Thursday 26 January 2012

The Power Went...

I've had a right week of it this week!

On Sunday my MIL was visiting so I got the vacuum cleaner out, plugged it in to go round the lounge and 'whirr' it just died.  I was cross as I've only recently had it fixed up, and decided to check the plugs.  It seemed to be the plug socket which was the issue, not the vacuum as that worked when plugged into the kitchen.

So I ignored it and went to church and met Wendy, we went out for lunch and on getting home later on I realised the extent of the issue.

The plug sockets in the lounge were not working, neither were the bedroom sockets.  This includes the socket which controls the combi boiler, so not only did we have no tv or heating, the internet had also disappeared.

I got onto Virgin straight away and they promised to send an engineer out on Tuesday, and on Monday I used my mobile to ask for the details of an electrician.  Thankfully, a friend's Dad is an electrician and he came out at lunchtime on the Monday.  It turned out that a whole circuit had died, possibly due to a slow burn of a wire, and he'd gone round every socket testing them when I remembered the boiler socket.  It turned out to be that one, with a faulty wire in a junction box.

All these months of boiler issues, and the problem could have been electrical.  I'm trying not to think about that.  The main issue is that everything is fixed and sorted now!

However, the internet and tv weren't.  The engineer came out on Tuesday and said it wasn't my modem, there was a different issue outside, and another engineer would need to see to it that night.  Wednesday, it still wasn't working and I called again this morning and was fobbed off more!

Finally, another engineer came out to say that there had been a power surge which had frazzled the cables and it's all fixed and I have the internet once more. I was going rather crazy without it.  I've come to rely on it rather a lot!!

All this and with the extra issues from Joel.

He's becoming a bit of a pickle to say the least.  And that will be another post entirely.

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