Wednesday 22 February 2012


I've had a bit of a blah day today.

Joel has got conjunctivitis so we couldn't go out to meet other baby friends, so we missed Bounce and Rhyme at the library.  I think he's got a bit of a virus which may have contributed but I'm sure some of it's being picked up from nursery.

He's also being the most whingy, weepy and clingy baby I've met yet!  He's normally so happy but today it felt as though I couldn't do anything right and he didn't know what he wanted at all.  He's just decided to begin practising pulling himself up at the sofa and standing but half the time he headbutts the sofa, he doesn't want help and he's made progress with it and I'm chuffed he's begun to work at it (as most other babies his age are either standing unaided or even walking already!)  I feel quite frazzled now the day's over.

He had a good lunch of potato cakes, baked beans and a poached egg.  Then we both felt tired and had a nap afterwards.   Steve called in (which he hardly ever does) and typical it's a day I'm taking a nap so he'll think that's what I do every day now!  I can't honestly remember the last time I had a nap.  Steve tends to nap at weekends and lie in most mornings so I have to get up with Joel.

And after the mini sleep time as we'd been in the house all day long we were both feeling a bit housebound so took a walk out with Izzy even though it was raining and Joel stayed dry, and I got soggy.  We stopped at the co-op for some bits for tea and had a tasty chilli.  Adult strength for me and Steve and baby version for Joel and he ate a good portion which pleased me.

Then when Steve got home Joel impressed him with pulling up against the sofa, got in his pj's and chilled out with an episode of Waybaloo.  I don't want to be putting the tv on too much for him, but he does relax with that programme and it's nice he has something he enjoys.

His eye drops went in ok again, so tomorrow he shouldn't be contagious and can go for his afternoon at nursery.  I don't really want to interrupt his progress there.  And I have a meeting at work about the restructuring in the morning to cause more lack of sleep too :(  *sigh*

"the sun'll come out tomorrow" - I'll try to keep looking on the bright side, and everything seems better after a good night's sleep.

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