Sunday, 5 June 2011


We headed down to Devon yesterday to visit Steve's family here as his Granny is rather ill at the moment and wanted to meet her great grandson.  I was rather worried about the length of the journey (it takes about 4 hours) and the heat as it's suddenly got toasty warm this month.

However, Joel rose to the challenge admirably and slept for the whole of the first leg, then we had a good stop where Izzy got to stretch her legs, Joel got to feed, have some kicking time, we got to eat an early lunch and Daddy got to sort a nappy!

We set off again and Joel slept for the second leg as well!  He was so zonked I was able to file his nails down on two hands and one foot (one foot to go!).  We met up with Wendy and Paul who were taking Izzy for the afternoon and we had another rest and feed in the shade of a tree which was nice.

Then the last bit of the journey took us to deepest Barnstaple, no mobile signal anywhere and high hedges and winding lanes!  We got to the cottage and Steve's Dad was there for the weekend to help look after Gt Granny and in we went.

Gt Granny was very pleased with Joel and announced that he was 'perfect' but 'very heavy!'  She held him for a long while and he was so well behaved.

We stayed there for three hours and he slept a bit more in Great Granny's arms, cried a bit for Aunty Margaret, smiled for his Grandpa and then we were back over to Exeter.

It was far too long a journey for him really but with circumstanaces being what they are, we don't know whether he'll meet Great Granny again.  We are going to Cornwall for a holiday next month and all being well will call in again on our way there and way back.

The heat has been a worry these past couple of days.  I ring my mum each morning and ask what he should wear and last night our room was 28oc so we had windows open and he slept in just a vest and amazingly he did his 9,12 and 3 routine but we have been up since 5 now!!  He's dozed off again on my shoulder and wouldn't settle in his basket again.  I think he knows he's somewhere new and just wants a bt of reassurance!

His Granny has loved having him here though, and bathed him last night and has been rewarded with lots of smiles!!  He really does seem so content!  His hour or so of first awake time is wonderful at 7 with smiles, kicking legs and chuckles and I wouldn't miss it for the world!  He seems very adaptable which is good as we like going away and if he is happy anywhere we are, all the better!

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