These weaning pots arrived in the post today! How exciting!
Unfortunately the book will be a little longer to wait for but that's ok as we're not rushing to get weaned. We're sticking with breast milk till 6 months unless advised otherwise and that suits us well for now.
But I am preparing for weaning and will read through Annabelle Karmel's guide as it comes highly recommended.
We'll also continue with breast milk alongside weaning and if we can get to 12 months then great, if not I'll be proud of wherever we get to.
Joel certainly notices us eating food and is taking an interest in what we put in our mouths so seems to be getting to a suitable point where starting isn't too far away but it seems nicer to start when he can have more than bland rice and we know his stomach is more ready for new flavours and textures.
He is growing up so quickly it's amazing how many things all change before 6 months!
Sent from my BlackBerry smartphone from Virgin Media
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