I'm determined to give this a jolly good go. And with a baby who likes it, can do it on his own and is no trouble it should be easy. And in hospital it was easy. Yes by the second day my nipples were cracked and sore, and it seemed an odd thing to still latch a baby onto what looked scabby to me, but he took it and thrived on the milk I'm producing for him.
On the Easter Sunday (day two of being at home) I began to feel a burn in my right breast. I immediatly suspected mastitis. My mum suffered greatly when feeding me.
On Easter Monday I felt even more pain (I think the paracetamol and pain killers I'm on were masking the symptoms a little) and I rang the delivery suite (after care is in place for 28 days) and they put me onto the community midwives who said they'd send someone out to see me.
It was Tracy, my surgery midwife who came along and had a look and advised that I get an emergency appointment at the Dr's based at the hosptial to try and sort it quickly. I did so, and went along that afternoon. They confirmed mastitis in both breasts and I was put straight onto antibiotics to try and combat it, and given advice on massage, hot water, expressing and all this malarky as well to help the infection out. I also had to keep on getting Joel to use it. They also made an appointment with a breast feeding worker for the next day.
Along came Christina who had a look and immediatly said she thought he was tongue tied. I was pleased someone else actually saw what I saw when I looked in his mouth. The theory at the moment is he's not seriously tongue tied as he can latch on, can drink his fill, but he's not able to stimulate all the parts of the breasts, thus the mastitis, and the reason he's taking twice as long to feed.
It seems strange now to think that a couple of weeks ago I'd have been shy of geting my breasts out for strangers to look at but it seems so normal now!! I'm showing anyone who wants to see!! What was weird was when Christina asked if she could prod me and squeezed me to check my nipple! Yep, another person has technically milked me!!
But to have an answer to my worries and so soon was a big relief, and worth getting the boobs out for; so we've now been referred to a consultant to have his tongue tie looked at and probably cut. It's a grim procedure, we have to hold him and then he has to latch on straight away once it's been done. We've got an appointment o 11th May.
So now I'm massaging, expressing, feeding (still rather constantly and getting very very tired from it) but my tummy has gone down loads which is good. And I love breast feeding, I really do. I can grit my teeth for that initial 'ggrrnnf' when he latches on, even on my infected breast and I love the bonding and warm spread of joy I get in my middle when I look down at him and he looks up at me.
He has so many little expressions that are just for me as he knows I'm him mummy and he calms at my voice and knows he's going to be fed when I place him on my knee to prepare myself. He doesn't even cry for a feed, he makes a little 'uh uh uh' noise which is the cutest thing ever!!
The downside is that that the antibiotics have upset his tummy so his nappies are nasty, orange and smell bad and he's going more than he should which means he's not full enough for long enough.
Yesterday was a particularly tiring day. I couldn't get him to nap as we went to my parents to watch the wedding with my sisters and whether he was feeling off, or he knew he was in a different place and was unsure, he didn't really settle down so I didn't get a nap and I was feeding all day pretty much. So we resorted to an emergency formula top up. I felt awful as I handed Steve the bottle. He liked it and Joel took it albeit rather reluctantly but he slept well after it being fuller for longer. Steve has been wanting to help with feeding so I must get on with expressing some milk for him to use although I must admit I am being selfish and trying to keep that for myself :(
But I've slept better having left Steve to it for a night and feel more myself today and on that note, as he's still asleep (Joel, and Steve!) I'm going to take the opportunity to jump in the shower and make myself feel human again!
Saturday, 30 April 2011
The Hospital Stay...
Having never having to spend any time in hospital I was pretty daunted at the prospect of a 4 night stay, just me and Joel without Steve.
When it came down to it though it was pretty wonderful.
The midwives and staff were all lovely and very attentive and didn't mind me buzzing them at all at anytime and as that first night i was bed bound and catheterised i had to buzz them every time Joel wanted a feed and when he fell back o sleep to be put back in his cot by my bed. Which was a lot. Seriously, I had no idea the breast feeding would be so constant to start with. I got about 3 ours of very broken sleep.
And in fact every night I was there I was pretty much feeding, and during the day. The midwives said this was quite normal as Joel has a tiny tummy which fills slowly and empties quickly, a bit like trying to fill a leaky bucket I guess. Anyway I know I'm very lucky to have a baby who amazed the midwives by having a brilliant rooting system and latches himself on with no problems. I really don't have to do anything. He puts himself in the correct position, doesn't mind left or right and just gets on with it. Fr about 3 hours at a time!!!
After my first night there a health worker came and bed bathed me and changed me out of the hospital gown which made me feel better. They got rid of the catheter after lunch and helped me up and out of bed to go for a shower which was great. I didn't get to see what my body actually looked like but on having to wash my wound and remove the bandage I could feel that things were rather unattractive and saggy. I didn't realise you got an overhang of tummy. Whether that's a c-section thing or a pregnancy thing in general I don't know. I was also very swollen down below, and I mean puffy as anything!
On the next day, I guess as part of 'getting you up and about' we collected our own breakfast from a buffet laid out in a waiting room. I nearly killed myself laughing at the sight of all these women bent over and shuffling along with their trays. It was rather like we were characters from The Simpsons, the old folk in the grandpa's nursing home. I called it 'The C-Section Shuffle' in my head and it actually hurt my scar trying not to laugh at myself. Sarah also had a Cesarean with the twins and she remembered the same thing from her stay in her Welsh hospital.
The food wasn't too bad. I loved the 9pm tea and toast round, and one night when I was up a lot they just supplied me all night! and let my mm come before visiting hours to sit with Joel so I could sleep for a couple of hours (Steve had gone to his parents holiday cottage for the night and wouldn't likely hear his phone until after I needed the assistance).
I had numerous visits from many doctors to check on me and Joel. Due to the nature of the emergency of his arrival he was under paediatric care for 24 hours and they reassured me he was perfect with no repercussions from the meconium. I did enquire with his doctor about his tongue as I wondered of the possibility of a tongue tie (there's a noticeable bit of skin there) but as she was happy with his feeding she said it was fine. (more on this to come...)
We had lots of visits from our parents and my sisters came over a couple of times and Steve's brothers came along but didn't seem too interested, they prefer the dog as Izzy is more entertaining. I liked the 2 visitors only rule and the one time Steve's dad brought all of them in at once I felt too overwhelmed as they're noisy boys and squabble, and Joel was sleeping peacefully and I was tired so Steve mentioned this and it didn't happen again. My sisters were quite enamored of little Joel but as his cousins had croup they couldn't meet yet.
So it came round to Saturday and I was looking forward to going home but a bit scared at having this new responsibility to care for. I was discharged at a`round 5pm, but was told I could stay longer if I wished! I had a big bag of medications to take and a copy of my notes which made fun reading as every note talked about Joel feeding constantly, (it was a bit like a good school report which was nice!)
Then we were off home and Joel was in his new car seat and crying as he wanted another feed so I sat in the back with him and gave him a finger to suck. `we parked up and I slowly made my way to the house whilst Steve brought Joel and we were home.
The new chapter of our lives begins here!
When it came down to it though it was pretty wonderful.
The midwives and staff were all lovely and very attentive and didn't mind me buzzing them at all at anytime and as that first night i was bed bound and catheterised i had to buzz them every time Joel wanted a feed and when he fell back o sleep to be put back in his cot by my bed. Which was a lot. Seriously, I had no idea the breast feeding would be so constant to start with. I got about 3 ours of very broken sleep.
And in fact every night I was there I was pretty much feeding, and during the day. The midwives said this was quite normal as Joel has a tiny tummy which fills slowly and empties quickly, a bit like trying to fill a leaky bucket I guess. Anyway I know I'm very lucky to have a baby who amazed the midwives by having a brilliant rooting system and latches himself on with no problems. I really don't have to do anything. He puts himself in the correct position, doesn't mind left or right and just gets on with it. Fr about 3 hours at a time!!!
After my first night there a health worker came and bed bathed me and changed me out of the hospital gown which made me feel better. They got rid of the catheter after lunch and helped me up and out of bed to go for a shower which was great. I didn't get to see what my body actually looked like but on having to wash my wound and remove the bandage I could feel that things were rather unattractive and saggy. I didn't realise you got an overhang of tummy. Whether that's a c-section thing or a pregnancy thing in general I don't know. I was also very swollen down below, and I mean puffy as anything!
On the next day, I guess as part of 'getting you up and about' we collected our own breakfast from a buffet laid out in a waiting room. I nearly killed myself laughing at the sight of all these women bent over and shuffling along with their trays. It was rather like we were characters from The Simpsons, the old folk in the grandpa's nursing home. I called it 'The C-Section Shuffle' in my head and it actually hurt my scar trying not to laugh at myself. Sarah also had a Cesarean with the twins and she remembered the same thing from her stay in her Welsh hospital.
The food wasn't too bad. I loved the 9pm tea and toast round, and one night when I was up a lot they just supplied me all night! and let my mm come before visiting hours to sit with Joel so I could sleep for a couple of hours (Steve had gone to his parents holiday cottage for the night and wouldn't likely hear his phone until after I needed the assistance).
I had numerous visits from many doctors to check on me and Joel. Due to the nature of the emergency of his arrival he was under paediatric care for 24 hours and they reassured me he was perfect with no repercussions from the meconium. I did enquire with his doctor about his tongue as I wondered of the possibility of a tongue tie (there's a noticeable bit of skin there) but as she was happy with his feeding she said it was fine. (more on this to come...)
We had lots of visits from our parents and my sisters came over a couple of times and Steve's brothers came along but didn't seem too interested, they prefer the dog as Izzy is more entertaining. I liked the 2 visitors only rule and the one time Steve's dad brought all of them in at once I felt too overwhelmed as they're noisy boys and squabble, and Joel was sleeping peacefully and I was tired so Steve mentioned this and it didn't happen again. My sisters were quite enamored of little Joel but as his cousins had croup they couldn't meet yet.
So it came round to Saturday and I was looking forward to going home but a bit scared at having this new responsibility to care for. I was discharged at a`round 5pm, but was told I could stay longer if I wished! I had a big bag of medications to take and a copy of my notes which made fun reading as every note talked about Joel feeding constantly, (it was a bit like a good school report which was nice!)
Then we were off home and Joel was in his new car seat and crying as he wanted another feed so I sat in the back with him and gave him a finger to suck. `we parked up and I slowly made my way to the house whilst Steve brought Joel and we were home.
The new chapter of our lives begins here!
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
The Birth Story Part Three...
So I'm lying on a hospital bed, under the brightest lights ever that reminded me of an alien space ship, I was shivering uncontrollably, my teeth were chattering, and I didn't know where Steve was.
I was told that they needed to take some blood samples and I tried to say that I was very queasy with veins and blood etc... but then laughed at the absurdity of what was happening and saying a blood test would be a problem. I couldn't feel it anyway, except when something went wrong with the sticky in tube thing and I felt something warm and wet spurting on my hand. I didn't look at all but afterwards when in recovery I saw that my hand was rather messy!
The Dr who'd lost his glasses lens obviously found another pair as he came along and I felt a bit jiggled about. I was told that they'd started which surprised me as I had thought I'd at least feel the cuts if not the pain. Steve was allowed in and came and sat by me. I tried to keep calm and focused by thinking of Easter hymns and the lyrics, Christ Triumphant, And Can It Be, Jesus Christ Is Risen Today and I kept thinking of Psalm 23 - The Lord is My Shepherd.
Suddenly there was a bit of a wail and I asked if that was a baby. It seemed too quick. Steve could see from where he was and yes, our son was out! He was taken straight to be looked at as he was quite yellow from being covered in the thick meconium. His AGPAR was 9 at 1 minute and 10 at 5 which is good for a Cesarean birth. He was wrapped up and they laid by my head. This is where I worried as I was shaking and a bit in shock at the speed of everything and this baby looked at me, and I looked at this baby and I couldn't move or pick him up or anything and I didn't know what to do or say. I felt as though everyone was expecting me to cry with emotion but in all honesty, I felt quite numb and unsure of anything. So I said 'hello baby' and looked at him and he surveyed me and then Steve was handed him to hold.
I was still being jiggled about a lot and it took a little while to stitch me back up and I was handed the baby back so I tried to hold him well and I still wasn't sure what to say to him. Then it was time to be moved on again and off we went to recovery. I was swapped from the operation bed to a much nicer and comfier bed which was strange whilst paralysed. I really was expecting to hop off and jump on the other but I was rolled onto my left side whilst they put a board under me, then the board was dragged onto the second bed and I was rolled to the right to remove it. Most smooth. Then I was wheeled off holding the baby to a recovery room where a midwife stayed with me for an hour and Steve turned up with all our belongings in a Sainsbury's shopping trolley.
I was in the old operation robe and was asked if I were willing to try skin to skin and breast feeding, so the robe came down and the baby was placed on my chest naked and then covered with a blanket. The midwife put him to my breast and amazingly he wiggled about, made little 'uh uh uh' noises and within seconds had fastened himself to my nipple and begun to feed! Still being paralysed and having no feeling in my body or legs was peculiar but this was fascinating. I hadn't realised how ready to go babies are when born or how innate their urge to find a nipple is!
Steve was on the phone to our parents telling them what had happened (he'd wanted to before the operation but I'd said to wait to say good news rather than freak them out with what was classed as 'an emergency' as they'd only have worried.
They were all thrilled obviously to hear that he had arrived safe and sound and whilst Steve was still making calls to his family I heard my parents voices outside asking whether they could see me. They'd run straight round!! Normally it's a no but the midwife was very nice and allowed them a few minutes each one at a time so my mum came in first. I was a bit disheveled with a baby to my breast, unable to move and naked and bloody under the grotty robe but it made me realise that i was technically still their baby and yes they wanted to see their new grandson but they also wanted to check that i was alright too!!
They were only there for a brief while and didn't get to hold him as he was feeding and we said goodbyes after Dad had taken some pics then I was wheeled along to the delivery post suite and Steve followed with the shopping trolley. It was now 9.00pm and visiting hours were over so once i was settled Steve had to leave which was about 10.30 in the end. His family had driven over from their holiday cottage so he had people to go back to which was ice and they were keen to see photographs!
And I was in a single room, with a baby still at my breast and on my own for the night!! But he was the most perfect and beautiful baby I'd ever seen and he was here and was mine! And yes, everything which was traumatic and horrible which had occurred during the day I would go through again for him.
And its all getting hazy now, the pain of contractions is forgotten, the indignities of labour are no more and I'm left with the most perfect bundle of joy imaginable.
I was told that they needed to take some blood samples and I tried to say that I was very queasy with veins and blood etc... but then laughed at the absurdity of what was happening and saying a blood test would be a problem. I couldn't feel it anyway, except when something went wrong with the sticky in tube thing and I felt something warm and wet spurting on my hand. I didn't look at all but afterwards when in recovery I saw that my hand was rather messy!
The Dr who'd lost his glasses lens obviously found another pair as he came along and I felt a bit jiggled about. I was told that they'd started which surprised me as I had thought I'd at least feel the cuts if not the pain. Steve was allowed in and came and sat by me. I tried to keep calm and focused by thinking of Easter hymns and the lyrics, Christ Triumphant, And Can It Be, Jesus Christ Is Risen Today and I kept thinking of Psalm 23 - The Lord is My Shepherd.
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His first photo, just dressed by a nurse at about 5 minutes old | ! |
I was still being jiggled about a lot and it took a little while to stitch me back up and I was handed the baby back so I tried to hold him well and I still wasn't sure what to say to him. Then it was time to be moved on again and off we went to recovery. I was swapped from the operation bed to a much nicer and comfier bed which was strange whilst paralysed. I really was expecting to hop off and jump on the other but I was rolled onto my left side whilst they put a board under me, then the board was dragged onto the second bed and I was rolled to the right to remove it. Most smooth. Then I was wheeled off holding the baby to a recovery room where a midwife stayed with me for an hour and Steve turned up with all our belongings in a Sainsbury's shopping trolley.
I was in the old operation robe and was asked if I were willing to try skin to skin and breast feeding, so the robe came down and the baby was placed on my chest naked and then covered with a blanket. The midwife put him to my breast and amazingly he wiggled about, made little 'uh uh uh' noises and within seconds had fastened himself to my nipple and begun to feed! Still being paralysed and having no feeling in my body or legs was peculiar but this was fascinating. I hadn't realised how ready to go babies are when born or how innate their urge to find a nipple is!
Steve was on the phone to our parents telling them what had happened (he'd wanted to before the operation but I'd said to wait to say good news rather than freak them out with what was classed as 'an emergency' as they'd only have worried.
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His first feed and 'skin to skin'. |
They were only there for a brief while and didn't get to hold him as he was feeding and we said goodbyes after Dad had taken some pics then I was wheeled along to the delivery post suite and Steve followed with the shopping trolley. It was now 9.00pm and visiting hours were over so once i was settled Steve had to leave which was about 10.30 in the end. His family had driven over from their holiday cottage so he had people to go back to which was ice and they were keen to see photographs!
And I was in a single room, with a baby still at my breast and on my own for the night!! But he was the most perfect and beautiful baby I'd ever seen and he was here and was mine! And yes, everything which was traumatic and horrible which had occurred during the day I would go through again for him.
And its all getting hazy now, the pain of contractions is forgotten, the indignities of labour are no more and I'm left with the most perfect bundle of joy imaginable.
Welcome to the world baby Joel.
You are truly loved.
The Birth Story Part Two...
Ok, where were we?? I'm a bit confused as it"s nearly 4am and we"re in the middle of a feed.....
So I was in pain, on gas and air, in a labour room with possibly no waters but lots of 'thick' meconium. I wasn't sure as to what was going on but I coud sense they were worried.
The same doctor came back and wante to check once more for my waters (internal number 4) and up he went with his stabby hook and I remember thinking how horrible all this was. He wasn't gentle, he kept poking and I was trying to keep my legs relaxed as the midwife kept shouting at me to focus on her, look at her and relax for the sake of the baby. I must have looked quite wild really with panic and pain in my eyes and between puffs I kept apologising that I couldn't do it, that I couldn't relax and that I wasn't deliberately being awkward. Goodness knows what Steve made of it, he may have stepped out at this point. The Dr did say however I was now 3cm which seemed like progress but the thought of another 7cm of that agony was terrifying.
Then I was left alone as they went to discuss and to be honest the next hour or so is awfully hazy. It all seemed to go so quickly and I had no idea of time at all. I seemed to keep my eyes closed a lot of the time and I was in my own zone. On opening them later on I remember seeing an extra person there not in scrubs and she informed me that she was a consultant and without worrying unduly they were a little concerned about the earlier trace showing baby's distress and the quantity of thick meconium that had since emerged and they wanted to do a quick foetal blood sample (fbs) and this would involve me lying on my left side with my right leg as high as it could go whist a Dr went up my cervix to make a scratch on baby's head to test whether he'd ingested the meconium and needs to come out sooner rather than later.
Ironically they ask permission to do these procedures and horrific as it sound (and indeed was) what person would prefer to say no to what could potentially save their baby as opposed to the indignity and pain of another vaginal examination. So in entered two new Drs, one who'd lost a glasses lens and therefore had brought a female colleague to undergo the procedure as he couldn't see and hadn't got his second pair. I was still sucking on the gas and air as they kept trying to keep me informed and i really didn't care what they were telling me, i wanted it over and done with and then onto my side I went and up went my leg!
The Dr performing this proceudre was a woman and she was 100 times more gentle than the previous Dr and having scrabbled about a bit informed us that I wasn't 3cm at all, just 2cm which meant that she couldn't access the babies head, but the meconium was thick and all about down there.
Not sure on times again and durations from this point but at around 6pm I opened my eyes to see the room full of people again and mid contractions was told that due to the inaccessability of my cervix, the lack of progress, the trace indicating distress and the quantity and consistency of the meconium they'd rather err on the side of caution and perform a cesearean on me.
I'd known for a while this was where it was headed and didn't care, I just wanted my baby safe and sound and so I nodded and from then on it was all action stations. A consent form was thrust under my nose with about 7 things that could go wrong that I was meant to read and understand and then sign!! I did my best but it wasn't my neatest writing! An anesthetist came in to tell me what shew as going to do for me and tried to make me understand what would be happening but again, contractions were taking priority here!
Steve was asked to collect all our belongings and find an outfit for baby and a nappy and was taken to get scrubbed up as well, and I was sat on a bed and wheeled down to a theatre. I just remember calling out 'it's all in a plastic bag labeled newborn' as I was carried off as I couldn't imagine what he"d pick out!! This meant being disconnected from the gas and air but they gave me the plastic mouthpiece to 'chew on' which was almost so silly it was funny. I was however chewing on it rapidly when the contractions went and was getting louder with the pains - lots of oooooowwwwwwww's going round the hospital at that point.
I remember being told to sit very still for the spinal injection, there was no time for an epidural to take effect and with contractions about every 3 minutes and horribly painful I was amazed how my body did just sit still and do as it was told for that very important moment! I was also amazed at how quickly the injection took effect. My legs began to tingle and I was asked to lie down quickly and suddenly the contraction pain was no more. I was able to talk and even joke, until the shakes took over! Theatres are cold and I was scared.
So I was in pain, on gas and air, in a labour room with possibly no waters but lots of 'thick' meconium. I wasn't sure as to what was going on but I coud sense they were worried.
The same doctor came back and wante to check once more for my waters (internal number 4) and up he went with his stabby hook and I remember thinking how horrible all this was. He wasn't gentle, he kept poking and I was trying to keep my legs relaxed as the midwife kept shouting at me to focus on her, look at her and relax for the sake of the baby. I must have looked quite wild really with panic and pain in my eyes and between puffs I kept apologising that I couldn't do it, that I couldn't relax and that I wasn't deliberately being awkward. Goodness knows what Steve made of it, he may have stepped out at this point. The Dr did say however I was now 3cm which seemed like progress but the thought of another 7cm of that agony was terrifying.
Then I was left alone as they went to discuss and to be honest the next hour or so is awfully hazy. It all seemed to go so quickly and I had no idea of time at all. I seemed to keep my eyes closed a lot of the time and I was in my own zone. On opening them later on I remember seeing an extra person there not in scrubs and she informed me that she was a consultant and without worrying unduly they were a little concerned about the earlier trace showing baby's distress and the quantity of thick meconium that had since emerged and they wanted to do a quick foetal blood sample (fbs) and this would involve me lying on my left side with my right leg as high as it could go whist a Dr went up my cervix to make a scratch on baby's head to test whether he'd ingested the meconium and needs to come out sooner rather than later.
Ironically they ask permission to do these procedures and horrific as it sound (and indeed was) what person would prefer to say no to what could potentially save their baby as opposed to the indignity and pain of another vaginal examination. So in entered two new Drs, one who'd lost a glasses lens and therefore had brought a female colleague to undergo the procedure as he couldn't see and hadn't got his second pair. I was still sucking on the gas and air as they kept trying to keep me informed and i really didn't care what they were telling me, i wanted it over and done with and then onto my side I went and up went my leg!
The Dr performing this proceudre was a woman and she was 100 times more gentle than the previous Dr and having scrabbled about a bit informed us that I wasn't 3cm at all, just 2cm which meant that she couldn't access the babies head, but the meconium was thick and all about down there.
Not sure on times again and durations from this point but at around 6pm I opened my eyes to see the room full of people again and mid contractions was told that due to the inaccessability of my cervix, the lack of progress, the trace indicating distress and the quantity and consistency of the meconium they'd rather err on the side of caution and perform a cesearean on me.
I'd known for a while this was where it was headed and didn't care, I just wanted my baby safe and sound and so I nodded and from then on it was all action stations. A consent form was thrust under my nose with about 7 things that could go wrong that I was meant to read and understand and then sign!! I did my best but it wasn't my neatest writing! An anesthetist came in to tell me what shew as going to do for me and tried to make me understand what would be happening but again, contractions were taking priority here!
Steve was asked to collect all our belongings and find an outfit for baby and a nappy and was taken to get scrubbed up as well, and I was sat on a bed and wheeled down to a theatre. I just remember calling out 'it's all in a plastic bag labeled newborn' as I was carried off as I couldn't imagine what he"d pick out!! This meant being disconnected from the gas and air but they gave me the plastic mouthpiece to 'chew on' which was almost so silly it was funny. I was however chewing on it rapidly when the contractions went and was getting louder with the pains - lots of oooooowwwwwwww's going round the hospital at that point.
I remember being told to sit very still for the spinal injection, there was no time for an epidural to take effect and with contractions about every 3 minutes and horribly painful I was amazed how my body did just sit still and do as it was told for that very important moment! I was also amazed at how quickly the injection took effect. My legs began to tingle and I was asked to lie down quickly and suddenly the contraction pain was no more. I was able to talk and even joke, until the shakes took over! Theatres are cold and I was scared.
Monday, 25 April 2011
The Birth Story Part One...
Wednesday 20th April 2011 5.00am
I awoke before the alarm, filled with anticipation. I wasn't sure whether I was excited about finally meeting the baby or completely scared at what was about to happen to me. Going into labour naturally hadn't happened and I guess had it, I'd have got on with it, which was my attitude to the induction as well.
We were collected by my Dad and loaded all our bags into the car, and as my parents were taking Izzy for duration her bed and some belongings were also packed. Two minutes later we were at the hospital and off we went. I waddled with my pillows and Steve brought everything else and having promptly forgotten we were meant to go to Ward 9, we went to the delivery suite. We were then pointed to the right direction and shown a bed in a lovely room with a lovely view of Stafford and the rising sun. Steve promptly got his camera out and was just set up when we were told as they were so busy we were to go back to the Delivery suite as they'd be able to see us faster there!
So back we trundled and were shown a not so nice room with a view of air vents and we settled down to wait. It was about this point I realised I was having some tightenings and pressure down below, nothing painful at all, just made me go 'ooh' a little. Having done a urine sample and had my blood pressure taken I was put on the trace machine to monitor the baby's heartbeat. Sure enough, my uterus was beginning to slowly contract and we could watch it all happen on the monitor!! A midewife then came in to ask whether we wanted to go ahead with the induction or leave it to see what would happen naturally and if nothing, come back in on Friday. My cervix was checked (internal number 1) and was 'unfavourable' still. As we knew inductions could take an age to kick off and we were all geared up for then and now, and I was so uncomfortable at nights and not sleeping well we decided to go ahead with it so the prostin gel was prescribed and after internal number 2, inserted.
I had to remain on the trace machine for another half an hour and with no undue issues, it was just a case of waiting. We trundled along to the canteen for toast and tea (me) and fried bread and sausages (Steve) and then we both managed to nap for a while before lunch. Then as it was a beautiful day we went to take a wander outside as walking about could help start things off.
Sure enough, around 12.00 I began with contractions. Not too terrible but they made me hold my breath and not really like them!! I tried hard to remember breathing exercises, in through the nose and out through the mouth but it was difficult.
We told the midwife what had happened and I was put on the trace machine again to monitor them whilst they decided whehter to go ahead with a second applicaiton of prostin gel or not. Having looked at the trace after a while, the midwife went to get a Doctor as when I was peaking, it showed the baby having distress and they wanted to check this out. So the doctor wanted to see whether he could burst my waters to encourage the process along. (Internal number 3). To be honest, things were hurting at this point and I just sensed somethings were unsettling the midwife but Steve was trying to be as positive as possible, possibly too positive.
I was asked to put my hands under my bottom to help raise my 'bits' up enough for the doctor to access my waters, and he noted I was 1cm dilated at this point. He took his hook and I could feel the tugging and pulling within, it was horribly uncomfortable and even though I was doing my utmost to relax, he was taking ages and tugging and pulling a lot more than I'd ever seen on 'One Born Every Minute'. He turned to the midwife and said that he didn't think that there were any waters to break and he thought they'd gone already. Where to remains a mystery. I've not had a conclusive answer on that one.
They then disappeared and the midwife returned to say that they were transferring me to a labour room as they wanted to have another look (internal number 4) and they thought some gas and air would help me relax enough for the Dr to have a proper look.
By this point, contractions were coming thicker and harder and more painful than i'd ever imagined. I know inducted contractions are more painful as they're forced rather than natural but they were making me writhe on the bed and feel terribly hot. I had to use a cardboard vomit bowl to fan myself with as I couldn't bear the heat and was coming out in a sweat.
The midwife came back and as she was explaining how I'd be moved (they had a wheelchair) I felt something slimy and gushy coming out, which I told her and she had a look. She wasn't sure what it was (!) but I heard the word 'meconium' which I know isn't a good one. They sat me on a pad on the wheelchair and pushed me off pretty quickly. Steve was left to gather up all the bags and follow on but he took a couple of trips to sort it and by this time, i was in a room on my own on a bed and sucking on the gas and air (he managed to bring some items which weren't even ours and forget my shoes!)
I wasn't sure what I made of it. I didn't think it helped terribly much, it was more of a focus from the pain, rather than pain relief unless you started it early enough in the contraction which sometimes I didn't as they were coming so fast I was caught by surprise.
I awoke before the alarm, filled with anticipation. I wasn't sure whether I was excited about finally meeting the baby or completely scared at what was about to happen to me. Going into labour naturally hadn't happened and I guess had it, I'd have got on with it, which was my attitude to the induction as well.
We were collected by my Dad and loaded all our bags into the car, and as my parents were taking Izzy for duration her bed and some belongings were also packed. Two minutes later we were at the hospital and off we went. I waddled with my pillows and Steve brought everything else and having promptly forgotten we were meant to go to Ward 9, we went to the delivery suite. We were then pointed to the right direction and shown a bed in a lovely room with a lovely view of Stafford and the rising sun. Steve promptly got his camera out and was just set up when we were told as they were so busy we were to go back to the Delivery suite as they'd be able to see us faster there!
So back we trundled and were shown a not so nice room with a view of air vents and we settled down to wait. It was about this point I realised I was having some tightenings and pressure down below, nothing painful at all, just made me go 'ooh' a little. Having done a urine sample and had my blood pressure taken I was put on the trace machine to monitor the baby's heartbeat. Sure enough, my uterus was beginning to slowly contract and we could watch it all happen on the monitor!! A midewife then came in to ask whether we wanted to go ahead with the induction or leave it to see what would happen naturally and if nothing, come back in on Friday. My cervix was checked (internal number 1) and was 'unfavourable' still. As we knew inductions could take an age to kick off and we were all geared up for then and now, and I was so uncomfortable at nights and not sleeping well we decided to go ahead with it so the prostin gel was prescribed and after internal number 2, inserted.
![]() |
Waiting for things to happen..... |
Sure enough, around 12.00 I began with contractions. Not too terrible but they made me hold my breath and not really like them!! I tried hard to remember breathing exercises, in through the nose and out through the mouth but it was difficult.
We told the midwife what had happened and I was put on the trace machine again to monitor them whilst they decided whehter to go ahead with a second applicaiton of prostin gel or not. Having looked at the trace after a while, the midwife went to get a Doctor as when I was peaking, it showed the baby having distress and they wanted to check this out. So the doctor wanted to see whether he could burst my waters to encourage the process along. (Internal number 3). To be honest, things were hurting at this point and I just sensed somethings were unsettling the midwife but Steve was trying to be as positive as possible, possibly too positive.
I was asked to put my hands under my bottom to help raise my 'bits' up enough for the doctor to access my waters, and he noted I was 1cm dilated at this point. He took his hook and I could feel the tugging and pulling within, it was horribly uncomfortable and even though I was doing my utmost to relax, he was taking ages and tugging and pulling a lot more than I'd ever seen on 'One Born Every Minute'. He turned to the midwife and said that he didn't think that there were any waters to break and he thought they'd gone already. Where to remains a mystery. I've not had a conclusive answer on that one.
They then disappeared and the midwife returned to say that they were transferring me to a labour room as they wanted to have another look (internal number 4) and they thought some gas and air would help me relax enough for the Dr to have a proper look.
By this point, contractions were coming thicker and harder and more painful than i'd ever imagined. I know inducted contractions are more painful as they're forced rather than natural but they were making me writhe on the bed and feel terribly hot. I had to use a cardboard vomit bowl to fan myself with as I couldn't bear the heat and was coming out in a sweat.
The midwife came back and as she was explaining how I'd be moved (they had a wheelchair) I felt something slimy and gushy coming out, which I told her and she had a look. She wasn't sure what it was (!) but I heard the word 'meconium' which I know isn't a good one. They sat me on a pad on the wheelchair and pushed me off pretty quickly. Steve was left to gather up all the bags and follow on but he took a couple of trips to sort it and by this time, i was in a room on my own on a bed and sucking on the gas and air (he managed to bring some items which weren't even ours and forget my shoes!)
I wasn't sure what I made of it. I didn't think it helped terribly much, it was more of a focus from the pain, rather than pain relief unless you started it early enough in the contraction which sometimes I didn't as they were coming so fast I was caught by surprise.
Sunday, 24 April 2011
Welcome To The World...
Joel Lewis Peter Cranston
7lb 14 1/2 oz
20th April 2011 18.46pm
We love him so much, we can't believe it. He's such a part of our lives already and has only been on this planet for less than five full days!
The birth story will follow, it'll take a while to compose as it was far dramatic than ever intended but as you can see, it all turned out for the best in the end. We're all fine.
Back to the baby now! :)
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
41+2 and the End Is Nigh...
Having been to see the midwife yesterday she booked me in for an appointment at the hospital to be induced tomorrow.
TOMORROW! That sounds scary.
I have to ring the hospital at 5.45am to make sure there is a spare bed (in case there's been a baby birthing boom) and if so, we need to be there for 6.00am.
I'll be monitored for 30 minutes and have to do urine samples etc... and then by 7.00am they'll insert a prostoglandin gel into my cervix to try and get it working. That's the bit that won't be nice as it'll hurt.
Then they leave you for six hours but you can't go home, you have to wander around the hospital and take walks in the grounds and be bored and hope something kicks off. Then they do it all again six hours later. If after a third lot the next day nothing is still happening, I guess they'll be considering an elective c-section which is so not what I've been anticipating.
I've really been girding myself up for a natural vaginal birth and I'm not sure why my body isn't helping out here.
He has 24 more hours to do his own thing before intervention and I'm feeling a bit daunted by it all. I've never been in hospital before and would be in there for at least 2-3 nights on my own without Steve. And Izzy would be at Mum and Dads.
Oh well. I guess what must be will be but it's all a bit worrying from this point onwards....
TOMORROW! That sounds scary.
I have to ring the hospital at 5.45am to make sure there is a spare bed (in case there's been a baby birthing boom) and if so, we need to be there for 6.00am.
I'll be monitored for 30 minutes and have to do urine samples etc... and then by 7.00am they'll insert a prostoglandin gel into my cervix to try and get it working. That's the bit that won't be nice as it'll hurt.
Then they leave you for six hours but you can't go home, you have to wander around the hospital and take walks in the grounds and be bored and hope something kicks off. Then they do it all again six hours later. If after a third lot the next day nothing is still happening, I guess they'll be considering an elective c-section which is so not what I've been anticipating.
I've really been girding myself up for a natural vaginal birth and I'm not sure why my body isn't helping out here.
He has 24 more hours to do his own thing before intervention and I'm feeling a bit daunted by it all. I've never been in hospital before and would be in there for at least 2-3 nights on my own without Steve. And Izzy would be at Mum and Dads.
Oh well. I guess what must be will be but it's all a bit worrying from this point onwards....
Monday, 18 April 2011
41+1 and Still Here and Still Waiting....
I had a text last night to say that another couple from our ante-natal class have also had their baby! 5 weeks early. Girls do seem to come earlier than boys do.
I had what could be my worst night's sleep ever last night. I've woken up with hands like puffy claws and throbbing feet and ankles. And sorry for too much information, damp pants. I think when I'm sleeping, baby is wriggling on the bladder and causing a little issue. At least it's not terrible and panty liners can control it but that had better stop once baby is out! I'm terrible at remembering the pelvic floor exercises.
I asked Steve to do a weekly shop as we had (have) no food in at all, but he made excuses to not go on his own, and I'm not in a position to be able to wander around a supermarket pushing a trolley at the moment so in the end I just registered with Tesco's online and it's being delivered this afternoon. He really does not understand how achey and in pain my joints are, and comes out with helpful suggestions like going to the cinema in Newcastle to see Scream 4. I don't want to go in a car, far away to watch a scary horror film when overdue and heavily pregnant?! Why can't he understand that? Honestly.
As a result of no food, we actually have no bread and no cereal so I was suffering hunger pangs on waking up this morning wondering what to eat for breakfast when I remembered a bag of oats in the cupboard - result!!! Real porridge it is! And tasty it is too.
I had a lovely restful day yesterday. I went to Mum and Dad's and sat in the garden all morning reading quietly whilst Steve and his family went to Church. He then went to their cottage whilst I stayed at Mum's for the afternoon and then on going home had a little nap. All I need and want at the moment is peace, quiet and rest. Saturday with all of Steve's family coming round was a bit much for me and I felt quite overwhelmed at the number of people crammed into my little lounge, all tall, and broad with lots of legs everywhere and getting Izzy all worked up and playful.
No, quiet and peaceful is the way forward for me. I hope Steve can enforce that once baby is here else I'm just going to have to take myself away from the chaos and hide away somewhere....
I had what could be my worst night's sleep ever last night. I've woken up with hands like puffy claws and throbbing feet and ankles. And sorry for too much information, damp pants. I think when I'm sleeping, baby is wriggling on the bladder and causing a little issue. At least it's not terrible and panty liners can control it but that had better stop once baby is out! I'm terrible at remembering the pelvic floor exercises.
I asked Steve to do a weekly shop as we had (have) no food in at all, but he made excuses to not go on his own, and I'm not in a position to be able to wander around a supermarket pushing a trolley at the moment so in the end I just registered with Tesco's online and it's being delivered this afternoon. He really does not understand how achey and in pain my joints are, and comes out with helpful suggestions like going to the cinema in Newcastle to see Scream 4. I don't want to go in a car, far away to watch a scary horror film when overdue and heavily pregnant?! Why can't he understand that? Honestly.
As a result of no food, we actually have no bread and no cereal so I was suffering hunger pangs on waking up this morning wondering what to eat for breakfast when I remembered a bag of oats in the cupboard - result!!! Real porridge it is! And tasty it is too.
I had a lovely restful day yesterday. I went to Mum and Dad's and sat in the garden all morning reading quietly whilst Steve and his family went to Church. He then went to their cottage whilst I stayed at Mum's for the afternoon and then on going home had a little nap. All I need and want at the moment is peace, quiet and rest. Saturday with all of Steve's family coming round was a bit much for me and I felt quite overwhelmed at the number of people crammed into my little lounge, all tall, and broad with lots of legs everywhere and getting Izzy all worked up and playful.
No, quiet and peaceful is the way forward for me. I hope Steve can enforce that once baby is here else I'm just going to have to take myself away from the chaos and hide away somewhere....
Sunday, 17 April 2011
41 Weeks
How far along: 41 Weeks - never imagined it'd come to this!!
Total Weight Gained: Getting worse day by day as I'm just eating rubbish now.
Maternity Clothes: Getting limited as I don't have many summer ones having had a mainly winter pregnancy, and now we're in a crazy April heatwave I'm sticking with one pair of trousers (to hide my swollen ankles) and three t-shirts. Oh, and one vest. So I'm feeling a bit bleugh about my wardrobe situation!
Stretch Marks: I thought they weren't so bad, certainly not as red anymore but the midwife on Weds commented I'd been caught 'by the stretch mark monster' which was lovely of her wasn't it! :(
Sleep: Just depends, some nights I feel better than others. Sleeping on my left side is more painful with my hip but I'm just concious I'm meant to for baby's sake. I'm still up twice a night and by 7am.
Best Moment of the Week: Erm, I really don't know. I had a bit of a show on Friday which got me all excited but nothing else seems to be happening as yet. It's been my 6th week off work and without a baby to show for it I'm just taking one day at a time. I very much enjoyed seeing Emma on Thursday and Anna on Friday.
Movement: He's still pretty active considering the lack of room in there. An ice lolly gets him going if I have any worries.
Gender: He's a baby BOY!!!
Belly Button: It's still flat except when he literally pushed out behind it and it went triangular. Weirds me out though, I can't wait for it to go back in again. All brown and nubby looking.
Milestones: I am officially ONE WHOLE WEEK over my due date. I'm plodding and waddling on and have just had a text to say a girl from Church due next month delivered a little girl last night! Honestly, batting out of order! She must have only been 37 weeks. And still Baby Cranston makes no moves south. Tch.
Total Weight Gained: Getting worse day by day as I'm just eating rubbish now.
Maternity Clothes: Getting limited as I don't have many summer ones having had a mainly winter pregnancy, and now we're in a crazy April heatwave I'm sticking with one pair of trousers (to hide my swollen ankles) and three t-shirts. Oh, and one vest. So I'm feeling a bit bleugh about my wardrobe situation!
Stretch Marks: I thought they weren't so bad, certainly not as red anymore but the midwife on Weds commented I'd been caught 'by the stretch mark monster' which was lovely of her wasn't it! :(
Sleep: Just depends, some nights I feel better than others. Sleeping on my left side is more painful with my hip but I'm just concious I'm meant to for baby's sake. I'm still up twice a night and by 7am.
Best Moment of the Week: Erm, I really don't know. I had a bit of a show on Friday which got me all excited but nothing else seems to be happening as yet. It's been my 6th week off work and without a baby to show for it I'm just taking one day at a time. I very much enjoyed seeing Emma on Thursday and Anna on Friday.
Movement: He's still pretty active considering the lack of room in there. An ice lolly gets him going if I have any worries.
Gender: He's a baby BOY!!!
Belly Button: It's still flat except when he literally pushed out behind it and it went triangular. Weirds me out though, I can't wait for it to go back in again. All brown and nubby looking.
Milestones: I am officially ONE WHOLE WEEK over my due date. I'm plodding and waddling on and have just had a text to say a girl from Church due next month delivered a little girl last night! Honestly, batting out of order! She must have only been 37 weeks. And still Baby Cranston makes no moves south. Tch.
Saturday, 16 April 2011
Getting Impatient...
Still no baby! Why do they give us due dates? Just to cause us frustration when nothing happens?
I actually did have a bit of a 'show' yesterday morning which got me all excited, after all, that was my first sign and although I told myself not to be excited as it can take days from that anyhow, I have woken up again this morning with nothing happening and feel disappointed!
I'm going to keep a log though of when things happen to take in for the labour (if it ever happens).
My friend Anna came round yesterday morning so we had a cup of tea and chatted which passed the time, and after lunch I watched three episodes of CSI on TV. (I'm still chuffed I've not gone down the daytime TV and Jeremy Kyle route) Then after a little nap I cleaned out the guinea-pigs, tidied the kitchen and Steve and I headed over to visit his family who'd all arrived at their cottage for their Easter break.
They're coming over to us today at lunchtime and will take Izzy out for a long walk whereas I will likely stay in and sulk as I'm getting grumpier day by day. I don't mean to, but there's only so much more hand and foot aching I can take and I didn't sleep well last night. My fingers are puffy again, I don't think I'm drinking enough water so have just drunk a pint to try and flush the extra out.
Maybe I'll feel better after a shower.
I've never been good at waiting for anything. Maybe this is nature teaching me a valuable life lesson.
I actually did have a bit of a 'show' yesterday morning which got me all excited, after all, that was my first sign and although I told myself not to be excited as it can take days from that anyhow, I have woken up again this morning with nothing happening and feel disappointed!
I'm going to keep a log though of when things happen to take in for the labour (if it ever happens).
My friend Anna came round yesterday morning so we had a cup of tea and chatted which passed the time, and after lunch I watched three episodes of CSI on TV. (I'm still chuffed I've not gone down the daytime TV and Jeremy Kyle route) Then after a little nap I cleaned out the guinea-pigs, tidied the kitchen and Steve and I headed over to visit his family who'd all arrived at their cottage for their Easter break.
They're coming over to us today at lunchtime and will take Izzy out for a long walk whereas I will likely stay in and sulk as I'm getting grumpier day by day. I don't mean to, but there's only so much more hand and foot aching I can take and I didn't sleep well last night. My fingers are puffy again, I don't think I'm drinking enough water so have just drunk a pint to try and flush the extra out.
Maybe I'll feel better after a shower.
I've never been good at waiting for anything. Maybe this is nature teaching me a valuable life lesson.
Friday, 15 April 2011
Kate in Waiting
It's Friday today and as I suspected, I slept through the night again (albeit with two toilet trips) with no pains or waters going!! I woke up pretty early feeling rather achey again, so got up and am watching a documentary on 'Misbehaving Mums To Be'. Rather shocking really, mum's who are pregnant, and smoking and drinking. The drinking Mum isn't too bad, she's making an effort to listen to the midwives advice, and there was a girl who ate too many chips, (well, I'm sure we've all done that) and she's making efforts too, but the smoking girl has had a paddy and won't be filmed as she can't give up the cigarettes.
Smoking in pregnancy is the worst thing, and she already had a 3 year old daughter who is going to be suffering the effects of the cigarettes as well. It's so selfish and I really can't understand why any mother to be would be willing to risk the health of their baby to continue a habit that's dirty and disgusting for their own sake, never mind the baby.
Yesterday I had a productively busy afternoon and exchanged my nursing bras at Mothercare. It seems the size 14 I got from the internet was actually about a size 10!! No wonder they wouldn't go over my head! So I have two larger ones that might actually fit me.
I then treated myself at Boots to some nail and manicure items as my nails were looking a bit worn from the manicure I had last week. I now have baby pink nails that I wouldn't mind being photographed holding a baby (if he deigned to arrive any time soon!!)
Then I ended up at a car wash and got the car washed and valeted so the Izzy hair has been eradicated and it's all spotless and tidy inside and out and ready for the baby car seat.
Today Steve's family are travelling up for the Easter break and staying in a cottage nearby for two weeks. It's a shame that baby hasn't come yet to meet them, but Steve's mum has timed the visit to coincide with a point that baby HAS to be here!! Just when remains to be seen!
I can't believe it's Palm Sunday this weekend. I really thought I'd have the baby out by now.
Smoking in pregnancy is the worst thing, and she already had a 3 year old daughter who is going to be suffering the effects of the cigarettes as well. It's so selfish and I really can't understand why any mother to be would be willing to risk the health of their baby to continue a habit that's dirty and disgusting for their own sake, never mind the baby.
Yesterday I had a productively busy afternoon and exchanged my nursing bras at Mothercare. It seems the size 14 I got from the internet was actually about a size 10!! No wonder they wouldn't go over my head! So I have two larger ones that might actually fit me.
I then treated myself at Boots to some nail and manicure items as my nails were looking a bit worn from the manicure I had last week. I now have baby pink nails that I wouldn't mind being photographed holding a baby (if he deigned to arrive any time soon!!)
Then I ended up at a car wash and got the car washed and valeted so the Izzy hair has been eradicated and it's all spotless and tidy inside and out and ready for the baby car seat.
Today Steve's family are travelling up for the Easter break and staying in a cottage nearby for two weeks. It's a shame that baby hasn't come yet to meet them, but Steve's mum has timed the visit to coincide with a point that baby HAS to be here!! Just when remains to be seen!
I can't believe it's Palm Sunday this weekend. I really thought I'd have the baby out by now.
Thursday, 14 April 2011
Nothing Moving..... 40+4
Well, I've had a very good night's sleep. Again! I only got up twice, and managed to sleep in until 7.30am! It's nice to wake up naturally. Still a bit achey in the old pelvis and my fingers are a bit puffy today. I'll go for a shower shortly. Maybe after another cup of tea.
I've put a loaf into my bread maker, and soup is on the hob as my friend Emma is popping by at lunch time. So I have a plan today. I may even have a go at a cake or something. My mission for the day!!
I really don't think anything is going to kick off, uterus wise this week. I am now resigned to waiting until next week, and reckon I'll be at the midwife appointment on Monday. I just wonder whether baby is continuing to get bigger as he waits.
I guess it's all out of my hands, there's nothing I can do about it, so why feel stressed? In the meantime I'm just watching a lot of CSI on catch-up at the moment! I've not watched it before and it's rather funny (probably not meant to be) but it's helping me pass the time. I'm now in my sixth week off work and it feels like it's been ages since I was there. Time is beginning to lose its meaning.
I've put a loaf into my bread maker, and soup is on the hob as my friend Emma is popping by at lunch time. So I have a plan today. I may even have a go at a cake or something. My mission for the day!!
I really don't think anything is going to kick off, uterus wise this week. I am now resigned to waiting until next week, and reckon I'll be at the midwife appointment on Monday. I just wonder whether baby is continuing to get bigger as he waits.
I guess it's all out of my hands, there's nothing I can do about it, so why feel stressed? In the meantime I'm just watching a lot of CSI on catch-up at the moment! I've not watched it before and it's rather funny (probably not meant to be) but it's helping me pass the time. I'm now in my sixth week off work and it feels like it's been ages since I was there. Time is beginning to lose its meaning.
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
First Sweep
So we went along to the midwife this morning and my blood pressure was fine, my urine was fine and I asked about having a sweep/internal so she was happy to oblige. It was a different midwife as Tracy was on holiday and there was a student there too but to be honest, I'm at the point of not caring who does what and sees what or how it looks, they can do anything to make baby come along.
Anyhow, it wasn't good news. Nothing is happening. My cervix is 'unfavourable' and tight, up and back which means it's not likely anything will kick off soon! It was uncomfortable and made me make 'ooh, ah' monkey noises when things hurt a bit. It was done behind a screen so Steve didn't have to watch which I guess he preferred. It wasn't as bad as the internal done at the hospital that time though.
I have another appointment on Monday at 3pm for a second sweep and then they'll discuss induction. I do hope it won't get to that as i don't know if I can bear all the waiting and I'm so achey in the hips and pelvis the thought of another ten days is a bit upsetting.
I did shed a few tears in the car on the way home, more from just feeling fed up than anything else.
Oh, and the midwife also commented on the fact he seems a BIG baby and I'm very large out front. She said I shouldn't have any trouble 'coughing' him out but he'll likely cause me to sweat a bit! She was a bit more old school than Tracy and I thought she was a little lacking in sympathy! But she did do a sweep earlier than normal for me which was nice of her.
So I'm just sitting and feeling fed up again. Not anticipating anything for the time being...
Anyhow, it wasn't good news. Nothing is happening. My cervix is 'unfavourable' and tight, up and back which means it's not likely anything will kick off soon! It was uncomfortable and made me make 'ooh, ah' monkey noises when things hurt a bit. It was done behind a screen so Steve didn't have to watch which I guess he preferred. It wasn't as bad as the internal done at the hospital that time though.
I have another appointment on Monday at 3pm for a second sweep and then they'll discuss induction. I do hope it won't get to that as i don't know if I can bear all the waiting and I'm so achey in the hips and pelvis the thought of another ten days is a bit upsetting.
I did shed a few tears in the car on the way home, more from just feeling fed up than anything else.
Oh, and the midwife also commented on the fact he seems a BIG baby and I'm very large out front. She said I shouldn't have any trouble 'coughing' him out but he'll likely cause me to sweat a bit! She was a bit more old school than Tracy and I thought she was a little lacking in sympathy! But she did do a sweep earlier than normal for me which was nice of her.
So I'm just sitting and feeling fed up again. Not anticipating anything for the time being...
The Wait Goes On
Today I am officially three days overdue. And feeling it.
I have an appointment at 9.15am with the midwife so will see what she says. I'm hoping we can do a sweep or something to start things off. Yesterday afternoon I was having some serious bump hardenings with a lot of pressure pushing down and out and these were every 15 minutes, they didn't hurt but made me go 'whoo' and catch my breath but disappeared!
Then Steve and I went for a walk to see if that helped with Izzy and we walked up to the hospital (ironic I know) and around the grounds with Izzy as there's a big field she loves to play ball in, and home again. And on going to bed I had some crampy pains but then fell asleep and woke up to nothing happening!!
It was rather funny on the way home from walking as we were beset by two Mormon girls (why is it always the girls they send out in pairs?) who came to try and talk to us. Steve loves a debate, but I was weary from the walk and Izzy was too excited to meet new people. So we were listening to an American girl asking us about prophets and I was getting cross as we explained we were practising Christians, we believed the Bible, we were both baptised as adults and we did not believe that Jesus appeared in America in the 1800's to Joseph Smith and that in our view, he was a false prophet as warned about by Jesus when discussing the end times.
I'm sorry to make this a bit of a religious debate, but I was not prepared to just listen to their 'version' of 'Christianity' without having my say as well as I do feel that Mormons have been falsely misled and have an inaccurate grasp of the truth and it makes me cross that yes, they may read the Bible but they read certain sections, and not the whole truth, and they focus on the Book of Mormon which has extra bits in 'found' by Joseph Smith when every genuine Christian knows that the Bible as it stands is pure and whole in it's entirerty and the final verses of Revelation warn against any additions. But they ignore these verses and consider the Book of Mormon an exception.
Anyway, we're standing and talking when a car pulls up next to us and it's our Church leader's wife and daughters just passing by to say hello and she calls out to us that she hopes we're having lots of sex to help the baby out!! (She's also a GP and says things like that a lot!) I laughed my socks off at the faces of the three daughters (they're 8,9 and 16) as they were shocked, but the Mormons were more so! Especially when Steve then said - this is our Church leader's wife!! They must wonder what sort of Church we belong to! hee hee!
And on that note having tried the Raspberry leaf tea and pineapple, and chillified food, and walking, only the sex part is remaining, but Steve is being very resistant on that front. He's completely freaked out at the thought and won't even consider attempting it. It's not as though I feel like doing it either, but at least I'm willing to give it a go and frankly, I'm a bit put out he just giggles and shrieks and pulls away from me as though I'm a leper. Honestly.
I have an appointment at 9.15am with the midwife so will see what she says. I'm hoping we can do a sweep or something to start things off. Yesterday afternoon I was having some serious bump hardenings with a lot of pressure pushing down and out and these were every 15 minutes, they didn't hurt but made me go 'whoo' and catch my breath but disappeared!
Then Steve and I went for a walk to see if that helped with Izzy and we walked up to the hospital (ironic I know) and around the grounds with Izzy as there's a big field she loves to play ball in, and home again. And on going to bed I had some crampy pains but then fell asleep and woke up to nothing happening!!
It was rather funny on the way home from walking as we were beset by two Mormon girls (why is it always the girls they send out in pairs?) who came to try and talk to us. Steve loves a debate, but I was weary from the walk and Izzy was too excited to meet new people. So we were listening to an American girl asking us about prophets and I was getting cross as we explained we were practising Christians, we believed the Bible, we were both baptised as adults and we did not believe that Jesus appeared in America in the 1800's to Joseph Smith and that in our view, he was a false prophet as warned about by Jesus when discussing the end times.
I'm sorry to make this a bit of a religious debate, but I was not prepared to just listen to their 'version' of 'Christianity' without having my say as well as I do feel that Mormons have been falsely misled and have an inaccurate grasp of the truth and it makes me cross that yes, they may read the Bible but they read certain sections, and not the whole truth, and they focus on the Book of Mormon which has extra bits in 'found' by Joseph Smith when every genuine Christian knows that the Bible as it stands is pure and whole in it's entirerty and the final verses of Revelation warn against any additions. But they ignore these verses and consider the Book of Mormon an exception.
Anyway, we're standing and talking when a car pulls up next to us and it's our Church leader's wife and daughters just passing by to say hello and she calls out to us that she hopes we're having lots of sex to help the baby out!! (She's also a GP and says things like that a lot!) I laughed my socks off at the faces of the three daughters (they're 8,9 and 16) as they were shocked, but the Mormons were more so! Especially when Steve then said - this is our Church leader's wife!! They must wonder what sort of Church we belong to! hee hee!
And on that note having tried the Raspberry leaf tea and pineapple, and chillified food, and walking, only the sex part is remaining, but Steve is being very resistant on that front. He's completely freaked out at the thought and won't even consider attempting it. It's not as though I feel like doing it either, but at least I'm willing to give it a go and frankly, I'm a bit put out he just giggles and shrieks and pulls away from me as though I'm a leper. Honestly.
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
Still Here!
Baby is obviously way to comfortable in there. I don't think I've had any signs really. I think my back ache was just regular old back ache. I have had to go to the loo at least twice a day but I think that's normal and doesn't mean anything might kick off any time soon.
I go to bed thinking this could be the night, and wake up feeling disappointed.
That's all I have to say today!
I go to bed thinking this could be the night, and wake up feeling disappointed.
That's all I have to say today!
Monday, 11 April 2011
And On We Go....
Waiting that is.
Due date has been and gone and not a contraction in sight!
I've still got an achey back but that could just be an achey back for normal reasons, I've had a few twinges that I think just ended up being wind (sorry TMI!) and other than that, nada, nothing, zilcho.
I didn't think I'd feel this fed up by going over but I know it's normal and all, and I guess things will happen as and when but I do feel a bit disappointed. Especially as I really want to be able to turn over in bed properly at some point soon! Getting in and out is such a struggle these days!!
Other than that I'm fighting fit. and have been out for the afternoon to visit my friends Carly and Anna who gave me lunch and presents! (Always welcome!!) We were meant to meet up last week but with the attack of the lurgy I didn't feel up to it and Carly has a baby boy so I didn't want to pass anything on.
What else? Steve decided to go out last night with his friend Joe to play with his cameras despite me saying I'd feel happier if he stayed at home so I was cross with him about that. It was only one night but he feels that he has to fit as much 'boy time' in before the baby arrives as possible. Well, some 'couple' time would be appreciated at some point too. But he doesn't think about that does he?! No.
I've booked the boiler man to come round next Monday afternoon to replace the faulty timer on our boiler. It's been ok to use since the winter when it all went kapput, but we can't get hot water without putting the boiler on heating and with it being hot and sunny at present, who wants to put the heating on?! It needs fixing, so Monday it is. With or without baby. There'll be people around to sort it out if I'm unavailable to do so.
Anyway, time for a raspberry leaf tea for me! It's quite refreshing as a drink I think, certainly not a chore and I doubt very much it's doing anything, so I'll just drink it for a change from regular tea. I ate a lot of pineapple yesterday to no avail, just made my mouth and tongue hurt with the acid in it.
Come on baby. Time to exit!!
Due date has been and gone and not a contraction in sight!
I've still got an achey back but that could just be an achey back for normal reasons, I've had a few twinges that I think just ended up being wind (sorry TMI!) and other than that, nada, nothing, zilcho.
I didn't think I'd feel this fed up by going over but I know it's normal and all, and I guess things will happen as and when but I do feel a bit disappointed. Especially as I really want to be able to turn over in bed properly at some point soon! Getting in and out is such a struggle these days!!
Other than that I'm fighting fit. and have been out for the afternoon to visit my friends Carly and Anna who gave me lunch and presents! (Always welcome!!) We were meant to meet up last week but with the attack of the lurgy I didn't feel up to it and Carly has a baby boy so I didn't want to pass anything on.
What else? Steve decided to go out last night with his friend Joe to play with his cameras despite me saying I'd feel happier if he stayed at home so I was cross with him about that. It was only one night but he feels that he has to fit as much 'boy time' in before the baby arrives as possible. Well, some 'couple' time would be appreciated at some point too. But he doesn't think about that does he?! No.
I've booked the boiler man to come round next Monday afternoon to replace the faulty timer on our boiler. It's been ok to use since the winter when it all went kapput, but we can't get hot water without putting the boiler on heating and with it being hot and sunny at present, who wants to put the heating on?! It needs fixing, so Monday it is. With or without baby. There'll be people around to sort it out if I'm unavailable to do so.
Anyway, time for a raspberry leaf tea for me! It's quite refreshing as a drink I think, certainly not a chore and I doubt very much it's doing anything, so I'll just drink it for a change from regular tea. I ate a lot of pineapple yesterday to no avail, just made my mouth and tongue hurt with the acid in it.
Come on baby. Time to exit!!
Sunday, 10 April 2011
Due Date...
Ok baby. Today is the day that the UK National Health Service have given as your 'birthday' so if you could please be so obliging I'd greatly appreciate it!
You've been in there for approximately 40 weeks, you've been full term for 37 weeks, it's a lovely day outside, all sunny and shiny so I think it'd be a good time to make an appearance, and I'd really like my pelvis back to myself because carrying you around in it is making me feel very uncomfortable now! I think it's only fair that your Dad gets to hold you and see how heavy you are as well soon!!
I'm very glad I made it to the wedding and all was well yesterday so you were good to hold off and I know only 5% of babies reputedly arrive on their due date but statistics are there for a reason and if you could be in the 5% I'd be very chuffed as it would mean you likely have my sense of punctuality, rather than your Dad's somewhat haphazard - just depends on how he feels sense of timing!
I've had a couple of mugs of raspberry leaf tea, whether that will do anything to get you moving south I'm not sure. How I'll feel when I realise I'm in labour I'm not sure. That's all a bit scary at the moment and having ignored the logistics for 9 months thinking that the waiting is almost over is daunting to say the least.
If you don't show up today, or the next couple of days, I have a midwives appointment on Wednesday, (40+3) and then if you still don't show up, it'll be a case of induction a week on Wednesday. I'd prefer it if that didn't have to happen, there's a lot of extra prodding, and waiting around in hospitals and I'd like for us to stay at home for as long as possible.
So baby, how's abouts a sign or two that you're on your way?!! I think you'll like it out here once you make it, everything is ready for you now!!
You've been in there for approximately 40 weeks, you've been full term for 37 weeks, it's a lovely day outside, all sunny and shiny so I think it'd be a good time to make an appearance, and I'd really like my pelvis back to myself because carrying you around in it is making me feel very uncomfortable now! I think it's only fair that your Dad gets to hold you and see how heavy you are as well soon!!
I'm very glad I made it to the wedding and all was well yesterday so you were good to hold off and I know only 5% of babies reputedly arrive on their due date but statistics are there for a reason and if you could be in the 5% I'd be very chuffed as it would mean you likely have my sense of punctuality, rather than your Dad's somewhat haphazard - just depends on how he feels sense of timing!
I've had a couple of mugs of raspberry leaf tea, whether that will do anything to get you moving south I'm not sure. How I'll feel when I realise I'm in labour I'm not sure. That's all a bit scary at the moment and having ignored the logistics for 9 months thinking that the waiting is almost over is daunting to say the least.
If you don't show up today, or the next couple of days, I have a midwives appointment on Wednesday, (40+3) and then if you still don't show up, it'll be a case of induction a week on Wednesday. I'd prefer it if that didn't have to happen, there's a lot of extra prodding, and waiting around in hospitals and I'd like for us to stay at home for as long as possible.
So baby, how's abouts a sign or two that you're on your way?!! I think you'll like it out here once you make it, everything is ready for you now!!
Saturday, 9 April 2011
Off to The Wedding...
So what does a giantly huge woman wear to a wedding when 39 weeks and 6 days pregnant?
A maxi dress and flip flops of course!
And look at the sunshine for it! Hurray!! Definatly need the sunglasses as well.
And, when going through my camera, look what I found here:
Ha ha! How long ago was this?! Ooh, about 7 months! Seems like forever and a day!
A maxi dress and flip flops of course!
And look at the sunshine for it! Hurray!! Definatly need the sunglasses as well.
And, when going through my camera, look what I found here:
Ha ha! How long ago was this?! Ooh, about 7 months! Seems like forever and a day!
The Day Before The Day.....
The time is nigh......
I've woken up with back ache. I don't know whether it's regular back ache from me walking a bit too much yesterday, or sitting funny, but it's low and achey. I shall keep an eye on it! It seems to hurt more when I take a deep breath so whether that's to do with anything I don't know.
I shall go for a shower in a moment and get some hot water on it to see if that alleviates it.
Other things that are bothering me at present are my feet, ankles and legs. My pelvis, my lower back and my double chin!! I can't wait until my pelvis is my own again and I can turn over in bed without the weight.
I shall commence my work on my wedding apparel shortly but I'm very much looking forward to seeing all my work friends today. Back pain or no back pain, I shall go to the ball!! And hopefully get some pictures of my huge bump and maybe even get Steve on some with me!!
I've woken up with back ache. I don't know whether it's regular back ache from me walking a bit too much yesterday, or sitting funny, but it's low and achey. I shall keep an eye on it! It seems to hurt more when I take a deep breath so whether that's to do with anything I don't know.
I shall go for a shower in a moment and get some hot water on it to see if that alleviates it.
Other things that are bothering me at present are my feet, ankles and legs. My pelvis, my lower back and my double chin!! I can't wait until my pelvis is my own again and I can turn over in bed without the weight.
I shall commence my work on my wedding apparel shortly but I'm very much looking forward to seeing all my work friends today. Back pain or no back pain, I shall go to the ball!! And hopefully get some pictures of my huge bump and maybe even get Steve on some with me!!
Friday, 8 April 2011
Another Sunny Day... (39+5)
I slept well last night! I went to bed earlyish and only had to get up once at 12.30pm and then again at 6.00am (when I was peckish so had an early breakfast) then slept in again until 9.30am! I really feel so much better and it's so true that sleep helps heal you.
I headed into town for a mooch at 11.30 and enjoyed the sunshine in town, treating myself to a frozen mango slushy from Costa coffee (as well as an excuse for the loo and a sit down!!) then had a manicure in preparation for the wedding we're going to tomorrow. I also thought that if baby does come along and photos are taken, it'll be good to have nice looking nails! Not that I had a lot to work with as I'm a biter but at least they're neat now.
My hips and pelvis are still achey as anything. It does feel as though you can almost feel baby's head bouncing down there and sometimes it just catches you unaware and you have to stop, take a breath and support under the bump. I know that baby can't fall out but it makes me wonder whether it's all going the right way?! I managed to wander around for two hours but this afternoon I've been suffering with sore pelvic bones, which was fine as I sat in the sunshine for the afternoon to relax!
Tomorrow is Tracy's wedding at 2.00 so I have a morning to relax and get ready, sort shoes out (currently only flat flip flops fit and even they're tight on me!) and work out a hair do to make me not look too chubby around the face (I've filled out a lot this past couple of weeks).
And keep the legs crossed that I don't end up with waters breaking during the vows or something embarrassing like that! Can you imagine?!
I headed into town for a mooch at 11.30 and enjoyed the sunshine in town, treating myself to a frozen mango slushy from Costa coffee (as well as an excuse for the loo and a sit down!!) then had a manicure in preparation for the wedding we're going to tomorrow. I also thought that if baby does come along and photos are taken, it'll be good to have nice looking nails! Not that I had a lot to work with as I'm a biter but at least they're neat now.
My hips and pelvis are still achey as anything. It does feel as though you can almost feel baby's head bouncing down there and sometimes it just catches you unaware and you have to stop, take a breath and support under the bump. I know that baby can't fall out but it makes me wonder whether it's all going the right way?! I managed to wander around for two hours but this afternoon I've been suffering with sore pelvic bones, which was fine as I sat in the sunshine for the afternoon to relax!
Tomorrow is Tracy's wedding at 2.00 so I have a morning to relax and get ready, sort shoes out (currently only flat flip flops fit and even they're tight on me!) and work out a hair do to make me not look too chubby around the face (I've filled out a lot this past couple of weeks).
And keep the legs crossed that I don't end up with waters breaking during the vows or something embarrassing like that! Can you imagine?!
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Tick Tock
I didn't get back to sleep at 6.30. Instead I finished reading Gone With The Wind, then had a bath and cleaned the kitchen. Then I went back to bed to just 'rest' and suddenly it was midday and I was having a funny dream where i could hear 'The Entertainer' and was being asked a quiz question about the song when I realised it was my mobile phone and I woke up suddenly. The house phone then began to ring and I rushed to get it thinking it must be urgent, but it was just Steve to say he was finishing up in Birmingham and was on his way back.
I took Izzy out for a bit of a stroll thinking a walk could help the baby loosen down, and put her halti collar on her. She took it well and didn't try to remove it at all and trotted by my side. You could tell that she wanted a bit more but I couldn't cope with letting her run free so she had to wait for Steve to take her out.
This afternoon the sun shone again so we sat in the garden reading a new book about Rome. I ordered a few new books to read from Amazon and the box arrived yesterday. The pigs were on the lawn, Izzy was basking and it was lovely.
In fact, I just can't get over how quickly these five weeks have gone. I'm trying to think what I've done with my time! I've watched a few films, Lord of the Rings, Marley and Me, Date Night, The Hangover, 10 Things I Hate About You and Steel Magnolias. I've watched lots of Grey's Anatomy, The Tudors and Come Dine With Me. I've not got into daytime tv at all which pleases me.
I've read quite a few books - Breaking Dawn, Coming Home, Gone With The Wind, Minus 9 to 1, The Goblet of Fire.
I've spent time in the garden and sorting the nursery and baby clothes. I've mooched round town and taken a bath most days.
And that is about it. And I've really enjoyed the time!! As long as baby stays put for two more days so I can attend Tracy's wedding I'll be quite happy! The thought of going heavily over is a bit daunting, but I'm still hopeful for a due date arrival!
I'm not getting pains exactly but the pressure down there is certainly intensifying and baby feels lower than ever. At night I'm getting terrible nausea as well, no actual sickness but nauseating burps which is rather horrid. I shall keep looking for other signs! I wonder what will come first, pains, a show or waters....
I took Izzy out for a bit of a stroll thinking a walk could help the baby loosen down, and put her halti collar on her. She took it well and didn't try to remove it at all and trotted by my side. You could tell that she wanted a bit more but I couldn't cope with letting her run free so she had to wait for Steve to take her out.
This afternoon the sun shone again so we sat in the garden reading a new book about Rome. I ordered a few new books to read from Amazon and the box arrived yesterday. The pigs were on the lawn, Izzy was basking and it was lovely.
In fact, I just can't get over how quickly these five weeks have gone. I'm trying to think what I've done with my time! I've watched a few films, Lord of the Rings, Marley and Me, Date Night, The Hangover, 10 Things I Hate About You and Steel Magnolias. I've watched lots of Grey's Anatomy, The Tudors and Come Dine With Me. I've not got into daytime tv at all which pleases me.
I've read quite a few books - Breaking Dawn, Coming Home, Gone With The Wind, Minus 9 to 1, The Goblet of Fire.
I've spent time in the garden and sorting the nursery and baby clothes. I've mooched round town and taken a bath most days.
And that is about it. And I've really enjoyed the time!! As long as baby stays put for two more days so I can attend Tracy's wedding I'll be quite happy! The thought of going heavily over is a bit daunting, but I'm still hopeful for a due date arrival!
I'm not getting pains exactly but the pressure down there is certainly intensifying and baby feels lower than ever. At night I'm getting terrible nausea as well, no actual sickness but nauseating burps which is rather horrid. I shall keep looking for other signs! I wonder what will come first, pains, a show or waters....
Not So Bright But VERY Early!
I've woken up at 4.30 this morning. I'm sleepy but can't get comfy on my side so decided a change of posture could help so I'm on the sofa playing on Steve's laptop. I may try and nap a bit more shortly as I've not had enough sleep at all.
We did go to bed at 10.30 last night, and I got up once in the night so I got some decent sleep, and the coughing is definitely subsiding (yay!) but I'm just restless and struggling to keep asleep. Darn hips.
Plus, I'm reading 'Gone With The Wind' and I'm so engrossed in it I keep wantig to read it and thinking about it which is most distracting from sleep anyhow!
Last night I managed to find my swimwear that I'd put away for the winter and I've got two bikini tops that could do if I get a water birth so they're now on the hospital clothes pile. I also went through a load of clothes sorting to go in a charity bag, and put work clothes in a case under the bed (won't be needing those for many months) and winter stuff has been put away as well. I shall try and sort through the maternity items to put my bits to one side for lending when the time comes and then returning Zoe and Kelly's clothes they've lent me (although I'm a bit mixed up as to who's are who's but I hope they can remember!!)
Kelly has lent me a beautiful dress for Tracy's wedding on Saturday. It's a maxi dress, and maternity and although a wee bit long, drapes comfortably over the bump. I do look like a ship in it, but I'm not there to model, I shall sit and not move about too much so it is perfect for that. I didn't see the point in buying a new dress when my due date is Sunday!! I hope we make it to the wedding now!
Lets see if I can doze on the sofa for an hour or so now......
We did go to bed at 10.30 last night, and I got up once in the night so I got some decent sleep, and the coughing is definitely subsiding (yay!) but I'm just restless and struggling to keep asleep. Darn hips.
Plus, I'm reading 'Gone With The Wind' and I'm so engrossed in it I keep wantig to read it and thinking about it which is most distracting from sleep anyhow!
Last night I managed to find my swimwear that I'd put away for the winter and I've got two bikini tops that could do if I get a water birth so they're now on the hospital clothes pile. I also went through a load of clothes sorting to go in a charity bag, and put work clothes in a case under the bed (won't be needing those for many months) and winter stuff has been put away as well. I shall try and sort through the maternity items to put my bits to one side for lending when the time comes and then returning Zoe and Kelly's clothes they've lent me (although I'm a bit mixed up as to who's are who's but I hope they can remember!!)
Kelly has lent me a beautiful dress for Tracy's wedding on Saturday. It's a maxi dress, and maternity and although a wee bit long, drapes comfortably over the bump. I do look like a ship in it, but I'm not there to model, I shall sit and not move about too much so it is perfect for that. I didn't see the point in buying a new dress when my due date is Sunday!! I hope we make it to the wedding now!
Lets see if I can doze on the sofa for an hour or so now......
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
Ho Hum
How do I feel today?
In all honesty, I'm not sure! I still have a bit of a sore throat, I'm still a bit sleepy despite a better night's sleep, and my throat glands still feel a bit puffy and I'm still hoarse. But I'm not feeling dreadful.
I don't want to say that I'm feeling better than I was in case it all comes back again as I'm not 100% yet but I'm wondering whether I'm going to be or not? Having never been pregnant before I have no idea whether what I'm feeling could be pregnancy related?!
Last night I was very restless. I decided to go to Tescos for a shop at 10.30pm. Steve didn't think it was a good idea but we had no food in, and should I have gone into labour I'd have been stressing about what we'd eat once home, so I've stocked up on ready pasta and sauces which Steve should be able to manage. I'd hope at least. I have told him he'll be responsible for feeding me healthily!
Wandering around the aisles in the quiet was relaxing, but I began to feel horribly nauseous, like when I was being driven to Wales so I came home again and ate an ice lolly. At midnight. Random I know. I should have bought more ice lollies as we're all out now and I've enjoyed munching on them with a sore throat, very cooling and soothing!
Ooh, I also bought some raspberry leaf tea. It's looking at me from the kitchen. I know I said I wouldn't try to mess with nature, but does tea count as messing? I'm not planning on drinking any until Saturday but my friend Kelly had two cups when she was due and her little boy came the next day. It'd be great if I could drink two cups on Saturday and baby arrive on his due date. Hmmm. I am dubious though, apparently it's meant to build up in your system so two cups the day before may not do any good. Steve is against me trying anything until after tomorrow as he has a busy day and doesn't want me to go into labour until it suits his diary. I'm of a mind to try and deliberately go into labour tomorrow (and I would drink the tea today if it weren't for going to Tracy's wedding on Saturday) just to see what he'd do.
I'm thinking I may book in for a manicure on Friday though. Remembering how nice my nails looked on my wedding photos I was glad of the manicure and I guess photo's will be taken of baby so nice hands would be a bonus.
And todays plans - go through wardrobe to see if swimwear fits at all in case of water birth (not sure where I've stowed my bikinis) and pop in to Mum and Dad's for lunch to say hi. Nice and easy day!
In all honesty, I'm not sure! I still have a bit of a sore throat, I'm still a bit sleepy despite a better night's sleep, and my throat glands still feel a bit puffy and I'm still hoarse. But I'm not feeling dreadful.
I don't want to say that I'm feeling better than I was in case it all comes back again as I'm not 100% yet but I'm wondering whether I'm going to be or not? Having never been pregnant before I have no idea whether what I'm feeling could be pregnancy related?!
Last night I was very restless. I decided to go to Tescos for a shop at 10.30pm. Steve didn't think it was a good idea but we had no food in, and should I have gone into labour I'd have been stressing about what we'd eat once home, so I've stocked up on ready pasta and sauces which Steve should be able to manage. I'd hope at least. I have told him he'll be responsible for feeding me healthily!
Wandering around the aisles in the quiet was relaxing, but I began to feel horribly nauseous, like when I was being driven to Wales so I came home again and ate an ice lolly. At midnight. Random I know. I should have bought more ice lollies as we're all out now and I've enjoyed munching on them with a sore throat, very cooling and soothing!
Ooh, I also bought some raspberry leaf tea. It's looking at me from the kitchen. I know I said I wouldn't try to mess with nature, but does tea count as messing? I'm not planning on drinking any until Saturday but my friend Kelly had two cups when she was due and her little boy came the next day. It'd be great if I could drink two cups on Saturday and baby arrive on his due date. Hmmm. I am dubious though, apparently it's meant to build up in your system so two cups the day before may not do any good. Steve is against me trying anything until after tomorrow as he has a busy day and doesn't want me to go into labour until it suits his diary. I'm of a mind to try and deliberately go into labour tomorrow (and I would drink the tea today if it weren't for going to Tracy's wedding on Saturday) just to see what he'd do.
I'm thinking I may book in for a manicure on Friday though. Remembering how nice my nails looked on my wedding photos I was glad of the manicure and I guess photo's will be taken of baby so nice hands would be a bonus.
And todays plans - go through wardrobe to see if swimwear fits at all in case of water birth (not sure where I've stowed my bikinis) and pop in to Mum and Dad's for lunch to say hi. Nice and easy day!
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
Feeling Large Today
I had another bad night sleep last night. I don't know why my throat tickles and makes me cough at night! I got up about 5am and dozed on the sofa and when Steve got up to go out, went back to bed and slept solidly until 11.30am. Maybe I'm allergic to him?! I hope not!
Anyway, I'm feeling HUGE today. I have quite the achey bump from the coughing, it's even feeling a bit in the way for typing this. There's really not a lot of room in there at all, and my appetite is swiftly dwindling. I'm trying to keep drinking lots of water and juice though but it's filling me up! Plus, I'm a bit breathless again, maybe baby's come up out of my pelvis and turned around or something.
I have been out with Steve and Izzy, we drove up to the castle, and Steve threw the ball for Izzy whilst I sat and watched and laughed so it was nice to be out and about but this afternoon I have sat and rested as I don't feel up to much else. Lethargy does indeed induce lethargy. I ought to start laying out clothes for my hospital bag as I took some clothing items out after deciding I ought to be wearing them a bit more whilst I can! I just am not feeling as though I want to do anything this week :(
I don't know, it just doesn't feel as though I'm due to give birth in 5 days time. Am I being too silly by not getting stressed? I don't know. It just doesn't feel real! That's surely a bad sign from me! Swimming pool, deep end, feet first. Hmm.
Anyway, I'm feeling HUGE today. I have quite the achey bump from the coughing, it's even feeling a bit in the way for typing this. There's really not a lot of room in there at all, and my appetite is swiftly dwindling. I'm trying to keep drinking lots of water and juice though but it's filling me up! Plus, I'm a bit breathless again, maybe baby's come up out of my pelvis and turned around or something.
I have been out with Steve and Izzy, we drove up to the castle, and Steve threw the ball for Izzy whilst I sat and watched and laughed so it was nice to be out and about but this afternoon I have sat and rested as I don't feel up to much else. Lethargy does indeed induce lethargy. I ought to start laying out clothes for my hospital bag as I took some clothing items out after deciding I ought to be wearing them a bit more whilst I can! I just am not feeling as though I want to do anything this week :(
I don't know, it just doesn't feel as though I'm due to give birth in 5 days time. Am I being too silly by not getting stressed? I don't know. It just doesn't feel real! That's surely a bad sign from me! Swimming pool, deep end, feet first. Hmm.
Monday, 4 April 2011
I got into the Doctor's and have been prescribed some new antibiotics as he thinks my infection has got into my sinuses thus causing the extra mucus! So sinusitis it is :( I've suffered with various ear, nose and throat bugs for years and I presume baby is taking all my immunity away!!
At least I might be getting better sooner! To be honest, it does feel that it's been getting a bit better, I've not been coughing so much today and my throat isn't so sore but we'll see how it goes at night as it's lying down and trying to sleep that's been exacerbating me. My voice is a bit less husky but that could because I've not been talking much this afternoon except to the dog!!
Maybe the end of this lurgy is now in sight!! Light at the end of the tunnel! I do hope so. I just want to start getting excited and prepared to think about labour and bringing baby home.
At least I might be getting better sooner! To be honest, it does feel that it's been getting a bit better, I've not been coughing so much today and my throat isn't so sore but we'll see how it goes at night as it's lying down and trying to sleep that's been exacerbating me. My voice is a bit less husky but that could because I've not been talking much this afternoon except to the dog!!
Maybe the end of this lurgy is now in sight!! Light at the end of the tunnel! I do hope so. I just want to start getting excited and prepared to think about labour and bringing baby home.
09.00am - TMI warning....
Urgh. Woke up earlier and had some cereal and a cup of tea and my head felt really, really full of cold symptoms.
I really hope no one is eating at this precise moment and reading as this may gross you out completely.
I had to go and blow my nose and I went to the bathroom, and blew and blew and blew. Where all the stuff was coming from I have no idea. My head began to feel lighter! Then, I felt something larger making it's way from what felt like my inner ear along my right sinus and down my throat. I began to gag and retch and cough. My eyes were watering and reached in my throat with a tissue and pulled.
Oh my word. I've never known anything like it. There was even blood in it.
I think I can safely say that I have an infection going on in a sinus somewhere as well as my throat. In fact, I'm wondering whether the Doctor from Thursday got the medication or diagnosis right.
I know pregnant women have nasal and sinus issues and I'm wondering if mine have got out of hand. How that would explain my loss of voice I'm not sure. I'm still incredibly husky today!! Yesterday Steve and I settled down to watch 'Date Night' on DVD for the afternoon which was lovely, but it made me laugh so I was wheezing away giggling at the film antics so that probably didn't help!!
So, 39+1 weeks pregnant, no voice, sore throat and cough and now mucus issues. (Not forgetting the pile of course, how could we!!) Am I fed up of being pregnant? No, not at all. I'm worried about the effect on the baby of course, all this coughing and retching has made my tummy muscles sore, and I think I've been masking the effects of infection with paracetamol as when I don't take it, my temperature comes back and I don't want to be reliant on paracetamol for another week, that can't be good for baby.
I just want to be well so when we welcome baby into the world, I can be the best Mum I can be. I don't want to be ill and not able to care for him properly.
So lets see if I can get an emergency appointment for this afternoon. I have to ring after 11.00am but Steve may have to if I can't talk on the phone! This all seems so ridiculous. I wish I knew someone else who'd been this way the week before a due date too!! :)
I really hope no one is eating at this precise moment and reading as this may gross you out completely.
I had to go and blow my nose and I went to the bathroom, and blew and blew and blew. Where all the stuff was coming from I have no idea. My head began to feel lighter! Then, I felt something larger making it's way from what felt like my inner ear along my right sinus and down my throat. I began to gag and retch and cough. My eyes were watering and reached in my throat with a tissue and pulled.
Oh my word. I've never known anything like it. There was even blood in it.
I think I can safely say that I have an infection going on in a sinus somewhere as well as my throat. In fact, I'm wondering whether the Doctor from Thursday got the medication or diagnosis right.
I know pregnant women have nasal and sinus issues and I'm wondering if mine have got out of hand. How that would explain my loss of voice I'm not sure. I'm still incredibly husky today!! Yesterday Steve and I settled down to watch 'Date Night' on DVD for the afternoon which was lovely, but it made me laugh so I was wheezing away giggling at the film antics so that probably didn't help!!
So, 39+1 weeks pregnant, no voice, sore throat and cough and now mucus issues. (Not forgetting the pile of course, how could we!!) Am I fed up of being pregnant? No, not at all. I'm worried about the effect on the baby of course, all this coughing and retching has made my tummy muscles sore, and I think I've been masking the effects of infection with paracetamol as when I don't take it, my temperature comes back and I don't want to be reliant on paracetamol for another week, that can't be good for baby.
I just want to be well so when we welcome baby into the world, I can be the best Mum I can be. I don't want to be ill and not able to care for him properly.
So lets see if I can get an emergency appointment for this afternoon. I have to ring after 11.00am but Steve may have to if I can't talk on the phone! This all seems so ridiculous. I wish I knew someone else who'd been this way the week before a due date too!! :)
It's 2.00am and I seem to have woken up. I was lying in bed feeling my throat just being 'sore' and decided to try a hot lemon and honey to see if it would soothe it. I'm not sure it will. But I'm giving it a go. It'll have been nearly seven days of sore throat tomorrow. I wish I knew if these anti-biotics were actually doing something. I suppose I'm not coughing as much, and it's the cough that caused the sore throat and if that goes, it figures the sore throat will follow on and I'll be better?
I just want to feel well again! And have my voice back. I'm getting ever so husky the more I talk during the day.
I have no plans for the coming week so tomorrow I shall have a quiet, restful day and see how things go and if I'm still suffering on Tuesday I shall go back to the doctors as a whole week of sore throat is getting silly. And I shall make a stand!
I just want to feel well again! And have my voice back. I'm getting ever so husky the more I talk during the day.
I have no plans for the coming week so tomorrow I shall have a quiet, restful day and see how things go and if I'm still suffering on Tuesday I shall go back to the doctors as a whole week of sore throat is getting silly. And I shall make a stand!
Sunday, 3 April 2011
39 Weeks!!!!
How far along: 39 Weeks. My word!
Total Weight Gained: Unknown!! Probably around 3 stones in total. I'm not liking to think.
Maternity Clothes: Indeed. Although my dressing gown isn't which is sort of gappy around my middle as I type this now!
Stretch Marks: Same as last week. Just 'there' and not itching anymore either.
Sleep: Well, this last week has bee dreadful for sleep but that's down to me being ill rather than pregnant I think. Last night though, I feel I've turned a corner as I slept through FOUR hours and almost felt rested at 7.30!!
Best Moment of the Week: Well, I felt good on Monday and went swimming and that's where I'm assuming it all went wrong as Tuesday onwards I felt rotten, Wednesday being the worst, seeing the doctor on Thursday, Friday wasn't even aware it existed and Saturday cried on the phone to my Mum because I couldn't bear being so poorly!! Although I did make it to Dad's retirement party on Wednesday evening and it was wonderful to see how moved all his collegues were that he was leaving them. All the women were sobbing into their tissues!!
Movement: I feel him moving about a lot so I think he's not been affected by this lurgy at all.
Gender: He's a baby BOY!!!
Belly Button: It's been flat for most of this week.
Milestones: I officially have one week until the due date which seems nothing at all now. Anything can happen but I don't feel any different. I just want to be better from this infection and feel as though I can cope with a natural labour without headaches and illness!
Total Weight Gained: Unknown!! Probably around 3 stones in total. I'm not liking to think.
Maternity Clothes: Indeed. Although my dressing gown isn't which is sort of gappy around my middle as I type this now!
Stretch Marks: Same as last week. Just 'there' and not itching anymore either.
Sleep: Well, this last week has bee dreadful for sleep but that's down to me being ill rather than pregnant I think. Last night though, I feel I've turned a corner as I slept through FOUR hours and almost felt rested at 7.30!!
Best Moment of the Week: Well, I felt good on Monday and went swimming and that's where I'm assuming it all went wrong as Tuesday onwards I felt rotten, Wednesday being the worst, seeing the doctor on Thursday, Friday wasn't even aware it existed and Saturday cried on the phone to my Mum because I couldn't bear being so poorly!! Although I did make it to Dad's retirement party on Wednesday evening and it was wonderful to see how moved all his collegues were that he was leaving them. All the women were sobbing into their tissues!!
Movement: I feel him moving about a lot so I think he's not been affected by this lurgy at all.
Gender: He's a baby BOY!!!
Belly Button: It's been flat for most of this week.
Milestones: I officially have one week until the due date which seems nothing at all now. Anything can happen but I don't feel any different. I just want to be better from this infection and feel as though I can cope with a natural labour without headaches and illness!
Saturday, 2 April 2011
Well, I'm 39 weeks tomorrow. Baby is showing no signs of wanting to exit as yet, but to be honest, I don't mind. With him safe inside life can go on being as normal for the time being, plus, until I'm feeling better the thought of labour is worse to be honest! I know I only came down with this bug on Tuesday, but it's getting me down now :(
Today I have bunged sinuses and a runny nose, a dry cough and again I didn't sleep terribly well, but I think I may be feeling slightly better than yesterday. Slightly!
Oh yes, and just to make me feel worse I think I have a pile. Sorry for the over information. It's something I've never wanted and have done everything I can to avoid but it seems the extra pressure of a dropping baby into one's pelvis and incessant coughing from stupid lurgy = inavoidable pile.
Ironically, I really thought it would upset me but I think I've just come to the point where I feel life can throw anything awful at me such as lurgies, thrush and piles during the 38th week of pregnancy and I'm too tired and fed up of feeling bleurgh to care at the moment.
I was lying in bed last night next to my empty moses basket and I am excited about having baby in it. It just still feels so far away!! I guess I'm slightly in denial about the next stage or something! On the Babycentre forum there are women trying all manner of weird things to try and get their babies out early. Surely they'll come when they're good and ready. There's no point risking your or their health because we're uncomfortable! One women was saying about taking castor oil which pharmacists won't sell to a pregnant woman because it clears out your system which can activate labour but also distress your baby which just isn't worth it in my opinion.
I was also sitting in my nursery thinking how marvellous it all looks! I bought some little baskets to sort the vests out with for the wardrobe so feel better now that's all done, and my Dad popped by yesterday and he thinks the gliding chair is brilliant! It really is so very comfortable. It's nice to think the room is large enough so if folk are around and I need to feed him, I can take myself and baby away and enjoy sitting in the chair in the nursery in peace and quiet whilst Steve looks after visitors downstairs.
I think we're going to have to set some visiting rules as well at some point. It's all a bit new but I've heard sleeping babies should be left in their baskets to sleep and not be woken up, so I guess that seems sensible. If people knock on the door and I don't feel up to visitors I won't answer the door, and it'd be nice if people could just come for a short visit to start with in twos, and I'm worried that I'll feel overwhelmed with lots of people at once.
Just been googling and found this advice which seems useful:
Today I have bunged sinuses and a runny nose, a dry cough and again I didn't sleep terribly well, but I think I may be feeling slightly better than yesterday. Slightly!
Oh yes, and just to make me feel worse I think I have a pile. Sorry for the over information. It's something I've never wanted and have done everything I can to avoid but it seems the extra pressure of a dropping baby into one's pelvis and incessant coughing from stupid lurgy = inavoidable pile.
Ironically, I really thought it would upset me but I think I've just come to the point where I feel life can throw anything awful at me such as lurgies, thrush and piles during the 38th week of pregnancy and I'm too tired and fed up of feeling bleurgh to care at the moment.
I was lying in bed last night next to my empty moses basket and I am excited about having baby in it. It just still feels so far away!! I guess I'm slightly in denial about the next stage or something! On the Babycentre forum there are women trying all manner of weird things to try and get their babies out early. Surely they'll come when they're good and ready. There's no point risking your or their health because we're uncomfortable! One women was saying about taking castor oil which pharmacists won't sell to a pregnant woman because it clears out your system which can activate labour but also distress your baby which just isn't worth it in my opinion.
I was also sitting in my nursery thinking how marvellous it all looks! I bought some little baskets to sort the vests out with for the wardrobe so feel better now that's all done, and my Dad popped by yesterday and he thinks the gliding chair is brilliant! It really is so very comfortable. It's nice to think the room is large enough so if folk are around and I need to feed him, I can take myself and baby away and enjoy sitting in the chair in the nursery in peace and quiet whilst Steve looks after visitors downstairs.
I think we're going to have to set some visiting rules as well at some point. It's all a bit new but I've heard sleeping babies should be left in their baskets to sleep and not be woken up, so I guess that seems sensible. If people knock on the door and I don't feel up to visitors I won't answer the door, and it'd be nice if people could just come for a short visit to start with in twos, and I'm worried that I'll feel overwhelmed with lots of people at once.
Just been googling and found this advice which seems useful:
Etiquette For Visiting a Newborn Baby: When & How
Baby is Born
So... that long awaited baby has finally arrived - but what is the social etiquette when it comes to visiting, how do you behave and what do you do?
Of course it can vary depending on your relationship to the parents - if you're best friends they might be happier with a more casual visiting schedule. However if you're only work colleagues, chances are the new parents prefer you to ring ahead or give them plenty of time alone with their new bundle of job.
If you want to know what gift to take along to visit the new baby, you can visit this page to find out more.
This is a basic guide of the DO'S and DO NOT'S when it comes to visiting a newborn baby and parents.
Of course it can vary depending on your relationship to the parents - if you're best friends they might be happier with a more casual visiting schedule. However if you're only work colleagues, chances are the new parents prefer you to ring ahead or give them plenty of time alone with their new bundle of job.
If you want to know what gift to take along to visit the new baby, you can visit this page to find out more.
This is a basic guide of the DO'S and DO NOT'S when it comes to visiting a newborn baby and parents.

- Phone ahead - Make sure you phone ahead to find out if the family will be home, that there aren't other visitors expected and that they won't be in the middle of lunch or dinner.
- Time your visit - Try and keep your visit around half an hour.
- Offer to help - Offer to do something simple even if it's just hanging out a load of washing or doing dishes.
- Take a suitable gift - See my guide on picking the perfect baby present.
- Watch for signals - If baby starts fussing or mum and dad start appearing shifty or yawn, it's probably time to go.
- Visit in hospital - Unless you are a close relative, the parents would probably prefer private time with their newborn. About a week after birth is a reasonable time to consider visiting. Think about how you feel in hospital - and remember that not only are the parents in a strange environment they've only had hours to adjust to their new arrival.
- Offer unsolicited advice - The parents will already have heard more advice on every topic than they can remember. If they ask a specific question, feel free to answer but don't turn it into a long discussion. Remember - even if you've had five kids, all babies are different!
- Tell new parents what they're doing wrong - new parents are already stressed and confused. If you tell them they're doing something wrong, chances are that the lack of sleep and stress will make them get their back up. If you see something that is of major consequence, be very gentle about how you approach the subject.
- Monopolise baby - It's fine to hold baby - it may even be appreciated if the parents have things to do, but remember that new mums can be very jumpy around their firstborns. If baby gets upset, it's probably best to hand her back to a parent.
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