Sunday, 23 October 2011

Food Glorious Food

After the teething issues of last week which made Joel not want much food, this weekend he's really come back to being a hungry little man.

It's got me wondering about food quantities.  He's having 1-1/2 cubes of puree (and they're the Annabel Karmel ones which was bigger than a normal ice cube tray) and then having some savoury finger foods, then having a fruit puree or yoghurt, then having a rice cake or biscuit or fruit fingers.

Having just read that, it sounds like a lot, and I guess he'd stop when he was full?  He sometimes gives up on the rice cake!!

Finger foods seem to be working really well for him.  We started with some steamed carrot fingers and apple slices and not a lot seemed to be going in, more on the floor around him, but having mastered the art of toast, nothing stops or phases him now!  We've had more carrots, green beans, brocolli florets, various corn snacks for babies, steamed fruit pieces, small fingers of mild cheddar (he loves cheese!) bread fingers, tortilla wraps, cucumber, dried apricots (not too keen on these yet) and eggy bread and he's tackled them all head on and it seems to be eaten rather than discarded.

I guess he's getting enough food, and he's still on about 4 milk feeds a day from me although he loves water after his meals!  Whether it's the novelty of something to drink that isn't milk, and isn't from me I'm not sure but I just have to say 'water?' and his head snaps round and his eyes widen and his mouth opens ready for the cup!!  He can't yet grasp the concept of sipping so he tips it all over himself but he seems to enjoy the process!

I'm going to give him some pasta pieces for his dinner as the finger food and maybe just a vegetable puree for his tea (he had beef casserole for lunch) and he can have some steamed apple for pudding.  Since finger foods seem more popular, I'll let him lead where he's at for now!

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