Friday, 3 June 2011


I've been thinking about implementing a routine for a couple of days as my days are revolving around him without any order whatsoever and it's meant I don't know when he needs to nap, feed or play.

I've read that the best order of things is to nap/sleep, then feed, then play which would be why now after a feed he doesn't fall asleep anymore and I'm lost before the day has begun!!

So today I woke up at 6.45 naturally and rather than trying to get more sleep (which can make me more tired sometimes to be honest) I got up and sorted myself out quickly and he was chuntering which meant he was coming round, so I changed his nappy which woke him up and he had his feed at 7am.  I then dressed him and tried to entertain him until at least 8am!! 

So we looked at the window and the sunshine coming through.  We looked at Mummy's bookcases full of books.  He sat in his bouncy chair and just looked around.  We did a little Looby Loo jig and sang 'Old MacDonald'.

Then we came downstairs and he sat in his vibrating chair (which he does rather like) and he looked at picture frames and we danced around Daddy's office room.  All this in about 20 minutes!!  We had a quick look in the garden and decided he wasn't quite dressed for it yet as there was a chill in the air, and then he rubbed his eyes!

Having read to look out for 'tired signs' I took this to be one of them and we went upstairs again and I laid him in his cot, put his lullaby music on, and put a thin blanket over him.  I left the curtains open to demonstrate daytime sleep is different to nighttime sleep, and within 15 minutes he was asleep!  Hurrah!

I then sped downstairs to express some milk (as I'm heading out for dinner with friends tonight!  *gulp*) and he stirred!!  I didn't panic, just replayed the lullaby over our BT 150 monitor and he went back to sleep!  Brilliant!

I managed 2 oz which is good going considering I've not expressed for a while.  Gina Ford says I should be doing this every day to increase my milk for when there are growth spurts and I guess I could manage it if I were more organised with a daily routine so that's something to consider.

Anyway, I'm gobbling cereal whilst I type, he's stirred again and I've put the music on again (it's quiet in his room and louder for me!!) and he's gone off again.

I guess about 10am I should hopefully have more milk and he can feed again.  I'll start him on the breast I expressed from and he should be able to get the hind milk that expressing doesn't always.  Then we'll head to the co-op for milk and an outing and after that, more sleep!!  At least that's the plan for the day!

And this evening I'm going for dinner and my parents are looking after him.  It'll be the longest I've been away and on my own (Steve is working in Birmingham till late) and I'm not sure how I'll feel to be honest.  I'll miss him, that's for sure but it'll be nice to be my old self for a couple of hours as well.

Hopefully today will be a good day!

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