Wednesday, 8 August 2012


Joel has a mouthful of teeth, both cut and emerging!

He knows things!  I put 'In The Night Garden On' and within three seconds of the music and the black sky with lights, he started using his index finger to circle his palm!  Just like they do in the opening credits!  He hasn't watched this for over two weeks, as we didn't have tv whilst camping, and I don't think cbeebies got a look in for our second week away!  he just knew that's what happened!

He's trying to run, but needs to focus on his walking, but he's so good now!  We don't see much crawling any more.  It's all about two feet, not four!

He's getting an awareness of pooping.  He goes to stand up and hide, and if I say 'have you done a poo?' he say's 'uh' (which I presume means yes!) and he goes to lie on the changing mat for a clean nappy!  Once it's off he tries to escape though.  He doesn't mind wandering round with a poopy bum, it's just a poopy nappy he hates!

It's made us think about getting a potty.  Not to try and potty train him persay, just to get him used to the idea of doing it in a potty rather than a nappy.  I don't know if this is the right way to go about it or not, so have bought a potty training book from Amazon to see what it's all about and whether we're right in thinking about starting early.

I'll let you know!

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