Monday, 31 October 2011

Gutted...... :(

I had my meeting with work this morning and pretty much, the answer to my flexible working request is a big, fat, resounding 'no' and I'm not terribly happy with it.

I cannot imagine going back to work full time.  Joel needs me and I want to be there for him, and my job is far too much full time to do and be a good mum (in my opinion) and the hours will be too much, and lack of holiday flexibility won't work for us either.

I'm rather gutted, but think I have decided to take my full year of maternity leave after all and have extra time to decide what to do long term and see what comes up within the University over the next weeks.

The other sore point is that the nursery can only take Joel on a Friday so that would leave four days over, which I can't cover, and don't want to just assume my parents will sort it, as they're retired now, and are incredibly busy and I think 4 days a week is too much to ask of them!  Plus my sister is due a baby in March, and with my other sister with twins in Wales, they're going to be extra busy jetting all over the country to get round all the grandchildren.

Arrrghghhgh.   I'm sure something will turn up for the good, but any prayers would be welcomed.  Something will come of this I'm sure.  As it was said in 'The Sound of Music', "when the Lord closes a door, somewhere he opens a window".

1 comment:

  1. I have my work meeting tomorrow and I'm terrified :(. Something will work out. I'm sure of it. xxxx
