Saturday 7 January 2012

One Born Every Minute.....

This TV series was shown in my last months of pregnancy and I remember watching it with trepidation but unable to look away for any of it in a desperate attempt to prepare myself for the inevitable!

Turned out that nothing could really have prepared me.  All our ante-natal classes and ball bouncing, and breathing relaxation techniques were not put to much use whatsoever, but I still enjoyed the TV show.

It's now back for a third series so I sat down with Steve to watch it on catch up last night and it brought it all back.

Sorry to say it Steve but the main bits I remember were him being rather rubbish!

He had it in his head that induction meant he could play computer games whilst waiting for things to happen so from 12 noon till 3pm on Joel's birth day, he played Pokemon on his laptop whilst I writhed on the bed with ever increasing painful contractions and all I wanted was for his support, holding my hand, fanning me as I was terribly hot, and maybe rubbing my back but I didn't get any of that.  I was pretty much ignored.  Why Steve thought this was acceptable was beyond me.  I was wishing I had my sister there instead to be honest.

After that it all went wrong and I was on gas and air and Steve did put his laptop away.

It came back out again though once Joel was born and I was in my room over the next few days.  He just sat and played and I couldn't understand how he didn't want to just look at Joel all the time as he was so beautiful.  Don't get me wrong, he did take some nice pictures, and he had plenty of cuddles but maybe that's the Dad side of things.  I know tiny babies aren't of interest to some guys and now he's a lot better with Joel.

The other irking matter was that on OBEM you saw all these Dads walking along the hospital corridors with bunches of balloons and flowers.  I didn't get anything from Steve.  No card.  No flowers and no balloons.  He doesn't think that's a big deal.  His Dad didn't get anything for his Mum.  His brother doesn't think it's the husbands place to get the wife anything.  Well, maybe that's a Cranston thing but my Dad got my Mum flowers.  And I expected the same.

he says no one told him that men are meant to give gifts on the birth of their baby.  He was told at our last antenatal class, and my Mum told him he was meant to but he's 'forgotten' about those conversations.  (Forgotten conversations are a frequent convenient get out clause for Steve).

Be assured he'll do better next time.....

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