Sunday 8 January 2012

Sunday Musings

This week has been a fun one.  Joel has been enjoying playing and his new favourite game is crawling after his stacking cups, built into a tower which are then sent off in the back of his choo choo train!!  It's really helping with his speed!  He's still sort of commando crawling, dragging himself along on his elbows, pivoting to turn corners and pushing up with his legs.  He's also working on transitions from sitting to lying down, rolling and crawling.

He's also babbling a lot and stringing syllables together and sounds as though he's talking!  And he likes shouting now too.  He can be quite loud!  He has a lot to say and he wants people to listen to him!

He likes giving kisses which are big open mouthed wet splodgy kisses that he plants on your face and neck!  They're very cute!

He seems really into his books at the moment, especially the touchy feely ones, and he enjoys turning the pages.  This has now turned into opening and shutting doors as well.  He loves nothing more than playing peek-a-boo with me in the kitchen whilst Daddy holds him up and he peers round the door to giggle with glee when I express surprise at seeing him there!
The other day he emptied out a toy tub at Grandmas and we sat him in it, and he loved it!  Emptying is a favourite past time as well.  I bought three toy containers from Ikea and each one has a variety of toys in and he really enjoys taking everything out one by one.  It'll be good once he can learn to put things in as well as out!!
Tomorrow we're doing something new.  He's going to Grandma's for the day and I'm going to be doing some work with Steve for his business and I'm a bit excited at the prospect of a day to myself doing normal things!  He's also got his nursery induction on Friday, and he's seeing the development consultant on Wednesday for his 9 month check but I'm pretty sure that everything's hunky dory with him!

1 comment:

  1. What brilliant photos! He could be a catalogue model!
