Last night I was going out for dinner with some friends and Steve was staying in for the evening with Joel. I'd left Joel and Steve playing at 6pm so I could get ready and I heard crying.
Joel hadn't napped well in the late afternoon so we knew he was overtired, but he began getting more and more worked up.
I'd got all ready and Steve had got him into his sleeping suit, all the while crying and getting more and more upset and he handed him over for a feed but he was so upset, he couldn't stop crying. It was a bit as though he tried every now and then, but then he remembered he was being upset and couldn't help it and screamed the place down.
If he just cried like a normal baby that wouldn't be so bad, but he proper screams as though the worst thing in the world has happened and he's in pain and it really hurts your ears! It's the same cry he did on holiday when I turned the side light on.
Trying to put him on the boob only aggravated the situation, and ssshing, and rocking, and holding, and wandering outside, and distractions were not working at all last night.
So off to the car we went! It ended up with Steve driving me to my dinner and then driving round till Joel drifted off which didn't take long but left me worrying all evening as he'd not had a feed at 7pm as normal so after the meal I got a lift home and on seeing he was fine, left his feed till about 10.30.
He then woke up being very chatty and blowing raspberrys at 3.00am!! Why, I don't know. He sounded quite happy but it was the nighttime still, so I went to feed him and he had a very good feed but wasn't going back to sleep!
I popped him in his cot, went back to my own bed and heard him chattering for about another 30 minutes before he went back to sleep!
he was then awake again before 7am this morning, but I dozed on and off until his raspberrys were so loud I had to get up and feed him at about 7.10am. I think he'd been awake from about 6!! And now it's nearly 8.30 and he's ready for his morning nap again which will put the whole day out, although having had awake time in the night, he's likely going to have a longer nap session at some point today!
I'm so glad he's woken up happy! I wonder whether it was just tiredness making him scream yesterday. Maybe he sensed I was going out and leaving him?
He has a few cries, the 'I'm not sure about this' where his lip quivers and comes out and it's more of a 'threat' to cry without actually crying. This one seems to be directed at men peering in his pram at the moment - that'll get the lower lip going for sure! Then there's the actual crying where he sobs and big tears come out and it's heartbreaking, but normally quite fixable with a cuddle, or a boob, or both together! And then there's the horrendousness that is the inflexible screaming where his body goes rigid and his mouth opens and closes and at the open moments there's screaming, no tears, and panic and confusion on both sides.
I still had a nice meal though and it was nice to see my friends and chat to Julie who is now on maternity leave and waiting for the arrival of her baby due on 3rd September!
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