Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Expecting Ante-Natal Class 3

I've really been enjoying these classes.  I've found them really informative and reassuring really, but last night's was on coping methods with birth and focused quite a lot on the birth partner.  I was glad about this as Steve can be rather fatuous about the whole thing, and we got split into boy and girl groups to discuss what they should and shouldn't do.    So now Steve knows it all, at least in theory so it'll be interesting to see whether he puts it into practise or not! 

Us girls all agreed we didn't want the guys playing games on their phones, watching tv shows or doing anything on their phones unless we'd specifically said 'text so and so' and it was nice to feel it wasn't just me being resentful of the i-phone.

I'd misplaced my phone before going out and although I'd looked around the house I began to worry that it'd been left in the car, or fallen out in the street.  Steve and I did a thorough search, even driving back to Stafford Castle where I'd walked Izzy earlier in the day to see whether it was around the car park there, but it wasn't.  He said that because it rang when called, it hadn't likely been found as someone intending to keep it would probably have taken the sim out.

Anyway, we went to bed and I couldn't sleep at all.  My bump kept tightening, not in a painful way, but enough to make me uncomfortable - were these the infamous Braxton Hicks?  I'm not sure as they didn't feel like period pains, but I tried to practise breathing anyway just in case.  I got up at two and had another potter around to sort my joints out and have another rekke round the house for my phone when I suddenly thought about the load of cardboard recycling that Steve had taken out to the bins before dinner.

I'd assembled the nursery chair and the box it came in was huge and Steve had put it in the lounge and piled other boxes for sorting on top of it.  It was entirely feasible that I had left my phone on this large box, it had been covered by smaller boxes and Steve had dropped the whole lot off in the bins.

So at 5.45am when Steve got up for his breakfast meeting, I mentioned this thought to him and he said he'd take a look before driving up to the Beacon.  Then the house phone rang and it was Steve to say he was at the Beacon, he'd been in the bin down the alley, and he'd found my phone!  I was right!!  It had been in the bin all night :)  and at 7.15am the bin men came along so it was a good job he'd taken the time to find it first thing else it'd be gone and crushed by now!!

I stayed in bed this morning till about 11.00am as I was so tired and my body feels very weary and achey today.  I had a quick bath which helped and then we had to meet the woman who's drafted our wills to sign them.  Yep, we now have wills which means we're all grown up.  I don't know, it's Steve's thing as he's self employed and baby is on the way it seemed a sensible thing to do I guess.

And now I'm home and may finish reading my book, I have a couple to get through, 'Breaking Dawn' from the Twilight series although I've now recalled how angsty they all are but I've nearly got through it, and one about a Duchess which I just picked up whilst in Tesco for something to do!

Off to a funeral tomorrow for my mum's cousin's husband, and to see Great Aunty Joan and next week we're venturing all the way to Wales!  Fun stuff!  It's nice having just one thing a day to do!!

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