Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Thinking about…..

Cloth nappies

The more I read and research these, the more I like them. I know my sister used them (Totsbots she had) but I’m quite keen to have a go too. I’ve currently got three packs of newborn disposables through vouchers and offers as I can’t imagine using cloth for the first couple of weeks at least, but it would be good to get a set to work with afterwards.

I figure that with baby being born in April, it’s the right time of year to be able to hang dry the nappies, and from what I’ve looked at I’ll likely need 20 cloth nappies, and 5 waterproof covers, a lidded bin and then we’re away. You need liners and booster pads for night time but once it’s all purchased (at around £200 total) you save about £300 from what you’d spend on disposables for 2-3 years. And the savings add up if you use them for a second baby as well as you have no initial outlay.

I’ve contacted the local council to ask whether they do any grants towards cloth nappies, some councils do, but I’ve not had a response as yet!! I’ve not found anything on their website about it, but I could always enquire with the midwife at our next visit. Always happy to look out for a bargain or an offer!


I’m still thinking of the same names, struggling for the boys, although I do think Steve may come around to it. He’ll do anything for a pack of jelly beans!! It’s middle names that sound right with the surname!!

Maternity Leave

I think in my head I'm agreed that the 4th March would be a good day to finish.  I'm saving three weeks leave so will be able to go at week 35 and have a relax, and maternity would kick in at week 38.  Having made this decision, I'm finding it hard to want to be here now though already!!  I get a full entitlement of leave during maternity (ours runs from August to August) so in taking all mine before maternity, come August I'll get another 32 days, and be able to use a couple of weeks after maternity to use up some holiday as I won't be able to fit in 32 days before the end of the duration of the holiday period.  So that's nice.

Nursery Provision

Having accepted that this is likely to be required at least part time as I will need to do something worky after maternity I was alarmed to find out that most folk who work here have put their foetus' down for a reserved place from about 3 months!  In the womb!!  So I'm going for a visit tomorrow lunchtime with Kelly, who's little boy goes there already.  I'm in a predicament as I don't know what will happen by January 2012 as jobs are being changed in August, and I may not get another, and there may be nothing part time, but I've been advised to just put down for every day for now and amend it nearer the time.

And that's about it for the time being.  There's a lot on the back burner - nursery at home, furniture, buggy, but that will wait till after the scan now.  :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I've just been reading you blog, you sound like yu are geting verythi organised. Regarding council incentives it may be worth looking at the Bambino Mio website as we have a council incentives page which may be of use.

  3. Thanks for the hint! I wouldn't say I'm terribly organised, it's more thoughts than actions this far!! But I like planning :) I'll take a look at your website :)
