Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Midwife at 34 Weeks

I had my 34 week appointment today.  It was the first one of the day so there was no waiting for me this time!

I mentioned my episodes of breathlessness and pounding heart which she said could be signs of a slight iron deficinancy so I've been prescribed iron tablets which I'm worried will have the common side effect and affect me in other ways so I'm eating fruit and drinking water like mad!!  I'm still on bran cereals as well as a precautionary measure (sorry to be graphic!) but the thought of what could happen is a bit nasty and I'd like to avoid that as best I can!

We then listened to the heart beat, going strong and well, and she felt the baby to say he was head down and had a very firm bottom!!  Apparently some babies have squishy bottoms but mine has a firm bottom which could be mistaken for a head!!  He was moving around nicely for her as well, so no issues there at all!

It was a nice quick appointment and from this point they go to every two weeks.  The 36 one will be at home in a fortnight, and back to the Doctor's for the 38 week appointment (provided baby hasn't made an early appearence of course!!)

Then as Steve had the car at a meeting (I'd walked to the Dr's from home first thing) I thought I'd try and catch the bus to work as there was one that went directly to the Uni.  So off I trotted and missed it by one minute!  There was one at 9.00am and the next one wasn't until 9.40am so I wasn't prepared to sit and wait for 40 minutes so caught the next one which went as far as the hospital, and then was a bit silly and walked the rest of the way.  And I suffered with back pain for the rest of the morning :(  Standing up from my chair caused some very painful twinges so I was glad to finish at lunchtime for another ante-natal class.

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