put my feet up and maybe try to read a book a day.
Mind you, I'm struggling at work walking around, needing the toilet a lot, general tiredness so maybe I won't find being off such a chore.

All in all, I'm quite determined to not become a day time tv watcher.  Jeremy Kyle, Lorraine, Loose Women, I can't bear watching them at any point and if Steve catches me channel hopping, he's to tell me off and change the channel.  I shall however indulge in Greys Anatomy and other TV boxsets I need to catch up on.  I'm still only on 24 season 5 so have a few more to go there too.

So hopefully I'll be entertained enough for the five weeks before my due date (provided the little man doesn't come early) and on the 9th April I have a wedding to go to, but in Stafford and our bags will be in the boot in case of any labour movements!!  I know it's cutting it close, but I'll be desperate for some company by then I'm sure!  It's my boss getting married so it'd be nice to see all the work folk after so long away.

It's all getting very very close now.  I shall count down every Monday how many weeks left I have of work to go.  And try to ignore the feeling of worry in my stomach!  It's all change ahead.

A little update from yesterday, I got the changing table part for the shelving unit.  I just need a changing mat now.  And after speaking to customer services they're sending me all the bolts needed for the cot.... for free!! I was really surprised as I asked how much to pay and was told nothing.  Bargain.  And to think I was on the verge of just buying a matching Henvsik cot!  Of course, if the bolts don't fit that could be the Universe telling me to get the matching cot regardless!  Heh heh!!!

Monday, 17 January 2011

Nursery Pictures

Fanfare time!.....

Here below we have the changer unit without changing part (getting tonight though :) ) and you can see my Sleepy Owl curtains, and the end of the day bed with other bits waiting for the cot to be put together.  Slight issue with missing bolts that Dad is on the case for!

Baby already has a sock monkey, a very soft regular monkey, a blue chiming lion and an ELC buzzy bee!  I do need to sort stuff out on this shelf as there are a lot of books, Winnie the Pooh, Beatrix Potter etc.. that I've been saving.

And here is the unassembled cot.  I was very disappointed to not manage to get that put together this weekend, but the wardrobe is marvellous and I'm very happy with how that looks, and fits perfectly in the alcove, all tidily!

Here's a view inside the wardrobe.  It's a bit bare I know, but the piles on the shelf are newborn (far left), 0-1 month in the middle and 0-3 month on the right.  The other newborn bits are already in the bag on the bottom shelf.  The one on the right is baby's bag and the one on the left is my partially filled hosptial bag.  I also have my changing bag there courtesy of Amy for Christmas.
 Here is a view of my other shelves still full of wipes etc....  The cot is going to go against the chimney breast once assembled adn all the products will be put somewhere neatly!  The books will likely go back on those shelves out of the way.
Here's another angle viewn of my day bed and shelves.

All in all, I'm so pleased with it, it looks relaxing and lovely, and I shall enjoy sitting in it every day waiting for baby to arrive :)

Sunday, 16 January 2011

28 Weeks

How far along: 28 Weeks.

Total Weight Gained: Je ne sais pas!  I'm rather pleased people say I just look as though I have a big bump rather than putting weight on all over.  Last week, two different people said they couldn't tell from the back.  Hurrah.

Maternity Clothes: My Mama and Papa jeans are most comfortable.  I could wear them every day.  Oh, and my maternity pj's too obviously.

Stretch Marks: My few I found for last week's update don't seem to have spread.  I'm now being extra efficient at oiling and cocoa buttering.

Sleep:  Yawn!!  I'm having to turn over every three hours or so.  My Dad said it's me getting ready for three hourly feeds.  Humpf.  I'd be happier with lots of sleep now to not be too sleepy later personally!  But I've rested and napped this weekend which was nice.

Best Moment of the Week:  We've done the nursery!!   I'm going to try and get some photos done this evening, but the room is pretty sorted bar the cot as the bolts have gone missing but Dad is on the case.  The rest looks lovely though, and Mum and I are heading back to Ikea tomorrow to get the missing changing table part that wasn't in stock last week.

Movement: I'm noticing him moving pretty much every hour at least.  I find myself checking hourly and then there'll be a squirm or a kick or something.  And if I poke hard, I sometimes get a poke back!

Food Cravings:  I've eaten lots of grapefruit again this week. 

Gender: He's a baby BOY!!!

Belly Button:  Still in but very stretched although it could now be described as almost flat?!
What I miss:  Not feeling like a whale trying to turn over in bed.  Being able to get my pants on in a morning without doing a silly wiggle dance.  And I had to get Steve to paint my toe nails this week!

Milestones: No denying now that we're in the third trimester, so 12 weeks until our due date, just three months!  And only seven weeks until maternity leave.  Countdown has begun for that.  I really like Sundays for being the day I count weeks.  They come around so fast!

Saturday, 15 January 2011

Restful Weekend....

Hurray!  It's the weekend again :)  I am loving weekends at the moment.  Just not having to go into work is almost blissfull, even though I'm not able to have a lie in due to bladder, hunger, thinking about things to do, but just pottering around in my pj's is far more preferable to sitting in the office!

Yesterday I felt absolutely shattered.  It was my first full week back at work after Christmas, and Steve was working in Birmingham so I was a bit silly and decided as I'd sat all afternoon, I'd walk the mile home for some exercise.  It wasn't too bad, I didn't rush or anything, but I certainly was rather tired out when I got back.

Steve then rang to say he was nearly home and I said how tired I was and would he sort dinner out.  His answer - going out for an Indian.  I get that he thinks that's a solution for everything including world peace, but the last thing I wanted was to go out!!  I wanted to sit on the sofa, be brought food and possibly given a foot rub.

Anyway, the compromise was a McDonalds and whilst he was getting that (Big Mac meals all round!) I had a grapefruit for healthiness!!

After dinner we built the changing unit we bought (albeit without the actual changing shelf bit due to Ikea not having any in yet) and being tired I went to bed at 9.30!

This morning I was up at 2am for a bowl of cereal, then 6am for a toilet trip and finally conceded to get up at 8am.  I've had more grapefruit and may have some toast later, but for once don't feel like eating cereal!!

This morning's mission?  Get Steve's work boxes in the shed out of the nursery and building the wardrobe and daybed so it's going to be time to wake Steve up shortly.  That'll need a game plan!  Then tomorrow we can put the cot together if Sarah brings the bolts along :)   Then we'll have a pretty much finished and ready room!  I can't wait to put photos on here :)

Friday, 14 January 2011

News and Updates

But not likely of an interesting variety.

1 - My bra is really hurting me!!!  I think I'm going to have to buy a bra extender as my rib cage has expanded and I'm on the last hooks of my 36inch bra.  My cup size hasn't changed at all though :)

2 - I haven't slept well again.  I've been awake since 5ish feeling hungry again!!  I eventually got up just before 7am and ate a bowl of weetabix, and then a bowl of special K.  And I could eat more, but I'm not letting myself. 

3 - This weekend we're going to build some furniture!!  I may have a go at starting tonight as I have a free evening and it'd be good to get something done.  I can't wait to get the wardrobe up and little outfits hanging in it!

4 - Last night I went to visit Carly with baby Reuben and Anna came too.  We chatted till about 9.30 when I had to go to bed.  Reuben had had some jabs that day and was a bit fractious.  We helped bath him, and Anna took his nappy off and I screamed with laughter as he peed all over her.  A proper arc of it just went all over her arm.  I really should try and check my reactions.  Carly ran in thinking we'd dropped him or something!! 

5 - I was listening to Stevie Wonder - You are the sunshine of my life on the radio driving to work this morning thinking that would be a nice song to sing to baby once he's born.  I'm still feeling a bit silly singing to my bump.

6 - With my leaving do and official forms received at work the end is nigh and it's daunting.  It's all actually happening.  It's amazing how in denial about the upcoming life change you can be whilst being kicked incessantly from within!!  Whilst inside it's not too different.  I can't imagine yet what I'll do when they hand me a squawling newborn saying 'here you go'!! 

7 - I bought two baby books from Amazon having stressed I have pregnancy information and someone at work gave me a toddler book, but that left quite a gap!

Hopefully I'll get them today or tomorrow.  Nothing like a bit of preparatory work!!

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Need Sleep..... And Food......

I'm so sleepy again today.  Haven't slept well at all, and had an aching bump with rib pains through the night.  I can only assume it's baby pressing up against things.

I'm also extremely ravenous all the time at the moment.  I'm trying to eat healthy cereals to fill up, but have to admit I'm having some 'cravings' for McCoy crisps as well.  Which at work is followed by a chocolate bar.  Today's was a Terry's Chocolate Orange bar.   Mmmmm.  The only trouble is, I'm eating it, and on the last bit and still hungry and therefore want a second one directly afterwards.  Two chocolate bars is a bit much though isn't it.

I've had a pot of tomato and basil pasta for lunch and I'm starving again.  What can I eat now? 

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Nursery Shopping

Last night Steve and I trundled down to our local Ikea to look at furniture.  I'd found a few items I wanted to look at, cheap and cheerful - you know!

So we got there for about 6.30 and had dinner in the canteen (yep, meatballs) and went straight into the warehouse as Steve can't bear to walk around and look at the store so we didn't really get to compare products but I'm happy with what we've got.

This is a baby changer with an extra shelf you add onto a bookcase so it's something we can update when baby doesn't need changing anymore!  I'll get a few baskets to put under it which I can put nappies and wipes etc... in but it should be a handy station and not take up too much space.
This is the matching wardrobe.  I had been in two minds about this, as having a boy he'd have less items to 'hang' up than a girl but there's shelves inside and it matched the changer unit and I'm sure we'll be able to use it in the future as it fits adult hangers as well.

And this below is the 'daybed' as we got rid of the old wooden single spare bed, (it was quite cumbersome and old) and I thought this would be neater, smaller and make a nice sitting area in the room as well.  I preferred others in the store but they weren't white to match (blue or brown/black) so this one it was!  I have a mattress already and will be able to cover it in pillows and cushions and it won't likely be used a lot as a bed so I'm quite pleased with it.
So as Steve by this point was getting antsy and grumpy we headed off having only spent about £230.00 (which he was actually quite pleased about having anticipated £450 - I didn't get a few other things I'd had on my list) but I shall go back with Mum for a proper mooch when I can get cushions and fripperies and things that Steve doesn't approve of!

And here's some pictures of how our nursery looks at the moment:

You can see my stashing away of 'stuff' on the white shelves we have already in there, and the pale turquoise colour we've painted three of the walls.  We'll probably keep one of the sets of shelves to the left of the chimney breast, but the one on the right (with the baby gym on top of it) I'm hoping to be able to fit the wardrobe in that space (haven't measured it or anything practical, but we'll see!!)  And in the third picture, there's our new flat pack furniture - ready for assembly!!!  That'll be a task and a half!!

Monday, 10 January 2011


I have just posted off my formal notification of maternity leave with a letter and my form from the midwife!  It's now all official!

This is what I said in my letter:


Work Address
10th January 2011

Dear Sirs,

Re: Formal notice of pregnancy – Me –

I am writing to formally notify you of my pregnancy and my intentions for maternity leave.

Employee Id – *****

My expected due date is: 10th April 2011

I intend to start my maternity leave on Monday 28th March 2011– this will be immediately preceded by 3 weeks holiday entitlement meaning I anticipate finishing work on Friday 4th March 2011.

It is my intention to return to work during January 2012 on a full time basis.

I enclose my Mat1B form for your records, retaining a copy for myself after meeting with my midwife on the 29th December 2010.

I would be grateful if you could arrange for me to have a meeting where I can be briefed on the impact to my salary during maternity leave and the potential restructuring of our jobs.

I would also like more information about the ‘Keep In Touch’ days that are mentioned on the government website as I feel these may be beneficial to ease my transition back into work during the latter part of my maternity leave.

Yours faithfully,


Woo Hoo!!!!!

Midnight Wanderings

Well, not quite midnight.  I had to get up at 4.00am this morning and nip to the loo, and was back in bed less than five minutes later, but lay there for an hour feeling hungry.  I thought it was daft to just stay awake feeling hungry so I then went back downstairs and ate a bowl of cereal. 

I woke up poor Izzy who seemed very disorientated to be disturbed at such an hour but after a quick munch I was able to fall back to sleep for another couple of hours.

Then I couldn't wake up at 7.30 this morning.  It was dark and I was sleepy.  And my midnight wanderings haven't helped!

Sunday, 9 January 2011

27 Weeks

How far along: 27 Weeks.

Total Weight Gained: Am still ignoring scales after 1 and a half stone scare.  And the fact it's after Christmas and I've eaten lots and lots.

Maternity Clothes: Yes, all the way now.

Stretch Marks: Sigh - yes, under my tummy I now have stretch marks. 

Sleep:  Is getting less now.  I'm ok falling asleep for a bit but am waking up in the early hours for a toilet visit which then wakes baby up and makes him very lively which means I'm finding it hard to get back to sleep afterwards so have had a few 5.00am starts.  Being back at work after Christmas also means I can't really have naps of an afternoon either!!!

Best Moment of the Week:  Not sure really, I did have a good night sleep which was refreshing on Friday night!!!

Movement: Lots.  and lots.   And lots.  Squirming, kicking and wriggling.

Food Cravings:  Just liking food in general!

Gender: He's a baby BOY!!!

Belly Button:  Still in but very stretched.  I've said this for weeks now, and can't believe how stretched it is without coming out yet!  It's sort of a funny brown colour now.  Although my friend Carly says that's the colour of a tummy button when it's in, and it's now stretched to the point of inside out although not sticking out which is why it's darker.

What I miss:  Better bladder control.  At Church this morning I had to go 3 times during the sermon.  3 times!!  and 7 times in total whilst I was there (we did stay for lunch as well).  And I'm finding my ribs ever so painful, it feels a bit bruised under my right breast and I wonder whether it's due to having the chest infection and coughing so much.  A nurse at church has advised asking the midwife so I may do that in the morning.

Milestones: This is now the third trimester (I think, at least some places say this week and others say next week.  I'm going to say this week)!

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Bump Bonding

I don't know whether it's just me and the way I am, but I'm not a touchy feely sort of person at the best of times, and I've certainly not become a bump hugger at all.  I pat it and scratch it when I feel a nudge/pain in the ribs but I've not talked to it yet.  That makes me feel a bit silly.  Steve tried talking to it, but he put his mouth to the bump and made whale noises.  I'm not sure that would have helped anything at all.

On the babycentre forum there's a thread someone began which talks about how other mum's are getting rushes of love and emotion when they think about their bumps.  Does it mean I'm a terrible person for not?  I'm rather more practically minded I think and prefer to get things ready and packed and I know it makes me a Martha rather than a Mary but I want to meet my baby for real.  It's all a bit unreal whilst inside me.

Somedays I'm more excited than others for sure, and it's normally when I've slept better and feel rested, but I'm being kicked incessantly and I'm happy to admit I'm finding it strange and a little uncomfortable.

I'm hoping that on delivery, when I see the little man I'll feel the happy hormones but at the moment, I'm not weeping with joy over my stomach at all.

It's all feeling rather overwhelming this week.

I am feeling a bit scared about the whole labour thing now though.  Come Sunday it's third trimester time and it's all very daunting.  I've never had to go to hospital before so it's all going to be strange and different.  I'm worried about the lack of control I'll have over myself, coping with the pain and worrying that it'll all be ok.

Steve and I were discussing delivery last night.  He has no thoughts or opinions on any of it.  I asked if he felt I ought to have an epidural or pethidine at all and he didn't know the difference.  I said that he ought to at least research it a little and have some thoughts and not assume everything will go well in case he has to step in and make decisions!!  You know, as the husband and father.  I suggested that we put off having visitors until we've had an hour or so just the three of us.  He doesn't mind either way.  Tch.  Honestly.  Men.

And after the labour we have a human being to bring home.  That's making me want to swoon a little.  A real live little man to look after who's entirely dependant on us.  Crumbs. 

Friday, 7 January 2011

What I Did Last Night

And, if I'm being honest, the night before, and the night before that!!!

As our nursery is now all painted and ready for furniture (minus the remaining bits that need to go into the shed once the weather/Steve is better) I find myself sitting in there, thinking about having a real live baby in a cot!!

I've also been looking at lists, and ticking off bits that I've got and seeing what else I need to get.  On the Babycentre website I've downloaded a couple of handy lists, things like 'essentials to have' and 'what to pack in a hopsital bag' - here if you're interested!

Pretty much the baby bag is sorted, last night I got some sandwich bags and labelled a few baby gros with 'newborn' and '0-3 months' as I've read having a couple of sizes is handy in case he's either 6lbs or 10lbs.  I've put a little going home outfit with a fleecy dungarees and a top in, and a couple of his knitted cardigans and hats and booties in.

My bag has pj's and other little bits but I'll need to add a birthing t-shirt/nightie and some travel sized shampoo that I couldn't find in the supermarket.

I'm quite glad to say that on the whole, I'm pretty much sorted, bar the furniture.  My parents have said they'll bring the cot from my sisters this weekend so we can set that up.  Dunelm have emailed to say they have a backlog of internet orders so my curtains are held up but on their way, and with the bags ready and the room painted it's all exciting at the moment.

I can't wait to have it done and take photos to reveal to everyone. 

Other than that I still need scratch mittens, a baby bath (possibly coming from Sarah?!  We'll see) and I'm debating whether to invest in an electric breast pump whilst they're half price from Mothercare/Boots as I'd rather spend £40 than £80 and I do intend to be able to express so Steve can bottle feed if needed.

I don't want to buy tons of baby gros etc.. as I'm sure we'll be inundated when he's born, so I've got three newborn ones and some 1 month ones and then 0-3 month ones and can always get more if needed at the time.  They're so cute and tiny though.  I was just folding them and looking at them last night.  I don't know if the short arm and leg ones count as vests rather than babygros though as I have lots of vests and less babygros but it's outfits we'll be needing to go on top I guess.

Other than that I've lots of wipes, sudocream, nappies (size 1) maternity towels, sponges and bath wash and shampoo stuff.  I got a cuddle towel robe, and it's all neatly stacked away on shelves waiting to be organised properly into baby furniture. 

Waiting.....waiting..... waiting.......

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

First Stretch Marks

I guess it had to happen.  I guess it's bound to happen.

But I'd hoped it wouldn't.

I have my first stretch marks.  I'm positive they weren't there yesterday.  But today they are.  A little row of red stripes, right under my tummy where I have a bit of a ledge thing going on.  Mocking me.

They're about 2 inches each, and I guess about 10 in total?  I was too upset to study them properly, plus there's the fact I can't really see anyway!!

I know I'm a bit behind in photos so maybe I'll post a pic for posterity.  This is the day that baby sent my skin to the point of no return.

Steve assures me that it's all fine and unnoticeable and he and Izzy love me.  Humpf.  I'm sure I'll feel lots better knowing the puppy loves me despite stretch marks!

I wonder whether it's because I had a day in bed coughing, could that have brought them on, but my Mum says not.  She had them in the same place too.

Will I ever wear a bikini again?  I wasn't exactly a slim girl before, and I certainly had no model like proportions, but I knew my figure and I was used to it, and now I'm not.  It's all strange and rotund to me now.  I know it sounds silly but I look down sometimes and still feel surprise to see a great bump there!!  I'm nearly 27 weeks, and baby kicks a lot every day and I 'know' I'm pregnant, and I 'feel' pregnant but that doesn't seem to be relating all the time in my brain!!

My body will look as though it's seen life afterwards won't it.    Goodness me, afterwards.   It's really creeping up now.  You have these 9 months on concentrating solely on getting through being pregnant, and the realisation that there's an afterwards is something of an afterthought!!  Maybe I ought to buy a guide book on what to do with a newborn baby, I used to be a Girl Guide leader - I should 'Be Prepared'!!

Here's a growth compare:

22 + 6 here on the left and...................................          26+5 on the right.  I see growth!!

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Two Words..

Chest Infection.

and a few extra words....

Again!!!  Bother!!  Ouch!!!

So I forsee a couple of days of bed rest whilst my antibiotics take effect and hopefully I'll be back up and brighter before too very long.

At least baby seems fit and well and is jiggly poky in there.

* p.s. I had to cancel my flu jab again which was this afternoon so have to get over this first, so here's hoping i get to have it at some point soon...

Off to the Doc's Again...

My bug still hasn't cleared up, I should have been back at work today but with the wracking cough still afflicting me I've called in sick and have a doctor's appointment at  1.00pm.  I'm worried I've got another chest infection, so we'll have to see what they say.

Illness sucks. 

Monday, 3 January 2011

Early Rising

Well, it's not even 6.30am and I'm awake.

Having driven back from Exeter yesterday on a journey which should have taken three hours and took over six, with a wracking cough and aching back you'd have thought I'd be flat out for the count.  But no.  My bladder gets me up around 5.00am and then baby dances on it so I can't get back to sleep.  At least with a bank holiday today I can nap during the day if I need to.

I do feel as though I'm getting better from this illness though, I just wish that I didn't have this sore throat from coughing, ribs that ache from coughing and a few remaining sniffles!!

On getting home last night though we had a lovely surprise, Mum and Dad had been magic elves and finished painting the nursery and taken the old wardrobe away for me!!  It looks marvellous, I really love the turquoise colour, and today I shall call Dunelm Mill to see whether the bits I ordered have arrived, as I think hanging the curtains and the pictures would be a final touch!!

Just awaiting the furniture now, but it's all coming together!!

And tomorrow, I have only two months more of work, and less than 100 days until the due date.

Time for another hot drink now I think.....

Sunday, 2 January 2011

26 Weeks

How far along: 26 Weeks.

Total Weight Gained: Am still ignoring scales after 1 and a half stone scare.  And the fact it's Christmas and I've eaten lots.

Maternity Clothes: Yes, all the way now.

Stretch Marks: Still none as yet.

Sleep: Once I'm asleep I'm ok, but baby is kicking a lot at the moment when I lie down.  And turning over is getting more traumatic every week!!  I can't believe how early I started moaning about the weight of a bump!!  He's very active.

Best Moment of the Week:  Hearing his little heart beat again, and the midwife saying she could tell he was moving about a lot which means he's a strong little man.

Movement: Lots.  and lots.   And lots.

Food Cravings: Just liking food in general!

Gender: He's a baby BOY!!!

Belly Button: Still in but very stretched.  I've said this for weeks now, and can't believe how stretched it is without coming out yet!

What I miss: Turning over in bed without flailing and puffing like a beached whale.  And it's only going to get worse I'm sure!!

Milestones: We're in the year of the birth - 2011 so only 3 months to go!  Gosh, 3 months.  Gulp.

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Should Auld Aquaintance Be Forgot.....

Well, what a Christmas and New Year it's been.

My first as a married lady and it wasn't exactly the romantic episode I'd anticipated, due to flubugs and lurgies!!  I spent New Years Eve playing games with my in-laws and their friends whilst my husband lay moaning and groaning in bed with a running temperature and body aches!!

We didn't exactly get to kiss at midnight, more a bit of a sweaty hug (poor Steve) and air kiss but I shall see if I can remedy that with a New Year Night out later on for the two of us!!

But it's soooo exciting to think that we're now in the year when we'll meet our baby, and there are less than 100 days until our due date.

Baby enjoyed the New Year's celebrations, wriggling around doing starjumps and Steve even felt one of the squirmy motions in my tummy once I'd gone straight to bed at midnight which he thought was as strange as me!!!

So roll on 2011, and let the countdown continue!!!