Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Best Friends

You may know we have a collie cross puppy called Izzy.  I say puppy as a general term for adolescant dog (in doggy, not human years!!)  She's about 18 months and very friendly and soft.

So far she's ignored Joel as the usurper of her affections, and if I'm holding him, she'll be on Steve's knee, or vice versa.  However, I think she has got used to him being around.

Joel loves Izzy.  He loves watching her wander about, and he's been smiling at her (which she just ignores) and earlier he was talking to her and again, she pretty much ignored him.

Sometimes though, she does relent and come to sniff him, lick his foot or try to rub noses.

Don't worry, we're not crazy dog kissers at all here and we don't let her actually kiss or lick him.  She's learning.  At least I hope she's learning.  And the point of all this chatter is these pics below as he was looking cute in his Bumbo, and I got down on his level to chat and play and Izzy came to join in too!!

And we'd never leave them alone so don't worry on that account.  Mind you, she is the friendliest dog you'd ever be pleased to meet, and she really doesn't have a nasty bone in her body, but we know you can never be sure, and are always watchful, just in case.

But when Joel is a bit bigger, and able to throw a ball and kick a football, these two will be best friends for sure!

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