Every Tuesday evening throughout March Steve and I are booked onto some private ante-natal classes. We had been recommended these by friends from Church and have to say, the first one was really good and informative.
It's limited to six couples so its the same faces every week, and we knew one other couple from Chucrh when we got there which was nice.
We covered a lot of material in the two hour session, but it was useful with practical tips so here's the points that stuck with me:
Latent Phase of Labour:
This can last hours, days or even weeks.
We can help our labour along by moving our pelvis - we were shown exercises like going up stairs sideways or walking on foot on a kerb and one foot in the street!! Just to get the pelvis wobbling.
Baths will help will pain relief.
When you're told to take a couple of paracetamol and to rest, it's not always solely for pain relief, it's to help keep your temperature down which can be raised during labour!
A bagel was used as a visual aid as to the cervix!! The inside hole being approximatley the 3cm dilation and the diameter edge being 10cm and the cervix sort of bunches up to squish into a bit of a bagel shape so it's not only dilation to worry about, the bunching up has to happen too.
Every contraction helps and goes towards contracting the uterus so even if it feels like nothing is happening, it's all working to the end.
We're looking forward to next weeks session :)
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