Monday, 2 July 2012


So where were we??

Oh yes, first steps.  Well, a week last Thursday Joel took some steps all on his own!  Steve had brought him up to my office and stood him on the floor and he walked towards me!  I was so excited!  Once we got home he did more toddling again and seemed happy about it.

Then that was it!!  He's not really bothered since!  He's gone back to crawling about, but standing on his own, and walking holding one hand.  I guess he'll decide when he wants to.

He certainly has become Little Mr Independent these past few weeks.  He doesn't want any help with things and lets you know if you're doing something wrong in his eyes.  He bats your hand away, and shouts at you. We're getting lots of 'uh uh uh's' with pointing at things.  In a morning it's 'uh uh uh' and pointing downstairs, or 'uh uh uh' I want my drink.  He's a demanding little chap!

We've had some terrible nights with teething.  All you can see are his two top and bottom teeth, but further back some ominous points are forcing their way through and after last Thursday with the temperature and terrible nappies, we've not had a lot of sleep.  Except for Friday actually, that was ok and Saturday morning I felt relaxed for the first time in ages.  Until Saturday night when he was up five times between 10 and 2am and then proceeded to stay up till 5am.  I was shattered to the point of run down illness again.

Saturday we all went swimming and had a lovely day together.  It was nice to feel that we were spending good time with each other as every day I collect Joel from either my parents or nursery, then it's feed him, bath him and put him to bed so I don't feel I'm really spending enough time with him.  Not to mention at weekends there's always something on or Steve's family come to visit which isn't a bad thing, but it means I don't have quiet weekends very often like this one.  So it's even more of a shame I felt horrid on Sunday.  By the afternoon I was swaying on my feet, so fell asleep at 4pm until 6.30 and woke up with a raging temperate and a very sore throat.  I'm off my food which is unlike me and work was a struggle again today.

Knowing on a Monday morning that there's a whole week to go makes me weepy.  And I had a few crying episodes in the toilets today.  I know it's silly, and I know its self indulgent but I can't help it, and I can't seem to care about work.  I feel that every day is a pity party and it's just me, sat in a corner, wearing a pity hat and blowing on a deflated blower thingy.

On the plus side, I have two weeks off coming up, and enough overtime for a flexi day off when I'm hoping to catch up with some mums I've not seen since going back to work.

Oh, and I emailed personnel at work who've suggested I submit a flexible work request earlier than the 12 months due to the restructuring going on at work so I've drafted a letter already and have got my Dad to check it over!  If it's turned down this time I think that'll be it for me and I'll have to hand my notice in.  I'm losing the will to carry on full time and my health is suffering too much.  Fingers crossed they approve it this time as it'll be new managers looking at it.

Anyway, back to Joel!  He seems to be understanding my words a lot more now.  If I say where's your blankie, he'll scoot on over and pick it up.  He seems to know to respond to questions like more, or where with uh uh uh's and pointing and we know exactly what he means all the time.

He's climbing on and off the sofas with ease, and the other night, pulled all the cushions into the middle of the lounge and sat on them whilst playing with a new pack of socks I'd picked up for him.  He just pulled them about, tried to wear them, put them on his head and thought it was brilliant fun!  As much as he loves his toys, he also loves playing with non toys!  He's started standing on his head and balancing like a triangle with no hands which he thinks is brilliant fun, and he's taking more interest in Izzy and chases her around the room to her annoyance.    I'm sure she'll learn to love him soon.

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