Monday, 21 March 2011

10 Things Husbands Shouldn't Say

1 - Whoa!  The bed really sinks when you get in it now!

2 - You don't look fat.  It's only because you're pregnant.

3 - Dave is a valid name choice.

4 - Can you make me a drink?

5 - I've done the washing up for you.

6 - You're so much better at mornings than me, so maybe you should deal with after 6am baby cries.

7 - Why does the baby need new furniture?

8 - Your stretch marks look red today.

9 - So, will your body go back to normal afterwards soon or does it take a while?

10 - I've found this pregnancy so difficult, coping with your hormones.

And all uttered at some stage by my dear husband!!

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