Thursday, 23 December 2010

Feeling Festive

Happy Christmas Eve Eve one and all!!

Today was our work Christmas lunch so we finished at 12.00 noon and 12 of us headed out for a lovely lunch at a restaurant I'd never been to before.

We had a slight drama in getting there.  We'd booked a taxi from Sally's house at 12.30pm and with the weather being dreadful and the traffic being equally awful the taxi didn't show up.  Not to worry though, Sally lives over the road from my parents and my Mum's car was free for the afternoon so we piled in and via the backstreets of town, I was able to get us there bang on 1.00pm!  Shame the rest of the party got stuck and we were able to start at 1.30 instead.

And ladies and gentlemen, I had the prawn starter!  Please don't gasp and judge me.  From what I can tell prawns if cooked and hot are absolutely fine and I had no qualms about the quality of the restaurant.  I would hesitate about cold prawns and other shell fish, but these were fine.  I only had three and they were in filo pastry with a chilli dip and, gosh they were delicious.  (I also intend to have one glass of fizz on Christmas Day as my Doctor says it'll be more than fine).

I then had the traditional turkey dinner (as we were going to be having pork on Christmas Day but that's now changed to accommodate great Aunty Joan who is coming too and wants her turkey!) but it was the tastiest Christmas restaurant turkey dinner I think I've ever had. 

And dessert!  Well, I took a risk here and opted for the raspberry pavolva as it's my favourite if done right, and by that I mean not a meringue nest, but the lightly marshmallow centered crisp meringue of a proper recipe, and I was not disappointed!  Such a good meal.  Only lacking in tea and coffee afterwards.

Then we headed into town (I had my flat shoes on whereas there were a lot of snow skids in heels from others - seriously, most British folk cannot cope with this weathers!!)  and I got my cup of tea in a cafe whilst the others stuck to wine (during dinner I lime and soda water!!) and the others were all staying out but it was nearly 5.00pm and I was weary from shopping yesterday and just wanted to head home, so I did.  I was a pregnant party pooper!

But on getting home Steve and I decided to go to the cinema and we saw 'Little Fockers' and it was brilliant.  Steve was shaking with laughter through the whole film as he really thinks my Dad and Jack Byrnes have a lot in common (I'm not sure I'd agree) but it was a brilliant sequel and worth seeing.  We were going to see 'The Voyage of the Dawn Treader' but that wasn't showing unitl 8.45 when I'm needing my bed by 10.00pm!!  Maybe over Christmas when in Exeter...

And now, it's time for bed.  I'm sleepy, I've wrapped up my last presents, and got Steve's all sorted.  He has six parcels so I hope he likes them.  He's just told me he's gone off list this year which although worrying is I guess endearing - unless it's because he lost my list again like last year?!

Nighty nighty all, bed and extra pillows are calling......   2 more sleeps!!


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