Sunday, 27 March 2011

38 Weeks

How far along:  38 Weeks - oy vay!  Very much feeling it now!!

Total Weight Gained:  Unknown!!

Maternity Clothes:  Most days.  I did wear a large top last night to go out for dinner in that wasn't maternity though!!

Stretch Marks:  Still haven't moved higher than last week which is good.  Seem to be calmer this past week which I'm putting down to looser clothing and therefore not so irritated.

Sleep:  Um, honestly, sleep isn't great at the moment.  I'm very very achey all over, pelvis, hips, and now my hands and fingers and elbows are really bothering me.  My right arm is getting very pins and needley during the night so I'm resting but not necessarily sleeping, but still, it's not the end of the world as I can nap in the day.

Best Moment of the Week:  This past week has been lovely.  We've had beautiful sunshine and I've really felt organised and sorted.  I enjoyed my visit to Wales and sorting through baby clothes and I feel as though the nursery is all done now as well!  I'm often found sitting in my glider chair next to the empty cot, just rocking and waiting!!

Movement:   I feel him squirming about lots so that's reassuring.  I'm hoping he stays in a good position to come out.  I'm trying not to recline too much on the sofa and lean forward but the birthing ball hasn't really come into it's own as yet!!

Gender: He's a baby BOY!!!

Belly Button:  It's been flat for most of this week but the other day he was kicking out just behind it so it poked out for a couple of hours before going back again!

Milestones:  Two weeks until the due date.  My actual maternity leave commences tomorrow as opposed to annual leave from work (although it's been lovely to have three extra fully paid weeks off doing nothing!).  He'll most definitely be here within four weeks.  Hopefully sooner rather than later, I am looking rather puffy now, especially my hands :( and I don't recognise my feet anymore.

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