No, we did not get to Ikea and Steve did not spend £100 on the shelf I want for the lounge!! Pretty much the weather is shocking and it's not advisable to go out on the roads. So we stayed in bed relaxing until 10.30 this morning. It was to cold to get up!! Izzy was getting very cross at us though, she knew it had snowed again and she wanted to go out to play!
So by 11.30 we were up and out and made our way over to the Chase, one of her favourite places to run around. We passed a huge queue of traffic heading into town, being the last shopping Saturday before Christmas and got to the lovely outdoors that is Cannock Chase.
Steve had insisted on bringing both his camera and tripod, only put a scarf on because I insisted and had no hat or gloves on. He promptly marched up a hill and decided it was too snowy to use them! I could have told him that. As he had not put gloves on his hands were freezing and after about 15 minutes he wanted to go back to the car. Izzy had other ideas and was pacified with lots of ball throwing on the way back. It felt good to get a bit of fresh air and exercise to be honest.
This afternoon I have made festive flapjacks, and cleaned the bathroom, lounge, kitchen and am still thinking about wrapping the Christmas presents up!!
Oh, and I sat and watched the Nativity story on Film 4 too. It was pretty moving :)
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