Saturday, 25 June 2011

Whatever You Can Do...

I write this today from an offended perspective. My husband this morning told me he knows better than me how to look after a baby.

I'd like to see him try.

I've been doing all night feeds and 7am feeds and this morning Joel was up and awake at 5.30 so up I got with him.

It'd be nice to be told I could have a lie in one day but apparently I have to book these in advance being psychic to know what nights will mean I'm more tired to fit in with HIS work schedule.

This led to a bit of a fight and as I'm so tired today (swaying on my feet) I've left Joel in his hands and the poor child is being subjected to guitar playing and singing having been on his Dad's knee whilst he works on his computer. Steve won't play with him on his gym mat or anything like that, apparently that's 'my way' not Steve's way. Never mind what Joel likes to do.

I just wish that Steve would try to engage Joel in what he needs rather than what Steve feels he wants. I'd feel a lot easier leaving him that way. I can hear Joel now being bored as the guitar playing has gone on too long for him and he needs a change. Poor thing, but if I tell Steve this I'm being a nag and 'butting in'.

I support Steve by dealing with the night feeds and not asking for much in return as I know he's busy, I just wish he could let me have some time to rest in a morning once in a while without having to worry about Joel's well being or book the time in advance which frankly is a selfish and demeaning request.

Husbands, who'd have them?

EDIT: - we made friends again not long after we argued and I wrote this post.  I acknowledge I was horribly tired and grotty and he couldn't cope with my grottiness.  He also was sorry for saying some things and I guess that's just what having a baby can do for a relationship from time to time.  I'm sure it won't be the last argument either as I do get very grumpy when tired.

Sent from my BlackBerry smartphone from Virgin Media

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