Thursday, 9 August 2012

Breaking News......

I'm trying to not count my chickens before they've hatched and other cliche comments like that one, but my manager has said that it's looking as though I can go part time!

Not job share either, just part time, possibly three days a week!!! 

If so, that would be amazing!

I should hear what they propose for me to do next week.

I'm hoping to work Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, therefore be in for three days and off for four.  That would suit me very well indeed.

I guess I'll either be passed the awards which aren't student facing, namely, other colleges or be put in a different role such as organising the examinations.

It would be nice to have a change, but to be honest, I don't mind if they give me the dregs of the office work if I can work less days.

And without having to prepare for battle again!  Mind you, I've jumped through many hoops for this, so lets see what occurs next week!

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