Friday, 4 November 2011

Time Away

We are having our first family break and its lovely!

We are in south Scotland, staying in a really nice hotel, and the weather has been wonderful so far.  We're having dinner, bed and breakfast for four days, and as a big fan of food I've been really pleasantly surprised how great the restaurant here is.

Joel has been brilliant, and although he seems a little wary of the travel cot up here, our bed is so huge I've been bringing him in to doze with us if he's not settled.  He's lying next to me on the bed at the moment as Steve has gone out filming the night sky.

We drove up in four hours on Thursday with a two hour stint to Lancaster, a nice long break for Joel and then just over two hours to Carlisle and onwards to Newton Stewart.  We chilled out watching tv and playing with Joel (who seems to love lying on the bed with us!) and then went down to dinner.  He got very tired so we had our desserts upstairs.  What did we eat I hear you ask?  I had garlic and rosemary breaded brie for a starter, lamb cutlets for my main and then the most delicious poached pear for pudding.  Steve went for a haggis tower, lamb shanks and strawberry cheesecake.

Once upstairs Joel had a lovely bath and went off to bed quite readily whilst Steve and I watched a film together.  It was an evening I will always remember, not trying to be soppy, but everything was just perfect and that doesn't really happen a lot for us!!

Today we've been to a whiskey distillery and then drove along a Queen's road through the Galloway forest and stopped off all along to see some breathtaking views, red deer, wild goats and waterfalls.

And we went a little early to dinner which meant Joel made it through pudding tonight.  I had a homemade pate with scottish oatcakes, sea bass in a delicious wine sauce and then a fruity meringue tower.  Steve had the brie, scampi and the cheesecake again!!

Joel hasn't been eating loads as his routine is a little out of whack, and we had a very solid nappy earlier as he's not had enough water (his cup leaked whilst out today :( so I didn't want to use mineral water) and I've been using ready bought pouches with bits of bread and fruit in between and he's not asking for more food and doesn't seem to be wanting more milk than normal.

I wish I'd brought his baby sling along, we've carried him where a buggy won't go but he's a heavy boy now!! Theres stuff I've packed we've not needed and more bits we could have used but for a first attempt we've not done too badly!

We're going to the coast tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to that!!  Then home again on Sunday.

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