Wednesday, 15 June 2011

8 Weeks Old

My baby Joel is 8 weeks old today.  I can't believe how fast the time has flown!!  He's doing so well.  He's become very good at sleeping at night, we bath him at 7.00pm and then have a wind down time in his nursery with lullabys, a good feed and dim lights.  He's normally asleep by 8.00pm and then I go to bed at 9.00pm to prepare for the night feed which is around 12.00 - 1.00am then he goes through till about 6.00am which is ok by me!!  I get a cup of tea while Joel enjoys his mobile and then we get on with the day!

His day starts with chuckles and smiles and a little wash and a clean outfit.  He sits in his vibrating chair whilst I shower and then he has a kick in his gym and we sing some nursery rhymes.  By about 8.30am he's a bit tired again and usually goes down for a nap of about an hour and then has a good feed afterwards. 

And that's our day's routine!  Sleep, eat, play, sleep eat play!!  As long as he naps in the morning, lunchtime and afternoon, he's a very contented happy baby!

He's a chubby little boy who is good at being put down and smiled at across a room, as well as enjoying cuddles and being picked up and passed around by all the family.

He sometimes likes a dummy, and sometimes doesn't!  Today he is in dummy mode.  He makes little fists and curls his arms up when he's tired and grumpy.  He still loves his baths.  They calm him down if he's shouty, but lifting him out the bath makes him VERY cross!!  He howls and howls and only calms down when his feet go into his sleepsuit.  Even then, when we take him upstairs his little fists and shoulders are clenched tightly and during his feed he relaxes to go to sleep!!  It's very cute and feisty.

We have a wedding on July 2nd, and I've bought a little dungarees outfit for him with a matching hat.  I'm not going to bother dressing him up all fancy, as he's cute as a baby and he looks adorable in his little dungarees!!  Babies aren't babies for long enough so I'm going to make the most of him looking like one! 

He's got more control of his arms at the moment as well and can get his fingers in his mouth without a problem now.  He's using his left hand more than his right so I'm wondering whether this means he'll be left handed?  neither Steve or I are which is interesting.

Anyway, he's yawning away again and his bathtime isn't for another hour!  How to entertain a grizzly baby who doesn't like the muggy weather?  A feed is always a good solution!! 

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