I mentioned last week that Joel had grabbed a toy and put it in his mouth. Well, there's a lot more grabbing going on this week so maybe it wasn't accidental!! He's grabbing my hair a lot, my scarf today was held onto very tightly and he was waving a couple of lightweight rattles around this morning!! He doesn't look at the toys at all, so it's not a deliberate 'I want to wave a rattle' action, but still, a lot of the items are going straight to his mouth (he seems to like licking things!!) and I guess it's all good development!
We're trying him out in more sitting positions this week, to get him ready for his bumbo. (I won it for £16 on Ebay, including the play tray!) but as it recommends babies are 4 months before using it, I don't want to make him do things too early. Therefore we're sitting him up in the corner of the sofa, his vibrating chair has a more 'sitting' position and we're gently playing 'Row, row row your boat' with a cushion behind him and he seems to really like it.
I'm just waiting for the day Izzy gets in his way and he grabs her tail! She's still rather wary of him, the usurper of her affections, but she's still tolerating him for now.
He's smiling all the time now, and making lovely chuckles but no full on giggles as yet. Being a novice mum, I still am not sure when these things all happen, but every day he seems to come on a bit more for which I'm very glad and proud!
We're heading down to Devon again this weekend to stay with the in-laws. Joel will likely be tired out by the weekend (he still seems to be getting over last weekend!) but hopefully he'll cope with the changes ok. Last time he was so little he didn't realise where he was, but now he'll realise he's not in his own cot or room, so I'm hoping he sleeps enough. He's been to lots of houses and coped ok in those situations so we'll have to see. He does seem to be going through a bit of a clingy stage, and even Steve can't soothe him sometimes so he just comes to me and calms down immediately. And I know it's naughty but I have to say a little bit of me likes it as well!! It's like I'm his favourite person. But I will try to encourage him to like other people as well!
We've had a lovely day today which started off with Bounce and Rhyme at the library, a mooch around town to buy Daddy's birthday presents, lots of playing, singing and smiles, lots of naps and sleepy cuddles, long feeds and a warm bath at 6.30, with a baby shapes book to read and then bed.
Aah, bed, lovely bed!! I'll be joining mine after his night feed at 10pm (which does keep him going through till around 6am now!!) Hurrah!
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