Wednesday, 2 May 2012


With Joel being at nursery now we're getting a lot of firsts.

We've had his first parents evening!  We were told he'd been settling in well, was confident, happy and a good little boy.  My Mum took him along yesterday to the nursery for their professional photographs and said he was so happy to be there.  She had to wait for about 15 minutes and he crawled off to play with his friends and get stuck into the sensory toys there and she said it was lovely to see him and know he's comfortable there.

He's also gone out for his first nursery trip today to the wildlife centre.  He likes new experiences and they're taking the bus with 5 babies in buggies!!

I'm here having my first sick day since going back to work having caught Joel's cough and been up coughing all night.  I'm tired and fed up of coughing.  It's very annoying and tickly and I'm going back to bed in a moment.

Oh, and we had our first morning without a bottle.

Since he went from boob to bottle at eight months he's really enjoyed his bottle first thing in the morning.  But now he's one it's time to wean him onto a morning cup.  He's very happy to drink water from a cup, but he's really attached to his bottle for milk.

Trying cows milk in a bottle didn't work last week, so I ended up buying a tub of +1 milk and we're trying to get him to take that in the morning from a cup and he did a bit this morning although he whinged about it so we'll try it again tomorrow!  I'm encouraged though.

We're still waiting for that first step.  I think we may be getting close.  He's been moving his feet before falling onto the sofa rather than just falling, but hasn't quite got the balance to step out on his own yet.

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