Oh, did I mention Joel's new trick of this week?
He can now get himself to sitting from lying down so it's great I don't have to keep picking him up when he's stuck and he's very pleased with himself.
For a couple of weeks when he was lying down, he'd sort of push up with one hand, lie on his side and look as though he were just lounging!
But now, he can push up with one hand, and bring his other across to then raise himself just that little bit more to sit up on his own.
Just one more thing he can do himself now, and one less thing he needs me for! :(
It's great when they learn that one isn't it? Now it'll all be nice and easy for a couple of weeks until he starts standing and you can't take your eyes or hands off him for a second LOL. Our travel cot is now essential so I can at least go to the toilet!