Sunday, 13 March 2011

36 Weeks

How far along: 36 Weeks

Total Weight Gained: I've not weighed myself again since last week but I reckon it'll be about 3 stones overall so am not going to linger on it!!  As long as I can fit in size 12 (albeit maternity) jeans I don't mind so much.  What I do mind more is my face has rounded out a lot these past couple of weeks :( so I feel that makes me look chubby.

Maternity Clothes:  Yes, maternity clothes are all that fit now.  Except for pants, they're still my normal ones (under bump!) I couldn't face the maternity knickers that look like sails for boats!!

Stretch Marks:  Still the under bump ones, but I'm guessing that baby is having a last minute growth spurt as they're sort of reaching over and around the tummy button now and so very itchy it's driving me crazy.  I'm having to apply lotions and potions numerous times a day and I've even got a bottle of aloe gel in the fridge for when things get too much.  That's not fabulous though as it's a bit sticky but it's soothing.

Sleep:  Last night was the worst night for ages.  I couldn't get to sleep for ages, and then I was up FOUR times!  That seems very excessive.  But it doesn't really matter as I can nap in the day when I like now!!  It's just getting up and resetting all my joints is a bit painful but I'm ok once up.

Best Moment of the Week:  Erm, well, it's been a very quiet week.  I have enjoyed napping every afternoon, and properly relaxing!!

Movement:   Some days he's jumping around in there like crazy and there's hands and feet poking out in all directions but other days he can be a bit restful and I know babies sleep in there too, but it's stressful trying to remember the last time you felt him move and if it's been a while!  Most of the time he's sort of pushing about, probably just trying to make some room and make my stretch marks worse!!

Gender: He's a baby BOY!!!

Belly Button:  It's been flat this week.

Milestones:  Four weeks to go till 10th April, and I have my 36 week midwife appointment on Tuesday where we have to go through my birth plan!  Fun stuff!!

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