I had my meeting with work this morning and pretty much, the answer to my flexible working request is a big, fat, resounding 'no' and I'm not terribly happy with it.
I cannot imagine going back to work full time. Joel needs me and I want to be there for him, and my job is far too much full time to do and be a good mum (in my opinion) and the hours will be too much, and lack of holiday flexibility won't work for us either.
I'm rather gutted, but think I have decided to take my full year of maternity leave after all and have extra time to decide what to do long term and see what comes up within the University over the next weeks.
The other sore point is that the nursery can only take Joel on a Friday so that would leave four days over, which I can't cover, and don't want to just assume my parents will sort it, as they're retired now, and are incredibly busy and I think 4 days a week is too much to ask of them! Plus my sister is due a baby in March, and with my other sister with twins in Wales, they're going to be extra busy jetting all over the country to get round all the grandchildren.
Arrrghghhgh. I'm sure something will turn up for the good, but any prayers would be welcomed. Something will come of this I'm sure. As it was said in 'The Sound of Music', "when the Lord closes a door, somewhere he opens a window".
Monday, 31 October 2011
Friday, 28 October 2011
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
Buggy Bits
A lot of what you buy for a baby isn't always that great. There's a lot on the market that is just for gullible folk to take their money (and hands up, that's me!) But I have to say these two buggy bits have been a great buy.
I knew that parasols were pretty and also fathy as you try and deduce which angle the sun will come in at so this sun shield cover has been brilliant! It means Joel doesn't lose visibility of the world passing by but it keeps bright sun out of his eyes! I just wish I'd got this earlier in the summer rather than using a muslin to shield him!
The other useful bit is my buggy tidy which is a hanging hold all to put things in you need readile, like tissues, lip balm, a door key! And it holds two bottles to keep a drink handy!
Other great purchases have been his Lamaze toys, Freddie was the favourite until the Knot arrived! And Sophie La Giraffe is new but he's loving grawing his sore gums on her legs.
Sleeping bags have been ace, he's a wiggling blanket kicker offer so I know he'll stay snug and warm in that, and I have the Gro-thermometer which let's me know at a glance how warm the room is. Granted the red warning colour stresses me but I still think it's great.
There's more but my thumbs are aching from my blackberry!
Sent from my BlackBerry smartphone from Virgin Media
I knew that parasols were pretty and also fathy as you try and deduce which angle the sun will come in at so this sun shield cover has been brilliant! It means Joel doesn't lose visibility of the world passing by but it keeps bright sun out of his eyes! I just wish I'd got this earlier in the summer rather than using a muslin to shield him!
The other useful bit is my buggy tidy which is a hanging hold all to put things in you need readile, like tissues, lip balm, a door key! And it holds two bottles to keep a drink handy!
Other great purchases have been his Lamaze toys, Freddie was the favourite until the Knot arrived! And Sophie La Giraffe is new but he's loving grawing his sore gums on her legs.
Sleeping bags have been ace, he's a wiggling blanket kicker offer so I know he'll stay snug and warm in that, and I have the Gro-thermometer which let's me know at a glance how warm the room is. Granted the red warning colour stresses me but I still think it's great.
There's more but my thumbs are aching from my blackberry!
Sent from my BlackBerry smartphone from Virgin Media
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Likes and Dislikes
Joel likes:
Eggy Bread
Baby Biscotti
Rice Cakes
Cod and Spinach
Lentils and Tomato
Cod and Butternut Squash
Chicken and Parsnip
Baby Beef Casserole
Water from a cup
Joel is not too sure about:
Joel does not like:
Eggy Bread
Baby Biscotti
Rice Cakes
Cod and Spinach
Lentils and Tomato
Cod and Butternut Squash
Chicken and Parsnip
Baby Beef Casserole
Water from a cup
Joel is not too sure about:
Joel does not like:
Wee Willie Winkie
You know boys and their toys!
I'm aware all boys *cough *men*cough* have this thing about their privates. They like to know they've not magically disappeared and therefore have to keep checking every so often to ensure they're right where they left them.
I just didn't realise it began so early!
Joel is 6 months old and every nappy change has become a battle between who gets to clean the poop up, and getting the new nappy on. I've tried distraction and thrust a toy into his hands to preoccupy him whilst I'm trying to hurridly clean around his bits because sure enough, his little hand comes creeping down to play there and if I'm not quick enough, what should be a simple job gets a lot more complicated!
Nappy off time isn't so much air the bottom time now as, well you know. And don't get me started on bath time. What is it about boys and their bits? I guess I'll never know!
I'm aware all boys *cough *men*cough* have this thing about their privates. They like to know they've not magically disappeared and therefore have to keep checking every so often to ensure they're right where they left them.
I just didn't realise it began so early!
Joel is 6 months old and every nappy change has become a battle between who gets to clean the poop up, and getting the new nappy on. I've tried distraction and thrust a toy into his hands to preoccupy him whilst I'm trying to hurridly clean around his bits because sure enough, his little hand comes creeping down to play there and if I'm not quick enough, what should be a simple job gets a lot more complicated!
Nappy off time isn't so much air the bottom time now as, well you know. And don't get me started on bath time. What is it about boys and their bits? I guess I'll never know!
Monday, 24 October 2011
Sunday, 23 October 2011
Happy Boy
Steve has taken a few more pictures this weekend and here's the results! Our happy boy is completely adorable!!
Feeding The Ducks
We went to the park yesterday and it was lovely. The sun shone and there were ducks and cygnets wanting bread and Joel ate the bread that was meant to be thrown!!
Food Glorious Food
After the teething issues of last week which made Joel not want much food, this weekend he's really come back to being a hungry little man.
It's got me wondering about food quantities. He's having 1-1/2 cubes of puree (and they're the Annabel Karmel ones which was bigger than a normal ice cube tray) and then having some savoury finger foods, then having a fruit puree or yoghurt, then having a rice cake or biscuit or fruit fingers.
Having just read that, it sounds like a lot, and I guess he'd stop when he was full? He sometimes gives up on the rice cake!!
Finger foods seem to be working really well for him. We started with some steamed carrot fingers and apple slices and not a lot seemed to be going in, more on the floor around him, but having mastered the art of toast, nothing stops or phases him now! We've had more carrots, green beans, brocolli florets, various corn snacks for babies, steamed fruit pieces, small fingers of mild cheddar (he loves cheese!) bread fingers, tortilla wraps, cucumber, dried apricots (not too keen on these yet) and eggy bread and he's tackled them all head on and it seems to be eaten rather than discarded.
I guess he's getting enough food, and he's still on about 4 milk feeds a day from me although he loves water after his meals! Whether it's the novelty of something to drink that isn't milk, and isn't from me I'm not sure but I just have to say 'water?' and his head snaps round and his eyes widen and his mouth opens ready for the cup!! He can't yet grasp the concept of sipping so he tips it all over himself but he seems to enjoy the process!
I'm going to give him some pasta pieces for his dinner as the finger food and maybe just a vegetable puree for his tea (he had beef casserole for lunch) and he can have some steamed apple for pudding. Since finger foods seem more popular, I'll let him lead where he's at for now!
It's got me wondering about food quantities. He's having 1-1/2 cubes of puree (and they're the Annabel Karmel ones which was bigger than a normal ice cube tray) and then having some savoury finger foods, then having a fruit puree or yoghurt, then having a rice cake or biscuit or fruit fingers.
Having just read that, it sounds like a lot, and I guess he'd stop when he was full? He sometimes gives up on the rice cake!!
Finger foods seem to be working really well for him. We started with some steamed carrot fingers and apple slices and not a lot seemed to be going in, more on the floor around him, but having mastered the art of toast, nothing stops or phases him now! We've had more carrots, green beans, brocolli florets, various corn snacks for babies, steamed fruit pieces, small fingers of mild cheddar (he loves cheese!) bread fingers, tortilla wraps, cucumber, dried apricots (not too keen on these yet) and eggy bread and he's tackled them all head on and it seems to be eaten rather than discarded.
I guess he's getting enough food, and he's still on about 4 milk feeds a day from me although he loves water after his meals! Whether it's the novelty of something to drink that isn't milk, and isn't from me I'm not sure but I just have to say 'water?' and his head snaps round and his eyes widen and his mouth opens ready for the cup!! He can't yet grasp the concept of sipping so he tips it all over himself but he seems to enjoy the process!
I'm going to give him some pasta pieces for his dinner as the finger food and maybe just a vegetable puree for his tea (he had beef casserole for lunch) and he can have some steamed apple for pudding. Since finger foods seem more popular, I'll let him lead where he's at for now!
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Of a morning, when Joel has gobbled his porridge up faster than you can say 'porridge' he likes to spend a bit of time munching on toast with unsalted butter! This morning he pretty much ate a whole slice ( minus crusts!) so I'm not sure where he was putting it!! Here's some pics:
Six Months Old
I can't believe this day is already here.
My baby boy is half a year old today!
He is able to sit up on his own for a little bit, but with his cushion sits and plays for a while before toppling forward! Toppling doesn't phase him, he just pushes forward so he's on his tummy and flips himself over to his back again, grinning as he likes it on his back!
He sits up in his high chair now for meals and is now on meat dishes as of this week, all of which are going down pretty well. He's enjoyed chicken and parsnip puree, spinach and cod puree and baby beef casserole puree (all from Annabel Karmel's weaning guide) but today's salmon and sweetcorn wasn't received as well! Whether that's because he's a bit off his food with his toothypegs or he just didn't like the taste I'm not sure but we'll try him on it again next week! He did eat his dinner of butternut squash and pasta, and he loves yoghurt now. I've been giving him full fat natural yoghurt with fruit puree in (today was pear) and he loves that!
His hair has grown lots on top and is a dark blonde whereas round the sides and back it's a very white blonde so how it's going to turn out I don't know! He's my stripey badger at the moment!! And his eyes! They are so unique, somedays blue/grey, somedays green and somedays gold!
He has two bottom front teeth trying to come through. His second one has also cut, but both are just sitting there and keeping him up in the night. I do hope they come through soon as they're really bothering him :( I am glad that he's got some teeth before his 6 months though!! Mind you, when he's feeding it's ok until he's full and then he just does a little chomping so I feel the bite and tap his nose to indicate he needs to not bite me!!
He loves playing 'this is the way the lady rides' on my knee and being jumped about. He loves the pirate song (when I was one I learnt to run) and doing the actions. He loves Izzy and watching her, and going out on walks where she gets to run and he leans forwards in his buggy to catch all her antics!
He has such a little personality, and is such a happy and content baby, and we're so blessed to have him.
And he's halfway to one year old! I'm going to have to start thinking about his first birthday party!! Hah!!
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Stye in my Eye
I know I'm overtired this week but now I have a stye in my eye from it which doesn't help as it's painful and stops me napping!! I've had to put hot water on cotton wool and hold it there which seems to be helping a bit.
These past few nights Joel has been up at 4,3, and 2am (in that order!) and doesn't go back to sleep without me lying with him in the spare bed and as he can't go under the duvet, we're both on it, him in his sleeping bag, me shivering under a cellular blanket and therefore not really sleeping at all!
I know it's his teeth troubling him, I wish these two that are pretty much there would just be out and let him be. He's off his food, he's grizzly and it's awful as there's not a lot I can do for him to make it all better.
I've got him some teething powders which do seem to help a little. They're just chamomile to relax and they seem to do the job, but he wanted to go to bed early tonight, and he's just woken an hour later with proper cries and sobs so it was calpol to the rescue. It took a little while to calm him down and he was clinging to me and didn't want to be put down poor thing. so we sat and rocked, and sang and cuddled until he was back to sleep and could be put into his cot and I guess the calpol took effect.
It's a shame as this week we're starting to introduce meat and fish to his diet and his dinner tonight was chicken and parnsip puree, and for the past three weeks he's loved his purees and cleared every bowl but this week he's been regressing to wanting breast milk again. Apart from breakfast as he loves his morning porridge and cereals!! But with interspersing spoons of pear puree he pretty much did manage most of his chicken meal and seemed to like the taste, it's just getting it in his mouth now he knows he can move his head from side to side very fast and keep his mouth firmly shut!! We're having lots of choo choo trains, and whizzing rockets and galloping horses aiming at his mouth at the moment! And the pirate song, he loves that one so after we've chanted 'this way that way, forwards and backwards' he usually grins and on the words' over the irish sea' the food goes in! and with five verses that's five big spoons that get to their goal!!
I have also made a beef casserole today for pureeing, but have used my slow cooker and the beef still seems a bit tough so I might leave it on overnight on low and see how it is tomorrow. I guess that'll be ok? The potatoes are still a bit firm too and since it'll be pureed to within an inch of it's life it needs to be pretty mushy!
Anyway, I am going to head to bed early and hopefully get a good few hours sleep and see whether the extra protein in Joel's diet keeps him feeling full and therefore sleeping for longer or whether the pain from his teeth overide that theory and cause multiple wake ups all night long :(
These past few nights Joel has been up at 4,3, and 2am (in that order!) and doesn't go back to sleep without me lying with him in the spare bed and as he can't go under the duvet, we're both on it, him in his sleeping bag, me shivering under a cellular blanket and therefore not really sleeping at all!
I know it's his teeth troubling him, I wish these two that are pretty much there would just be out and let him be. He's off his food, he's grizzly and it's awful as there's not a lot I can do for him to make it all better.
I've got him some teething powders which do seem to help a little. They're just chamomile to relax and they seem to do the job, but he wanted to go to bed early tonight, and he's just woken an hour later with proper cries and sobs so it was calpol to the rescue. It took a little while to calm him down and he was clinging to me and didn't want to be put down poor thing. so we sat and rocked, and sang and cuddled until he was back to sleep and could be put into his cot and I guess the calpol took effect.
It's a shame as this week we're starting to introduce meat and fish to his diet and his dinner tonight was chicken and parnsip puree, and for the past three weeks he's loved his purees and cleared every bowl but this week he's been regressing to wanting breast milk again. Apart from breakfast as he loves his morning porridge and cereals!! But with interspersing spoons of pear puree he pretty much did manage most of his chicken meal and seemed to like the taste, it's just getting it in his mouth now he knows he can move his head from side to side very fast and keep his mouth firmly shut!! We're having lots of choo choo trains, and whizzing rockets and galloping horses aiming at his mouth at the moment! And the pirate song, he loves that one so after we've chanted 'this way that way, forwards and backwards' he usually grins and on the words' over the irish sea' the food goes in! and with five verses that's five big spoons that get to their goal!!
I have also made a beef casserole today for pureeing, but have used my slow cooker and the beef still seems a bit tough so I might leave it on overnight on low and see how it is tomorrow. I guess that'll be ok? The potatoes are still a bit firm too and since it'll be pureed to within an inch of it's life it needs to be pretty mushy!
Anyway, I am going to head to bed early and hopefully get a good few hours sleep and see whether the extra protein in Joel's diet keeps him feeling full and therefore sleeping for longer or whether the pain from his teeth overide that theory and cause multiple wake ups all night long :(
Monday, 17 October 2011
Up In The Night
Well, I don't think I can really complain as I know a lot of babies suffer a lot more with teething, and we've not really had it bad so far, but last night Joel was up at 2am with his teeth and couldn't settle back to sleep :( So into the spare bed we got and he was grizzly and gnawing on his hands poor thing, so I gave a sachet of teething powders, and he had a teething toy to gnosh on and we must have dropped off as it was suddenly ten past five and he was fast asleep and didn't even stir when I carefully transferred him back to his cot.
He then slept in till nearly eight o'clock this morning!!
And I was expecting to see a full tooth through but its still just the nubbin at the moment so this could be a nighttime pattern for a bit I guess!
I know the little dude can't help it, and I just feel glad I'm able to comfort him in the night but I do wish it didn't leave me feeling dreadful the next day! Is this a 30+ thing? If I were younger would I be able to cope with the disturbed nights more?
Anyway, he's having a nap so I think I shall attempt to close my eyes as well for a bit and see what happens!
He then slept in till nearly eight o'clock this morning!!
And I was expecting to see a full tooth through but its still just the nubbin at the moment so this could be a nighttime pattern for a bit I guess!
I know the little dude can't help it, and I just feel glad I'm able to comfort him in the night but I do wish it didn't leave me feeling dreadful the next day! Is this a 30+ thing? If I were younger would I be able to cope with the disturbed nights more?
Anyway, he's having a nap so I think I shall attempt to close my eyes as well for a bit and see what happens!
Sunday, 16 October 2011
We have a tooth!!! On his bottom gum to the left, it's not fully out, but it's there and feels hard and sharp when you rub your finger along it!! The one next to it is just there under the surface as well so they could be out tomorrow fully!!
I'm so sad in a way as we won't get the gummy smiles for much longer, we'll have toothy smiles instead!!
He hasn't noticed yet though and breast feeding will continue!! *gulp!!*
I'm so sad in a way as we won't get the gummy smiles for much longer, we'll have toothy smiles instead!!
He hasn't noticed yet though and breast feeding will continue!! *gulp!!*
Saturday, 15 October 2011
Blogging is taking a back seat at the moment due to general life but every so often new things happen and tickle me, like this evening I was bathing Joel and played peek-a-boo by crouching down out of his view and then popping up with a boo and Joel did a double take and burst out laughing!
It was something that was he was anticipating and it still shocked him but he liked it!! We did it again and again and he was laughing his head off!! I'll try it again tomorrow!
He's changing such a lot so quickly at the moment and every day has a new lovely surprise!!
It was something that was he was anticipating and it still shocked him but he liked it!! We did it again and again and he was laughing his head off!! I'll try it again tomorrow!
He's changing such a lot so quickly at the moment and every day has a new lovely surprise!!
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Slummy Mummy
I have not really been making much of an effort with my appearance these past few months. Yes, you get the celebrity mums who stroll out of hospital a size 6 with gigantically high heels and perfect make up but lets face it, they have help!!
However, my low point came today when strolling through town with Joel in his buggy, it wasn't until I was on the way home that I realised I had butternut squash puree all down my top. The second I'd noticed, I just thought how noticable it all was so others must have thought I was a right scroggy mother :(
Then I also realised that I'd not fastened my nursing bra up on the right side after Joel's last feed so had been wandering about with one boob up and one boob down so felt even worse!! Is this what is known as 'letting yourself go'?
So I am heading to Cheltenham tomorrow to meet my mother in law for a day with Joel and am going to wear shoes rather than trainers, and a nice top rather than a hoody and try to get some make up on.
I always thought that I'd be able to do more about my appearance once Joel was here but I guess not. Time just flies and certain things don't seem as important anymore but I will have a go at making a bit more effort!
However, my low point came today when strolling through town with Joel in his buggy, it wasn't until I was on the way home that I realised I had butternut squash puree all down my top. The second I'd noticed, I just thought how noticable it all was so others must have thought I was a right scroggy mother :(
Then I also realised that I'd not fastened my nursing bra up on the right side after Joel's last feed so had been wandering about with one boob up and one boob down so felt even worse!! Is this what is known as 'letting yourself go'?
So I am heading to Cheltenham tomorrow to meet my mother in law for a day with Joel and am going to wear shoes rather than trainers, and a nice top rather than a hoody and try to get some make up on.
I always thought that I'd be able to do more about my appearance once Joel was here but I guess not. Time just flies and certain things don't seem as important anymore but I will have a go at making a bit more effort!
Monday, 10 October 2011
On One's Feet
It seems that we're are getting over our illness and today is a bit better!
Joel has slept very well for a second night running and although it feels like the middle of the night when he's waking in up, it's in fact 7am and just getting darker outside!!
I've been hungry for the first time in ages and eaten a good amount of food today which will hopefully make me feel as though my milk will be ok. I've not been expressing for a few days as I just couldn't be bothered with it which has made me question whether I'll continue to do so or introduce some formula milk now or at least after Christmas. I don't know really what to do there. I think i'll need to be persuaded rather heavily to try and express as much as would be needed for day to day use, although I'll continue with morning and evening as long as he wants.
Still no word from work as to whether I can go part time and have the second half of the week or not. I do need to get it finalised as the nursery Joel is down for only has one day (Friday) available for him as they didn't have a record of me submitting him full time for the waiting list, only the first form I submitted not realising :( I'm trying to not stress too much as it's not the end of the world and my Mum and Dad will help things work out as they're wonderful like that, but still, I'd rather get it right first time! If work agree to my request then all will be hunky dory but if not, well, let's not think negatively!
Meal have been going ok this week. I'm trying to sit him in his high chair now in the dining room rather than the bouncy chair in the lounge but as he's eating earlier than my meal times we're not yet co-ordinated to eat together although I could do breakfast i guess! He probably wouldn't be patient enough if I were feeding him and myself though! He likes his porridge spoons frequent and gets cross if I'm too slow!
And that's our Monday so far... he's napping at the moment. I could crash out if I let myself but then wouldn't probably sleep well tonight. Oh bed, how I love thee!
Joel has slept very well for a second night running and although it feels like the middle of the night when he's waking in up, it's in fact 7am and just getting darker outside!!
I've been hungry for the first time in ages and eaten a good amount of food today which will hopefully make me feel as though my milk will be ok. I've not been expressing for a few days as I just couldn't be bothered with it which has made me question whether I'll continue to do so or introduce some formula milk now or at least after Christmas. I don't know really what to do there. I think i'll need to be persuaded rather heavily to try and express as much as would be needed for day to day use, although I'll continue with morning and evening as long as he wants.
Still no word from work as to whether I can go part time and have the second half of the week or not. I do need to get it finalised as the nursery Joel is down for only has one day (Friday) available for him as they didn't have a record of me submitting him full time for the waiting list, only the first form I submitted not realising :( I'm trying to not stress too much as it's not the end of the world and my Mum and Dad will help things work out as they're wonderful like that, but still, I'd rather get it right first time! If work agree to my request then all will be hunky dory but if not, well, let's not think negatively!
Meal have been going ok this week. I'm trying to sit him in his high chair now in the dining room rather than the bouncy chair in the lounge but as he's eating earlier than my meal times we're not yet co-ordinated to eat together although I could do breakfast i guess! He probably wouldn't be patient enough if I were feeding him and myself though! He likes his porridge spoons frequent and gets cross if I'm too slow!
And that's our Monday so far... he's napping at the moment. I could crash out if I let myself but then wouldn't probably sleep well tonight. Oh bed, how I love thee!
Saturday, 8 October 2011
Road to Recovery
I've been feeling a little better today. Steve lolled on the sofa with Joel so I got to sleep in till 10.30 which helped a lot, and then I looked after Joel whilst he went to bed and rested for the afternoon.
Joel really has been very patient and good without too much attention and has been practising sitting up, and he's really a grabby, reachy baby now! He sees something he wants and he goes for it! Whether that be Mummy's glasses or the TV remote. It's as though he's making a choice now as well if there's two toys he deliberates and goes for one rather than the other.
I bought him some new toys from Amazon and Ebay and he really does seem to enjoy them so far. he got a wobbly duck with a bell, a peek a boo pop up garden, a v-tech driving thingy, a pop up apple that sings, and the rest I'm saving till christmas for him!
With knowing we're going away next month for a few days I'm not yet sure how to manage Joel's food whilst in Scotland. I can't take all my own purees with me as they won't keep. He'll hopefully be on some finger foods by then which will help as he could eat from our plates, but the obvious answer is jars! So with this in mind I've bought a few and with being ill these past few days haven't had the incentive to cook meals in the evening so have tried a couple of jars which he's not liked at all. He's screwed his face up, and howled at the tastes in his mouth, whereas if I give him a bit of carrot puree with rice he loves it and gobbles it up! Flattering, but disconcerting all the same as to the problems it poses for Scotland.
Two new meals I cooked for him were received differently. He loved his carrot, potato and sweetcorn but cheesey leek and cauliflower made him cry!! His faces are so cute!
And that's today!
Joel really has been very patient and good without too much attention and has been practising sitting up, and he's really a grabby, reachy baby now! He sees something he wants and he goes for it! Whether that be Mummy's glasses or the TV remote. It's as though he's making a choice now as well if there's two toys he deliberates and goes for one rather than the other.
I bought him some new toys from Amazon and Ebay and he really does seem to enjoy them so far. he got a wobbly duck with a bell, a peek a boo pop up garden, a v-tech driving thingy, a pop up apple that sings, and the rest I'm saving till christmas for him!
With knowing we're going away next month for a few days I'm not yet sure how to manage Joel's food whilst in Scotland. I can't take all my own purees with me as they won't keep. He'll hopefully be on some finger foods by then which will help as he could eat from our plates, but the obvious answer is jars! So with this in mind I've bought a few and with being ill these past few days haven't had the incentive to cook meals in the evening so have tried a couple of jars which he's not liked at all. He's screwed his face up, and howled at the tastes in his mouth, whereas if I give him a bit of carrot puree with rice he loves it and gobbles it up! Flattering, but disconcerting all the same as to the problems it poses for Scotland.
Two new meals I cooked for him were received differently. He loved his carrot, potato and sweetcorn but cheesey leek and cauliflower made him cry!! His faces are so cute!
And that's today!
Friday, 7 October 2011
Ill Mummy
I've felt like a terrible mummy today. I've had a headache all day, needed a lot more sleep than normal and had to run to the bathroom a lot leaving Joel to his own devices on his play mat. I've not eaten at all (well, except for 2 biscuits!) and just sipped water.
Lucky for me though Joel is a happy healthy baby who is jolly and keeps himself entertained as long as he knows mummy is watching him from the sofa. So whereas we'd normally go out a couple of times a day, the past couple of days we've only been out to say hello to the guinea-pigs so the poor little lad has probably been bored having just me for company.
He's been so good all day and napped three times which meant I could nap too, and fed well although he didn't like his cheesy leek and cauliflower for lunch so I gave him courgette, carrot and pear which he ate lots of. I've also tried him with a couple of bought pots of fruity puddings from cow and gate, but he's not been enamoured of them. I just feel that I only have apples, pears and bananas for him that are seasonal and the puddings were a bit different but I guess he likes what he likes.
Our day is now getting more packed with baby orientated things. i do think him being a new born and just popping him on a boob was far easier than these days where he needs entertainment, giggles, breakfast, lunch and dinner and outings, stimulation, nail trimmings, watching as he moves and to be put down for nap times! I'm sure I sound awful but I do miss the quiet sleepy baby who'd sleep in my arms for hours!! Not that my current energetic and funny and cute baby isn't wonderful at the same time. It's just time goes so fast and there's so much that's new happening all the time!
We're hopefully in for a quiet weekend of rest and recuperation. And I'm starving, having not eaten for 24 hours now. Hopefully that's killed off the lurgy bug. And hopefully Joel will stay healthy.
Lucky for me though Joel is a happy healthy baby who is jolly and keeps himself entertained as long as he knows mummy is watching him from the sofa. So whereas we'd normally go out a couple of times a day, the past couple of days we've only been out to say hello to the guinea-pigs so the poor little lad has probably been bored having just me for company.
He's been so good all day and napped three times which meant I could nap too, and fed well although he didn't like his cheesy leek and cauliflower for lunch so I gave him courgette, carrot and pear which he ate lots of. I've also tried him with a couple of bought pots of fruity puddings from cow and gate, but he's not been enamoured of them. I just feel that I only have apples, pears and bananas for him that are seasonal and the puddings were a bit different but I guess he likes what he likes.
Our day is now getting more packed with baby orientated things. i do think him being a new born and just popping him on a boob was far easier than these days where he needs entertainment, giggles, breakfast, lunch and dinner and outings, stimulation, nail trimmings, watching as he moves and to be put down for nap times! I'm sure I sound awful but I do miss the quiet sleepy baby who'd sleep in my arms for hours!! Not that my current energetic and funny and cute baby isn't wonderful at the same time. It's just time goes so fast and there's so much that's new happening all the time!
We're hopefully in for a quiet weekend of rest and recuperation. And I'm starving, having not eaten for 24 hours now. Hopefully that's killed off the lurgy bug. And hopefully Joel will stay healthy.
Thursday, 6 October 2011
Lurgy House
I have to say that having a baby to look after whilst being ill is rather hard and not any fun at all!
This past couple of days Steve and I have come down with a bit of a nasty virus which has left us both running for the loo and feeling flat out with temperatures and sweats and needing to rest and sleep. Steve has been coping with work and yesterday my Mum took Joel away for a few hours (the longest time we've been apart yet) so I could sleep and rest. I felt rather chronic and couldn't keep food in and was glad of the opportunity to rest up but missed Joel terribly!
Today Joel seems to have a bit of it himself and we had three poopy nappies within 1 hour and he's had a good lot of sleep so far. On the plus side we've started stage two of weaning so he's had a lovely lunch of carrot, onion, potato and sweetcorn! I fried the onion and carrot to start with then added water to the potato and corn (salt free) and he ate his whole portion! Nothing else has come through as yet so maybe it was just a one off?
I'll also give him some dinner, possibly baby rice with a bit of fruit puree around 5pm and hope that his night is better again as last night he was up at 1 and 5 again.
And just to cheer me up here's a few cute new photos:
This past couple of days Steve and I have come down with a bit of a nasty virus which has left us both running for the loo and feeling flat out with temperatures and sweats and needing to rest and sleep. Steve has been coping with work and yesterday my Mum took Joel away for a few hours (the longest time we've been apart yet) so I could sleep and rest. I felt rather chronic and couldn't keep food in and was glad of the opportunity to rest up but missed Joel terribly!
Today Joel seems to have a bit of it himself and we had three poopy nappies within 1 hour and he's had a good lot of sleep so far. On the plus side we've started stage two of weaning so he's had a lovely lunch of carrot, onion, potato and sweetcorn! I fried the onion and carrot to start with then added water to the potato and corn (salt free) and he ate his whole portion! Nothing else has come through as yet so maybe it was just a one off?
I'll also give him some dinner, possibly baby rice with a bit of fruit puree around 5pm and hope that his night is better again as last night he was up at 1 and 5 again.
And just to cheer me up here's a few cute new photos:
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Learning to sit up |
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Grooving a Mohican |
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Sitting with his cushion |
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Wanting to chew my phone! |
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Swim Baby
We ended up having quite a fun packed day! The key word being 'packed'.
I decided to try and get Joel to take just two naps rather than the three he normally likes in the hope that he'd sleep better as since extra food hasn't helped too much so I felt that it could be that he's sleeping too much in the day and to add to his energy levels we went swimming in the afternoon and he was in the water for 40 minutes having fun!
He was shattered from it and ended up going to bed at 6.30, sleeping for two hours then waking for a feed at 8.30 and going through till 4am!! He has also had some good milk feeds today which has helped me not worry so much about his milk intake today and we're getting through some good solid feeds as well!
He's had quite a busy day today as well with mums and toddlers this morning, a trip to my workplace to return maternity clothes to friends, then lunch and a small nap at home, then a visit to my friend Julie's and her baby Owen, then shopping to Boots briefly!
After all that he ate a bit more, and bounced in his jumperoo a lot, and finally crashed out in his cot at 6.40 after only two naps again! I'm still waiting to see whether he's going to want another feed shortly as he did have a lot of milk feeds today including 3 expressed ounces from a bottle that he thought was most funny to drink from!
I decided to try and get Joel to take just two naps rather than the three he normally likes in the hope that he'd sleep better as since extra food hasn't helped too much so I felt that it could be that he's sleeping too much in the day and to add to his energy levels we went swimming in the afternoon and he was in the water for 40 minutes having fun!
He was shattered from it and ended up going to bed at 6.30, sleeping for two hours then waking for a feed at 8.30 and going through till 4am!! He has also had some good milk feeds today which has helped me not worry so much about his milk intake today and we're getting through some good solid feeds as well!
He's had quite a busy day today as well with mums and toddlers this morning, a trip to my workplace to return maternity clothes to friends, then lunch and a small nap at home, then a visit to my friend Julie's and her baby Owen, then shopping to Boots briefly!
After all that he ate a bit more, and bounced in his jumperoo a lot, and finally crashed out in his cot at 6.40 after only two naps again! I'm still waiting to see whether he's going to want another feed shortly as he did have a lot of milk feeds today including 3 expressed ounces from a bottle that he thought was most funny to drink from!
Monday, 3 October 2011
A New Week
Things feel a bit difficult at the moment. Joel is still the happy, healthy wonderful baby he's always been, but he's been happy and awake in the night again and I'm finding it quite draining! Last night he was up at 1.30 for a feed and 5.30. I must have dozed off next to him on the spare bed where I feed him in the night as I woke up at 6.50 and went back to my bed after putting him back in his cot, and he then slept onto 7.30 this morning.
I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with weaning this week. We've been on purees for three weeks now, and he's eaten sweet potato, carrot, pear, apple, butternut squash, potato, peas, mango, avacado, banana, baby rice, baby porridge and baby muesli. We've been mixing flavours as well and yesterday he had peas, potatos and pear for pudding. Today is carrot and courgette but again he's been sleepy at lunchtime so he had a mouthful and decided to go to bed. (Wish he'd save his sleepiness for bedtime and sleep through the night!)
He's 24 weeks on Wednesday and I'm not sure whether that means he can start on the next stage of weaning of six months or if I have to wait until October 20th. I don't know whether he's getting a bit bored of the same flavours every day as there's only so many ways of serving the above fruit and veg!
I want him to try cheese, and cauliflower, broccoli and beans and pasta and might try something like it later this week. I also am planning on introducing some finger foods to see how he gets on with those, maybe some steamed carrot fingers and pear slices. Things he's liked in puree form so will be familiar.
Things all seem to be changing in him so fast at the moment and I'm worried I'll miss out on things! He's rolled from his back to his tummy twice and we missed both times!! Firstly I was looking away for a moment and there he was on his tummy, and secondly Steve found him squawking in his cot on his tummy!! He's getting better at sitting up on his own and can manage a few seconds before toppling, but my nursing cushion is helping keep him steady which means he plays better with his toys. His hair has suddenly grown into a cute quiff, and he's getting grumpy about having mummy milk in a morning as he just wants his porridge! I don't know whether I have the determination any more to continue with breast milk if he'd prefer a bottle as pumping is a bit of a chore, although i love the breast feeding and I feel all these things are all happening at once. And being tired it's hard to make serious decisions.
And Steve is away in Scotland until tomorrow so I'm on my own for two days. And one night. Not that it'll feel any different as I'm the one up in the night on my own anyway, but still, the house will seem emptier.
Time seems to be flying by.
I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with weaning this week. We've been on purees for three weeks now, and he's eaten sweet potato, carrot, pear, apple, butternut squash, potato, peas, mango, avacado, banana, baby rice, baby porridge and baby muesli. We've been mixing flavours as well and yesterday he had peas, potatos and pear for pudding. Today is carrot and courgette but again he's been sleepy at lunchtime so he had a mouthful and decided to go to bed. (Wish he'd save his sleepiness for bedtime and sleep through the night!)
He's 24 weeks on Wednesday and I'm not sure whether that means he can start on the next stage of weaning of six months or if I have to wait until October 20th. I don't know whether he's getting a bit bored of the same flavours every day as there's only so many ways of serving the above fruit and veg!
I want him to try cheese, and cauliflower, broccoli and beans and pasta and might try something like it later this week. I also am planning on introducing some finger foods to see how he gets on with those, maybe some steamed carrot fingers and pear slices. Things he's liked in puree form so will be familiar.
Things all seem to be changing in him so fast at the moment and I'm worried I'll miss out on things! He's rolled from his back to his tummy twice and we missed both times!! Firstly I was looking away for a moment and there he was on his tummy, and secondly Steve found him squawking in his cot on his tummy!! He's getting better at sitting up on his own and can manage a few seconds before toppling, but my nursing cushion is helping keep him steady which means he plays better with his toys. His hair has suddenly grown into a cute quiff, and he's getting grumpy about having mummy milk in a morning as he just wants his porridge! I don't know whether I have the determination any more to continue with breast milk if he'd prefer a bottle as pumping is a bit of a chore, although i love the breast feeding and I feel all these things are all happening at once. And being tired it's hard to make serious decisions.
And Steve is away in Scotland until tomorrow so I'm on my own for two days. And one night. Not that it'll feel any different as I'm the one up in the night on my own anyway, but still, the house will seem emptier.
Time seems to be flying by.
Saturday, 1 October 2011
Sunniest October Ever!
Today is October and my Gro thermometer is on red which means Joel's nursery is too hot! It feels like it should be July and our weather is all wrong at the moment. No offence to the nice sunny days, but I'm ready for that crisp chill in the air, to match the fact the trees are beautiful autumnal colours and I want to think about woolly jumpers and hats, scarves and gloves! No chance of that today! Shorts and vests all the way. And with Joel now in 6-9 month clothes, I've been stressing as his new size are all winter collection!! I didn't buy him anything summery as it's not meant to be summery! We had two rompers he'd been given which have been a godsend, and one t-shirt set I got in the sale so he's been wearing them and they've been going straight in the wash covered in purees at the end of the day!!
I've started mixing his flavours meaning he gets two cubes and he's getting through it so he must be a hungry boy! He's had butternut squash with apple, sweet potato with parsnip and today he had carrot with pear. I think I need to start introducing new flavours now as well like courgette and cauliflower! He's also started sleeping a bit longer, last night was 9.30 - 4.45am and the night before was 5.30am!
Today it was lovely, so we went along to a food fayre in Stone. It was too hot to enjoy being out and about!! We saw lots of lovely food stalls, and demonstrations, and then went round the farmers market also going on there. We've never seen Stone so busy!
Right, I'm off to check my weaning guide!!
I've started mixing his flavours meaning he gets two cubes and he's getting through it so he must be a hungry boy! He's had butternut squash with apple, sweet potato with parsnip and today he had carrot with pear. I think I need to start introducing new flavours now as well like courgette and cauliflower! He's also started sleeping a bit longer, last night was 9.30 - 4.45am and the night before was 5.30am!
Today it was lovely, so we went along to a food fayre in Stone. It was too hot to enjoy being out and about!! We saw lots of lovely food stalls, and demonstrations, and then went round the farmers market also going on there. We've never seen Stone so busy!
Right, I'm off to check my weaning guide!!
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