Friday, 31 August 2012

Taking After Daddy

Normally, in a morning we are woken by a shouting Joel who wants to get out of his cot, and be taken downstairs to play thank you very much.

The moment we pick him he shouts and points towards the door as though we were his slave carrying him just for his fun!

However, this morning, he turned into a Mr Lazy bones and lay in his cot just singing to himself and looking comfy and when I asked him if he wanted to get up, he shook his head, rolled over, and carried on sucking his thumb and stroking his blankie!

I thought, 'ok then' so went and got dressed without any distractions which was nice and then went back into Joel's room.  'Are we ready to get up now'? I asked.  Again, the answer was a shake of the head, and when I said, 'well, we've got places to be so up we get' and I reached in to get him, he rolled away from me and giggled!

Finally, I got him up by taking blankie and pretending to cuddle it, so he stood up, laughing and tried to get it back so I grabbed him and we got him dressed and nappy changed for nursery!

Then this morning, he toddled into the baby room on his own, straight over to the breakfast table, sat down and was tucking into a yoghurt before I'd even handed his diary over!  Then he waved me 'bye bye' and was quite happy, which is a much nicer way to leave him at nursery than crying and clinging to my knees. 

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