Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Appeal Time

As per my previous posts my flexible work request was rejected, which left me feeling dejected (little rhyme there!!) so having thought long and hard about all the pros and cons of the situation, I had to submit my appeal letter by today else it'd be the end of it, so I felt putting it in by the deadline and then rescinding it if I changed my mind would be a better solution.

So off went my letter to the director of personnel, including all previous correspondence.  And now I wait.  I should hear from them within 14 days.  And then the non-fun will begin.

So first, here are my cons:

I wasn't enamoured of my job to start with, so was looking elsewhere before maternity anyway.
I hate having to appeal and the whole idea of confrontation terrifies me, and the hearing sounds very formal.
The appeal means I have to think about actually going back to work which pains me.
The chances of it actually being upheld are slim to none.
The process is likely to stress me out.
There are not a lot of other jobs out there part time which would suit me

And the pros:

If it all goes according to plan then I would be able to go back to work 2.5 days a week
Joel would have his childcare all sorted.
I could go back in January and not have any unpaid time off
I could think about setting up my own business
Even though my office isn't so family friendly, the University is a great place to work, great holidays, decent wages, and I won't find that anywhere else.
We'd be better off financially and it'd help us with moving house.
I have friends at work and it'd be good to feel a bit like 'me' again, and they're all supporting me.
And not forgetting, if my God is for me, who can be against me?!

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