Saturday, 31 December 2011

Out With The Old

I've never been a fan of New Year's Eve.  There is too much pressure to have fun, or to set resolutions, and to dwell on the past.  New Year's Day is more my thing.  Waking up to a fresh New Year, with life and things ahead.

That being said, this past year has been wonderful, with many special occasions and the best one of all being the arrival of Joel!

What else has happened this year?  Lets see:
We began setting up a nursery for Joel.
Dad retired and we had a big party for him in February.
I was huge waiting for Joel to get here but still made it to a wedding on his due day!!
Joel arrived two weeks late via EMC in April.
We had a little gathering to celebrate his arrival!
Isn't he gorgeous!!
We went to a family wedding in the Cotswolds in July.
Dad turned 60 and had a birthday party the day afterwards.

We went on holiday to Cornwall with Steve's folks, then mine.

Here's our second week's location.

Joel had his dedication ceremony at Church in September.
Grandma turned 60 with a family party as well!!

We fed the ducks quite a bit through the year (Mummy does most of it !) 
We went on holiday to Scotland in November.
Joel was a lamb in his first nativity at Church.
He's growing up to be able to play with his cousins!
We had a wonderful Christmas day!!
Tonight Steve and I are just staying in with drinks and games, his friend Joe will come round and we'll have some party nibbles.  I may not even make it to midnight as I've been up at 1am every night recently and am tired.

Tomorrow we're off to the beach at Wales to meet my family and I can't wait!  Izzy will love it, running around like a mad thing, and we'll put Joel in his new back pack.  We took him out in it today, up to the castle for a good walk and he seemed to like the new perspective on the world!

And with that, here's wishing you a very Happy New Year!  I hope 2012 brings you much joy!

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